A journal about life from personal perspectives, ideas and dimensions with hope to share and exchange knowledge. Agree and disagree are parts of life, hence a proper attitude is always welcome here.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Jemputan Walimah
Orang kata kadang2 kita merancang, tetapi sebaliknya yang berlaku. Seharusnya saya menjemput dengan lebih awal, niat di hati juga ingin sendiri menjemput. Mungkin kerana cerita kami ini sendiri adalah kes2 tersembunyi, ramai yang terkejut dan menahan utk bertanya cerita kami.
Luang waktu saya sering kali sedikit terlari. Di saat2 akhir ramai yang tidak sempat berjemput. Walaubagaiamanapun kalau ada kawan2 yang membaca blog ini, tapi tidak sempat mendapat jemputan saya atau ada mengenali kawan2 yang tidak sempat saya berjumpa.. Maaf dipinta..
Untuk itu, dengan seikhlas hati saya ingin menjemput ke majlis perkahwinan saya pada 3hb Januari 2009, di Dewan Sekolah Menengah Sri Pengkalan, Alor Gajah, Melaka. Bermula dari 11.30 pagi - 4.00 ptg. Kalau datang selepas itu, boleh sahaja ke rumah keluarga berdekatan dewan itu.
Silalah datang kalau berkesempatan hadir ke Majlis saya..
Utk peta, boleh rujuk di sini.. http://jemputankami.blogspot.com
Salam hormat buat semua.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Kasih Seluas Semesta 4
”Dalam dunia ini adakah orang yang punya kasih sayang macam itu akak?”, soalan saya kelihatannya sangat lurus, naif sedikit. Ahh.. adik yang baru menginjak umur belasan tahun.
”Ada.. Kasihnya juga seluas semesta. Tidak terjangkau masa kasihnya itu”, kata Kakak.
Wah, hati saya sudah melonjak. Siapakah itu?
”Dia pun sayangkan saya jugakah akak?”, soal saya lagi.
”Tentu sekali”, jawab Kakak.
”Oh siapa dia? Saya pernah jumpa dia ke akak?”, bertalu-talu soalan keluar dari mulut saya.
Kakak sudah tersenyum. ”Tidak, belum pernah lagi. Dia pun belum pernah bertemu adik lagi”.
Hairan sungguh saya. Siapakah ini yang kasihnya seluas semesta, namun belum pernah bersua muka.
Kakak menyambung, ” Manusia sering kali berkasih pada sesuatu yang seluas perasaan mereka sahaja. Jadinya kasih itu terbatas untuk satu dimensi dan waktu tertentu. Kadang-kadang kasih itu bersukat pula dengan waktu, bila habis waktu kasih pun hilang atau beralih arah”.
Saya dengar. Walaupun sukar sedikit difahami kali ini, saya sudah berfikir Kakak mungkin sebenarnya ahli falsafah yang duduk di ceruk kampung. Mungkin Kakak ini seorang penulis, atau Kakak sangat suka membaca lantas menceduk ilmu-ilmu dari buku-buku yang dibacanya.
”Saya selalu bagi ayam-ayam nenek makan. Lama-lama saya sayang ayam-ayam nenek itu. Hari itu, nenek ambil beberapa ekor ayam disembelih untuk masak. Saya rasa sedih sangat. Mula-mula saya tak nak makan tapi sebab lapar saya makan juga ayam itu”, cerita saya pada Kakak.
Kakak hanya tergelak mendengar cerita saya.
Kakak bercerita pula. ”Manusia ini apabila sayang, mereka sering mahukan apa yang mereka sayang menjadi milik mutlak mereka. Mereka kata mereka bukakan hati untuk apa yang mereka sayang itu. Tapi hakikatnya mereka mahukan apa yang disayang mengikut kata hati mereka. Apabila yang disayang itu tidak mengikut seperti kemahuan atau kehendak mereka, mereka jadi kecewa lantas hati menderita dan sakit. Mereka jadi marah dan benci pada kesayangan mereka”.
Terlintas di fikiran saya, Kakak putus kasihkah? Tiba-tiba berbicara soal hati pula dengan saya.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Kasih Seluas Semesta 3
Ah..soalan retorik lagi kah? Saya berfikir. Hempas pulas memerah minda. Gadis muda seperti ini, tidak banyak boleh dikatakan.
Imaginasi saya sudah mula berputar. Bermula tentang sungai dan laut. Betapa dalamnya dasar laut itu, saya membayangkan jaraknya sampai ke gunung paling tinggi, lalu ke atas menuju langit sejauh mata memandang.
Kemudian melihat bendang yang luas, hutan yang menghijau, ladang bunga yang berwarna-warni dan padang ragut hijau yang luas. Membayangkan pula saya berputar-putar di tengah-tengah padang pasir yang kelihatan bagaikan lembaran kain sutera yang besar. Luasnya alam tidak terkata.
Minda saya menerawang lagi. Pergi ke bulan, bintang, lantas menerokai angkasaraya dengan galaksi-galaksi, planet-planet dan matahari besar bersinar. Saya cuba menjelajah alam gelap yang cukup luas itu. Sudah berapa tingkat langitkah ini? Fikir saya. Jauh sungguh ingin sampai ke langit ke-tujuh.
”Adik, sudah sampai ke mana?”, Kakak bertanya. Tersenyum. Mungkin Kakak sudah tahu saya sudah sampai ke langit tingkat yang entah berapa.
Saya juga senyum. Tersimpul.
”Jauhnya jarak kalau kita ingin mencari Tuhan ya akak”, giliran saya bertanya. ”Macamana kita nak tahu kalau Tuhan itu dengar atau nampak kita, akak?” Soal saya lagi.
Kakak menarik nafas. Memandang langit. Matanya tidak berkedip, seolah-olah sedang berbicara pada langit.
Kakak memandang wajah saya. ”Pernah tak adik fikir sesuatu di dalam hati, dan kemudian dengan sungguh-sungguh berdoa supaya Tuhan memberikannya kepada adik. Tiba-tiba adik mendapatnya?”. Saya cuba berfikir, minggu lalu saya sangat teringin makan sambal udang yang besar. Tetapi tidak sampai hati memberitahu kepada nenek, tidak mahu orang tua itu susah-payah mencarinya. Saya simpan senyap-senyap. Petang itu, nenek pulang dari pasar membeli udang besar. Kata nenek, dia tiba-tiba terasa hendak ke pasar dan melihat udang yang baru dinaikkan tergerak hatinya ingin membeli. Dalam hati saya sempat berkata ”terima kasih Tuhan”.
”Tuhan memberitahu kepada kita, jarak antara Dia dan kita sangat dekat. Sehinggakan lebih dekat dari apa yang kita sangkakan. Dia sentiasa bersama kita selagi mana kita mengingatiNya. Itu semua kerana kasihNya pada kita sebagai hambaNya. Kerana kasih itu, Dia memberikan kita seluruh alam ini sebagai tanda penghargaan terhadap apa yang dikasihiNya, juga supaya yang dikasihiNya itu melihat tanda kewujudan Dia pula”.
Saya cuba menghubung-kaitkan kata-kata Kakak dan hidup saya. Mungkin apabila emak memeluk saya dan menyapu kepala saya, saya terasa kasihnya emak. Juga apabila emak memberitahu dia sayangkan saya, dan memberi sesuatu yang istimewa untuk saya, saya terasa sayangnya emak pada saya. Tentu juga saya sangat suka setiap kali berbual dengan emak dan dia mendengar apa yang saya katakan, saya terasa sangat dihargai.
”Dalam dunia ini adakah orang yang punya kasih sayang macam itu akak?”, soalan saya kelihatannya sangat lurus, naif sedikit. Ahh.. adik yang baru menginjak umur belasan tahun.
Kasih Seluas Semesta 2
p/s: Penggali Kubur, kisah ini tiada kena mengena cerita sensasi tahun 2008 ok :p
”Kenapa akak cakap macam tu?”, Soal saya.
”Dalam alQuran kan ada memberitahu tentang bukti-bukti kewujudan Tuhan pada alam kita ini. Siang dan malam yang silih berganti, bintang, bulan dan matahari yang timbul dan tenggelam, tentang angin, hujan dan kilat yang membawa berita gembira dan bimbang...”, terang Kakak.
Saya diam. Teringat pada buku tafsir alQuran yang jarang-jarang diselak itu. Teringat juga pada Tok Ayah, orang tua di kampung kami yang juga menjadi imam surau tua itu dan mengajar kami anak-anak kecil mengaji setiap hari selepas maghrib. Beberapa hari lepas saya sudah beralih mengaji ke Surah Al-An’aam. Tok Ayah bercerita sedikit. Katanya Surah ini bererti Surah Binatang Ternakan. Dalam Surah ini banyak bercerita tentang kekuasaaan Allah melalui penciptaan-penciptaanNya. Saya diam sahaja, mengangguk-angguk apabila Tok Ayah berpesan, ”Nanti rajin-rajin baca maksud dalam Surah ini ya”.
”Jadinya...”, sambung Kakak, ”Bila kita membaca tentang kerajaan bumi dan langit Tuhan itu jaraknya sangat jauh entah berjuta-juta tahun perjalanan. Tentulah dalam keadaan fikiran manusia biasa Tuhan itu sangat jauh, kan?”
Ah..soalan retorik lagi kah?
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Kasih Seluas Semesta 1
Dah lama sebenarnya cerita ini terperam. Ingat nak share juga cerita pendek ni. Tak tahu la boleh faham ke tidak maksudnya, tapi ada la beberapa org yg komen (terima kasih) lebih baik (1) kalau 'elaborate' lebih sikit mungkin senang lagi nak faham, (2) kalau tulis buku boleh cerita panjang and boleh kupas lagi byk, (3) oklah..bolehlah..
Cerita ni biasa aje.. Takde la menarik sgt.. Nak komen jgn ler dalam2 sgt.. ok? saya budak baru belajar.. belum lagi bersedia utk dibelasah habis2an sbb cerita ini cuma suka2 personally tulis.. Rasa part last tu patut improve lagi...tapi tak sempat laaa ni..aisheh. *alasan lagi*
Apa2 pun terima kasih la buat yang memberi ilham.. Sbb dia asyik tak faham aje apa saya ckp, terfikir mungkin lebih faham kalau buat dlm bentuk cerita.. :p
Selamat membaca! (dan komen la sikit2 kalau baik hati ;) *wink* )
* Episod 1*
Kami duduk di situ, di atas jambatan kayu panjang merentasi bendang terbiar. Berlunjur kaki menghadap sungai kecil yang mengalir di tengah sawah bendang. Sudah lama orang di sini tidak menanam padi lagi, sawah itu sudah jadi tempat anak-anak bermain sahaja. Kadang-kadang Nek Yom yang punya banyak lembu dan kerbau itu melepaskan lembu dan kerbaunya berkubang di tepi sawah itu. Seringnya kami berkumpulan duduk di tengah-tengah jambatan memancing ikan dengan umpan cacing dan joran kayu-kayu mati. Seperti selalunya, ’kerjaya’ kami sekadar seronok kanak-kanak kerana pulangannya yang kadang-kadang tersangkut ikan puyu itu bagaikan menang anugerah antarabangsa.
Langit petang itu redup sekali. Nyaman. Mata saya sesekali mengerling kiri dan kanan kalau-kalau ada adik-adik yang menghendap perlahan-lahan di belakang. Mereka memang suka begitu. Mengejutkan orang dari belakang, kadang-kadang menolak jatuh ke dalam bendang yang sedikit berlopak.
Dalam diam, saya tercari-cari bicara apa perlu diisi antara kami. Gadis menginjak usia belasan tahun, apalah yang mampu difikir untuk bercerita. Usia kami agak jauh berbeza. Entah apa mimpi dia mengajak saya berjalan-jalan di petang hari ini.
”Tuhan itu di mana?”
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Benarkah begitu

Entah la..saya pun tak pasti kenapa tiba2 sibuk menganalisa perkara2 sebegini.. Mungkin sebab statistik dan data tidak pernah menipu, jadinya apabila perkataan2 itu tak serupa seperti 'rupa parasnya', dengan mekap warna yang pelik2, saya jadi semakin keliru. Dan untuk meluruskan kekeliruan saya (juga kerana minat pada nombor dan graf), saya cuba berkongsi pula apakah teori ini betul..terpakai..dan ternyata benar.
Oh ya..sejak beberapa minggu yang lalu saya memantau harga minyak dunia hampir setiap hari..
Berdasarkan 2 postings saya yang terdahulu, saya kira kesimpulan yang saya perolehi ialah:
1. Sekiranya tanya subsidi 30sen seliter, harga minyak mentah yang sudah diproses pada 30% operational cost, kita sudah sepatutnya menikmati harga RM1.50/seliter.
2. Maka kalau kerajaan masih berpegang pada janji untuk mengekal subsidi pada 30sen, harga minyak sepatutnya pada RM1.20 seliter.
3. Rakyat Malaysia telah membayar lebih sekurang-kurangnya 50sen bagi setiap liter minyak petrol.
4. Tanpa subsidi untuk minyak 30sen seliter, kerajaan telahpun menjimatkan duit subsidi sekurangnya sebanyak RM212 juta seminggu (kira la sendiri dr assumption Mari Belajar Kira2 ya!)..
5. Kalau sudah 2 bulan, bererti penjimatan total sekurang2nya RM1.7billion.
6. Tidak ditambah dengan harga tambahan 50sen - 60sen yang terlebih bayar, tak mungkin semuanya diambil pengusaha minyak kan...
Jadi, apakah sebenarnya yang berlaku?
Mungkinkah kerana ini?


Jika dilihat betul2, sejak beberapa bulan ini perbelanjaan kerajaan pusat melebihi pendapatan, kecuali pada bulan 10.
Jadinya..tak salahlah kalau ada yang bertanya ke mana perginya semua itu..
Dan juga tidaklah mustahil jika orang berkata kita masih susah di negeri sendiri.
Sekarang bukan lagi isu "Jangan fikir apa yang
"Jangan fikir apa yang rakyat boleh beri kepada kita (baca: kerajaan), tapi apa yang kita (baca: kerajaan) boleh beri kepada rakyat"
Entahlah.. saya masih lagi berfikir, bukankah doa orang yg teraniaya dan dizalimi itu sgt makbul dan kita ini semua sebenarnya sudah dizalimi pemerintah jikalau begini....
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Dizziness

And still feeling dizzy in the morning.
Still, up to now.
The people around me keep on asking me the reason for it.
And they said i look and behave weirdly these few days.
Perhaps, the thing that they do not know is that..
I do sometimes act weirdly despite of me having the headache.
And the headache is actually a normal, frequent thing.
But, maybe they were right too.
I did proposing or having some weird ideas.
Such as, to take a long break from the office.. i mean a really really long break.
Only then to consider my monthly expenses that are fixed to be settled..and my daily expenses (which can be adjusted accordingly). But then, have to see whether the boss in the office will allow me..and the boss in the house will agree with the idea..
Hmm.. what say you?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Mari Belajar Matematik
Jika kita jangkakan pengunaan minyak akan naik 10% berikutan peningkatan jumlah kenderaan pada tahun 2008; jadi jangkaan minyak digunakan dalam Negara adalah lebih kurang 38.17billion liter setahun atau 3.18b sebulan atau lebih kurang 0.74 billion liter seminggu .
Untuk menjimatkan sebanyak RM7billion – RM8billion subsidi tambahan, ini telah dilakukan:
1. Awal Jun 2008: Meningkatkan harga minyak sebanyak 78 sen sekaligus kepada RM2.70 seliter
2. Pertengahan Jun 2008: Memberikan elaun tunai rebat minyak RM150 (motosikal) dan RM625 (kenderaan bawah 2000cc).
3. November 2008: Pengumuman penurunan caruman EPF dari 11% ke 8% bermula tahun 2009 dan suntikan RM7b-RM8b ke dalam pasaran untuk menggalakan rakyat membeli barang untuk menjana ekonomi semula.
Kesan dari tindakan di atas, ini adalah apa yang berlaku:
1. Kenaikan harga barangan pengguna purata sebanyak 30% bagi hampir keseluruhan barang; dengan beras meningkat harga hampir dua kali ganda (70%).
2. Kenaikan nilai inflasi kepada 147% pada setengah tahun pertama
3. Perubahan cara hidup kepada berjimat cermat dengan lebih banyak untuk menampung kos kehidupan yang lebih meningkat, menyebabkan kemalapan ekonomi kerana kurangnya pergerakan nilai wang dalam pasaran.
4. Statistik miskin tegar di kawasan Bandar meningkat daripada pendapat rm650 ke bawah ke pendapatan rm1000 ke bawah.
Sepanjang waktu itu sehingga hari ini, rentetan peristiwa yang berlaku:
1. Penurunan harga minyak dari Ogos 2008 ke November 2008 sebanyak 4 kali berjumlah 70 sen; harga minyak terkini pertengahan November ialah RM2.00 seliter.
2. Kejatuhan ekonomi US yang menyebabkan Negara spekulasi minyak utama ini hampir lumpuh ekonomi, dan tindakan mencetak duit kertas melebihi nilai emas yang ada dalam simpanan.
3. Tukaran Ringgit meningkat berbanding US Dolar selepas dibuka di pasaran bebas dari RM3.20 pada bulan Mei 2008 ke RM3.58 sehingga semalam, 18/11/08.
Dan perkara berikut tidak berlaku (yang sempat fikir sekarang):
1. Penurunan harga kebanyakan barang makanan dan keperluan pengguna.
2. Peningkatan tukaran Ringgit kerana kejatuhan ekonomi US
Jadinya, berapakah jumlah kos yang terlibat dalam usaha ini?
Katakanlah anggaran 25 juta rakyat Malaysia, 5 juta berada di kawasan Bandar.
Katakanlah 1 juta mewakili individu Bujang yang mana perbelanjaan bulanan cukup2 makan ialah RM1,000. setiap keluarga ada lebih kurang 4 orang dalam satu keluarga, memerlukan perbelanjaan bulanan lebih kurang RM3,500; bermaksud untuk 5 juta ini kita perlukan perbelanjaan sebulan sebanyak RM4.5b. Tambahan 30% untuk semua keperluan bererti sekurang2nya tambahan 30% dalam perbelanjaan harian. Jadi RM4.5b akan menjadi RM5.85b, tambahan RM1.35 billion sebulan utk menampung perbelanjaan ini.
1. Peningkatan kos perbelanjaan = RM1.35b sebulan x 6 bulan (Jun – Nov) = RM8.1b
2. Rebat minyak RM625 utk 2 juta kenderaan bawah 2000 cc (anggaran) = RM1.25b
3. Suntikan RM7-8billion ke dalam pasaran = RM7billion
Anggaran Kasar Total: RM16.35 billion diperlukan untuk menjimatkan RM7 billion.
Berbaloi kah?
Friday, November 14, 2008
Mari Buat Kira2

Let see whether we are doing what we are supposed to do..with these figures…
(ini hanyalah andaian kasar.. tidak ada maksud tertentu.. :D)
Laporan dalam akhbar pada bulan April 2008 mengenai keperluan kenaikan harga minyak..
(Info: 1 tong minyak mentah = 159liter. Petrol = 46% @73.14liter; Lain2 gas: 54%)
Harga minyak setong tahun 2007: USD72 (RM273.60)
Harga minyak seliter tahun 2007: RM 1.92
Jumlah subsidi tahun 2007: RM 11 billion.
Jumlah jangkaan subsidi tahun 2008: RM18b – RM19b
Perbandingan sekarang:
Harga minyak setong tahun 2008: USD 120 (RM396) – USD60 (RM210)
Harga minyak seliter tahun 2008: RM2.70 – RM2.15
Jumlah subsidi tahun 2008: RM0.30/seliter = ???
Anggaran harga minyak di Malaysia 2007 tanpa subsidi:
a) Harga minyak mentah 100% = RM1.7208/seliter
b) Harga minyak mentah 46% = RM1.7208/seliter
(p/s: aikkss… tak mengapa..mari bersangka baik, harga minyak mentah tidak termasuk kos2 operasi, pentadbiran, pekerja2, keuntungan retailer etc.. sapa berniaga taknak untung kan)
Harga minyak seliter dgn subsidi: RM 1.92
Harga minyak seliter tanpa subsidi : RM1.92 + 30sen = RM2.22
Peratus kos operasi: 29.0%
Katakan, kos operasi berubah2 ..so kite tetapkanlah kos operasi pada skala 30%; harga minyak siap diproses akan jadi RM2.237/liter dengan subsidi sebanyak RM0.317.
Jadi… anggaran kasar penggunaan minyak petrol di Malaysia tahun 2007 = 34.7 billion liter.
cuba teka apa tu..

i'm back..after all this while.
at last.
and at least, for this time.
guess the current situations are really consuming my energy and my brain capacity. kinda of exhausted too.. but as the common says, life goes on.
now i understood better when people said how hard it is when you're doing both the work and study at the same time.. although you thought that you have some spare time before enroll into the class.
oh, yes. i have been assigned for another task (in a different division) since early September. and as always when it comes to changing my task and role, i will take time to juggle myself back between the old task, the new role, expectation on me for that role, get used with people in the new place, suiting my self and soul to that role etc. here is when the mood is like a roller coaster for several weeks that is sometimes goes high and down or both at the same time.. i think i miss my good friends so much :)
and.. new born babies of my dear friends, including my best friend - (siti) Iena panadol and my twin - Zarid, not forgotten my dear junior Hainey. To siti and hainey, Congratulations and welcome to parenthood. to Zarid, alHamdulillah everything is fine for you this time :) .
what else?
Added another member to our family - my 5-going-to-6 months old niece - Dhiya Adrianna (mak dia ni suka betul kasi nama susah i nak sebut). the brother turned to 2 years and 7 months already and now is busying with pens and papers to writting (scrabble).

so there was one day..that i thaught him how to draw a simple drawing.
one round in the middle, followed by five 3/4 rounds surrounding that big round, one straight line and almost-triangle-shape leaf like.. i said to him: cuba teka, apa ni.. He exclaimed: Ung-nge (Bunga).
another one.. double-round shapes in the middle, with another big round surrounding the shapes. 2 U-type shapes on top of the big circle, another one inside the circle, two-6-shapes on the left, another two-6-mirror-shapes on the right side.. He said: Bear..
i drew a big circle, with small-circle on top and some vertical lines in the middle . I said to him: ini ball (bola).. he said: epal..
drew another one..told him "kita lukis itik, ok" he nodded his head .. and said to him when i'm done "itik".. he looked at that drawing and shout out: tortoise.
heard my sister was laughing out loudly behind...
adoi. anak buah saya.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
16th Ramadhan 1429
Leaving us with the remaining 13-14 days to go. How much have we done so far... This is a rhetoric question to ourselves.
I have been asking myself on these few days if i am already taking enough advantage of this holy month. Somehow, i feel like i am missing something. Something that make me feel not complete, but i cannot figure out yet what is it. Have i left or not doing something that i used to do during Ramadhan? Have i wrong doings anything? Perhaps someone was hurt because of me?
Despite of the fact that i have been officially transferred into another division, i don't feel the kick inside me yet. Something that i have been looking for months; afraid that i might actually unconsciously accepted the comfort-zone culture here and slowly adapted to it.
Maybe the adrenaline has been hiding somewhere inside my body that it makes me being cold inside out. Guess, you may suggest alternatives to burn back the spirit and heat up the motivation level in me?
Anyway, this Ramadhan.. will be the first time being a student again after all these years. hehe not so much different only the facts that i am pushing myself to read and prepare things for the class. Though it is hard, the self-reluctant is even bigger now :p.
I have no idea at the moment what else to share with the visitors here.
So till then, take care. :)
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Superior vs Inferior
Guess it is quite late to say a happy Ramadhan. But it will never be too late to improve ourself, right? So far alHamdulillah we already fasting for 8-9 days.
I am not sure if i am the only one feeling it, but the environment when the Ramadhan comes is somehow does change. The scenary, the air, the feeling.. Ada sedikit rasa sayu.. But still this is the best month if you want to practise doing good deeds. It is the easiest time around the clock, and around the year to do such things. As if we are smoothly and gently push towards it. If you compare this in the normal months, you can have like thousand execuses but a valid one why not doing it - laziness.
So the remaining 21 days..Let's work it out together for the best! May all of us get the Promised Night - Malam Lailatul Qadr. InshaAllah. AMiin.
[2] My Article
For a certain people, comparing themselves with other will either give a feeling of superiority. Some will have the feeling of inferiority.
The feeling of superiority gives an over confidence and higher ego, if not manage properly will make it difficult for the person to face the life if he/she fails to achieve to his/her expectation. The feeling of inferiority will stray the person from achieving what he/she wants even without having to try it in the first place.
This is when the heart may feel and say something unnecessary that somehow undeniable may affect (little or much) on how one’s bringing itself.
Of course, we do at most time comparing ourselves with people around us, for better or worse. But how do we perceive it in the end, how we digest and understand things will result in whether we learn something valuable or sacrifice all the core values.
Some people look in the eyes of a human being, for expectation and comparison will be to the level of thinking and setting of a human being. At some point of time, people will be looking recognition and confirmation from those around them. Those who succeed to be accepted are either by really achieving it or for a-God-knows-what reason. Those who fail to do so will increase the inferiority complex in themselves.
This is why some who does not want to be evaluated based on the human’s perspective turn to the perspective of God, in which they are looking for a Superiority values that will never make one inferior. In here they know that they will not be rejected from a human perspective, that all words come to them ensuring that they are in fact a chosen creature and there is almost nothing they cannot do if their capability is there. The belief that God created ones for a reason, and for that reason ones is equipped with enough capability to face the world. Having this will not turn someone into a superiority-complex-disease in the community. Instead, they become a unique identity that exceeds the superiority value as the aura is unable to be defined by human beings. Being on the top of the world, beyond a human judgment but still close to their hearts. That will be a wonderful feeling, isn’t it?
That will be a total freedom of yourself and heart from being trapped in your own world and feelings. I wish I will be able to continuously do that in future. Seeing things not from the eyes of someone else, and will never have to bother how they will think and feel about what I did.
I always have the feeling of inferiority when it comes to comparing myself with other ladies whom to me are more feminine and have better ability as a woman (like doing the house cores, arts, designing and arranging their home settings etc). Unfortunately, for me things which are complicated and difficult to handle sometimes are much easier than doing the house cores (it takes me ages to clean and arrange and beautify the house). I cook my own recipes of which most people commented how it looks strange or weird or never tasted something like that before, even if I tried to cook according to the recipes especially when it comes to Malays dishes. A friend of mine suggested for me to better cook other dishes instead of Malays dishes. I cannot explain from where and how I get the ideas of cooking it, thus I called my ways of cooking as a fusion cook.
Well, at a certain point of time having some lucky people around me who are good, nice and devoted people, that achieve things in their life, making good reputation and income, build up a happy family /life, it makes me feel I am nothing compared to that. So, one way to run away from that inferiority complex is by me being or turned into something that is not comparable within the society. I feel safe here. At the time being. Still, perhaps.
There it goes all my weird ways of thinking, behavior and decision-making style. It is still difficult to change or to alter the mindset that i have in me as i have been practising it and doing it for such a long time. A search within in looking for myself, a survival needs to survive. So to whomsoever that will be living with me in the future, hope he will somehow try to adapt and accept those weird things about me.. : )
[3] A Personal NotesGuess that should be enough for the time being. Hope by the time i post my new entry, this has been digest by all readers. : )
Thursday, August 28, 2008
How's Life
That it is easy to guess when i'm in a good mood, or when i do not have the motivation..
When i am upset or when i am inspired by something, someone or somewhat..
And those who are close to me said it is easy to say whether i have a complex deep thinking or that i am having an innocent simple brain execution.
I have never thought it is that easy to know me. :)
Anyway i understand that it has been quite a while (or is it that long?) i do not post anything inside here. Until recently i found out that i will go blank when i am trying to type the words. Surprisingly, i forget how to write! (and share things with people?)
Well, things may not be that excellent, but they were not that bad too. Before this, i have lack of time as I was (and still am) too busy with my workload that sometimes i forget when the time goes by. Since furthering study, my condition somehow becoming worst as i forget when is the night and when the day has come. I forget how it feels to sleep in long hours, to have rest on your weekends, and to eat food with feel and utmost pleasant.
Almost 2 months-and-a-half after the first class started, i already took 7 days leave for study reason. The subject will continue from one syllabus in a period of time, with another syllabus/subject in another period of time which continue right after the end of other subject. Things becoming quite messy with us when at the end of each subject, we will have a final exam (to study), presentation (to prepare slide material) and to submit assignment paper (research and readings). I get headaches for these, not to mention always feel like having fever on each time i took leave to complete my assignments, presentation slides and syllabus to be in the exam.
I have not read enough newspaper, unable to go back to my hometown for almost 2 months, and lack in handling my personal life properly. I am learning and trying to adjust my life now to the new environment.
So, forgive me for unable to share my point of view at the time being. I love reading your updates once in a while, when i feel so tired. I would love to share more things with you. InshaAllah the day will come again when i am really active in updating this blog again. ;)
Till then, take care everyone.
p/s: Did i mentioned that i am going to be transferred (yes, being transferred not request for a transfer) to another division soon?
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Hyper Inflation?
Jadi, ke mana fokus saya terarah? Saya sedang melihat satu bahagian penting yang kiranya kelihatan sudah sangat2 diabaikan oleh Pengurusan Negara kita sekarang – ekonomi kita. Ekonomi kita sedang kacau bilau yang amat. Tidak tahu ke mana hala tujunya, jadinya bila sudah tidak ditentukan oleh sesiapa (baca: kerajaan) ekonomi kita ditentukan oleh pasaran bebas (free market). Apakah impak yang bakal berlaku?
Masih ingat tahun 1998 kejatuhan ekonomi Asia yang memberikan impak besar terutamanya kepada Korea Selatan,
Saya tahu ilmu ekonomi saya masih baru setahun jagung; juga sudah lama berkarat tidak diasah. Jadinya sekadar berkongsi sedikit2 apa yang pernah dipelajari dahulu. Ilmu ekonomi moden ini saling berkait-rapat dengan setiap tindakan yang dilaksanakan, jadinya kita boleh melihat impak satu2 tindakan kepada tindakan lain..
Dengarnya ada ura-ura untuk menaikan kadar faedah bank (banking interest rate) . Di waktu begini, bila orang menjalani hidup untuk survival, impaknya sangat besar kepada ekonomi kita kerana adanya potensi untuk inflasi terlampau (hyper inflation) kepada
Walaubagaimanapun, keadaan tersebut hanya terpakai sekiranya rakyat berada dalam keadaan berlebihan duit untuk perbelanjaan. Bagi setiap orang yang memiliki pendapatan, jumlah pendapatan tersebut dibahagikan kepada dua iaitu: perbelanjaan (disposable income) dan simpanan (saving). Dalam situasi sekarang, kita bukan dalam keadaan berlebihan tetapi struggling (berhempas-pulas) untuk survival. Kadar simpanan sangat sedikit, sementara kadar perbelanjaan lupus (disposable income) yang mana merujuk kepada jumlah perbelanjaan untuk keperluan pula hanya cukup-cukup makan. Sekiranya kadar faedah dinaikkan, impak yang lebih teruk dihadapai kerana jumlah perbelanjaan lupus akan bertambah disebabkan keperluan membayar pinjaman bank (loan bank) untuk rumah, manakala kadar simpanan akan menurun untuk menampung tambahan dalam keperluan perbelanjaan ini.
Mahu lebih terperinci? InshaAllah ada kesempatan saya akan berkongsi sama. Sekarang sudah ada 2 assignments dan minggu hadapan bakal menghadapi peperiksaan akhir. Doakan saya mampu membahagikan masa dengan baik;)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Let's Vote for Amin
So, let's vote! :p
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CuteFam 2008 Photo Contest is brought to you by TheLilCaliph.com
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Monday, June 02, 2008

I will be a student again. The class will start by middle of June.
And the best part is that the course is proposed to be under HRDF, which means the cost will be borne by my company. If it is true and being approved, Alhamdulillah.
So now .. have to revise back the study skill; and sharpen the rusted memory.. Hopefully i will be able to survive towards the end of these coming 2 years... Pray for me, dear friends. That i am worth every single cent spend on me :)
Related post: Dalam Dilema
Friday, May 23, 2008
Subject Matter
The last few weeks were filled with discussions on stars, sky, wind and cloud between us. I am not sure what happen to my friend’s stars and sky, but somehow in my case it seems the wind has move the cloud to reveal the shine of my Polaris star. Should I say I have to change my preference from the cloud on the sky to the wind now? Still then, the preference on the sky is still valid.
I am praying that my friend will somehow see the shine of 'Bintang Orion' soon. Very soon. InshaAllah:)
To those who understand this subject matter, just keep it between us. To those who does not understand, it is ok. Sorry as for the time being it is easier for me to say it this way rather than directly revealing it. Not yet to share. Let it be a little bit mysterious.. ;)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tagging games
Warning: this posting is not suitable to be viewed by Husben Ummu Nufayl. :p Pls take it as if this is not related to your program, TQ!: ))
Supposed yesterday i attended a whole day training consists of 5 modules/sessions. It started at 8.45am to 5.00pm with morning break, lunch and tea time provided by the organizer. But this is what really happened:
8.45 am -went up to register myself, took my seat, chit-chat with some old friends i met in the event. Session 1 started. Listened, took notes, points etc.
9.55 am - went down for a meeting at 10 am in my office. important meeting because it involved my customers account so as the account manager i am supposed to be there.
10.30 am - morning break (still in the meeting)
10.45 am - 2nd session started. The main reason for me to attend this program is to listen to this 2nd session: discussion on current economy situation in Malaysia. (still in the meeting)
11.30 am - still in the meeting. received sms from informer that the 3rd session started already.
12.30 noon - people from the office went out in a group. informed our big boss admitted to the hospital. (still in the meeting)
1.15 pm - lunch time. meeting done. those in the meeting asked whether i will be joining them to visit our boss. i was asking "should i go?" and they have this kind of look on me.. indirectly saying "why not?". so, there was i..
2.45 pm - after the visit, have not had my lunch, bought yogurt and cream bread, ate few spoons of the yogurt and went to the training back.
3.00 pm - it's the 5th module now. so hungry...
4.15 pm - tea time - had some sweet porridge and one pulut panggang..
4.30 pm -baru makan sikit, tak sempat minum dah kena panggil masuk : ((
5.10 pm -masuk ofis balik. habiskan yogurt tadi. lepas tu dah pening.
8.30 pm - at home. sempat minum air kosong, lepas tu dah lembik.. tido.. uhuhuh
pagi2 sampai ofis, terus cari makanan dulu.. :))
ok sekian cerita saya!:P
{2} Tagging game
Setelah puas berfikir, inilah yg saya dapat..hahahha
Senaraikan 5 hadiah yang anda impikan:
1. 20 original /unedited tapes on the whole shooting of Kembara Bumi Anbiya'.
2. Dapur macam dapur Martha Stewart, Vivien, Nigela or Anna Olson (guess watching too much Asian Food Channel)
3. A lots of Money , Money and Money Shopping Vouchers
4. Book Cabinet Walk-in Closet (mcm Aini jugak:P)
5. Pokok Duit / Money Tree (bukan pokok duit-duit:P)
6. Err..dah cukup ke?: ))
Senaraikan alasan atas pilihan anda itu:
1. I never had the chance to watch the unedited tapes; plus these tapes recorded all of our journey for the program... and the real production was not following the original scripts.
2. Saya suka menyepahkan dapur jadi saya perlukan tempat yang luas di dapur (do we need reasons to like something?:P)
3. I usually don’t have enough time to do shopping (especially time sales je mesti tgh sibuk :( )
4. Tempat nak isi baju la bila dah beli banyak..hahahha saya selalu bermasalah tak tahu nak pakai ape di waktu pagi / terasa baju tak cukup... berharap dpt tempat yang lebih besar supaya boleh beli byk2 baju:))
5. Err..saya rasa daun pokok ni unik dan comel : P
5 impresi terhadap orang yang diminati:
(i’ll skip this question for the time being.. it’s for me to know, and for u to find out:P)
4. .
Perkara yang paling hebat pernah dilakukannya untuk anda:
(I’ll skip this question too)
5 ciptaan yang paling disukai (tidak semestinya melibatkan teknologi yang maju):
1. Jam tangan
2. Handphone
3. Internet
4. Computer
5. Kasut
Apakah perkara yang paling dibenci?
1. Asap rokok
2. Panas dan matahari terik
3. orang yang cakap bukan-bukan
4. orang yang sombong bodoh - takleh ajar, juga takleh terima pendapat..huuh susah nak liaise
5. situasi marah-marah, tegang
5 Orang yang yang mahu anda tag:
1. Ummi Indah :P
2. Cik Ariatinta
3. Pn Hany (kalau die rajin and ada masalah:D)
4. anyone else?
5. maybe you?:P
p/s: Ok dah habis hutang yer!!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Those days
After the calculation, i just realized for the last 11 days i only went to the office once. And that one day also, i cant concentrate much in my works. Unexpectedly, when i went to see the doctor she gave me another 2 days MC continued with another 2 days weekends. I slept a lot, each time after ate the medicine i would went blackout. 2/3 of my days will be sleeping, woke up just between the medicine time.
Being sicked, I had weird dreams, from being like devilish person to someone so angelic.. Thank God that some of those bad dreams were only dreams. InshaAllah really hope it will stops in dream only, that i won't turn out to be like that dreams.
And now, the not-the-best-part is when i came to the office seeing there was 489 unread emails to be taken care. uhuhuhu tak bestnya. and this evening i managed to cut half the number... Well, i just open 100 emails at one time, and now still seeing what to do to each email.. uhuks.
[1] Telusur Diri
I have promised to my primary-school friend to share this. However, it has been prolonged for quite sometimes. Due to my inability to transform the idea into the paper and on the net. It is not that good, i guess, plus i am not that good in words too .. But, maybe if you would like to say something. ;)
Telusur Diri by ....
Langit pagi
Pada telus wajahnya
Aku mengimpikan fitrah sang burung
Terbang tinggi melintasi awan gemalai
Menghirup nafas pada zarah-zarah udara
Agar selalu dekat padaNya
Bumi tanah kering
Pada tulus hamparannya
Aku mahu bertapak seluas pandangan
Duduk bertafakur mengenal ia dan aku
Supaya selalu membuat jiwa dan hatiku
Tunduk merendah pada segalanya
Biar aku mengerti sentiasa
Rasa ini sebagai hambaNya
Laut yang penuh misteri
Ingin ku kenal hijau dan birunya
Meneroka dalam-dalam dan dasarnya
Pada makhluk-makhluk pelbagai yang entah apa, bagaimana rupa
Menguasai alam tersembunyi ini
Untuk aku menginsafi
Betapa ilmu ini sangat terbatas
Walau sering lebih daripada kebanyakan
Juga sering kurang dalam kebanyakan
Dalam diri
Ingin sekali aku hampir
Pada hembus yang tersembunyi
Menyimpan rahsia Ilahi...
Bawa aku kembali
Bersuluh menyempurna rasa
Pada jalan rahsia kurniaanMu
Meski aku harus tampil berbeza..
[3] Tagging game
Huhuhu..i do not like being tagged, because i have to use a lot of my memory when space in my brain is almost non. But as few friends have requested me to do so and i failed them (still) i think i should TRY my best to at least do this one.
But, Aini.. the questions are so tricky, some i think i would not be able to answer now ..so i shall reserve that questions in future, when the right time comes ok..:p
errr..can i fill the empty spaces later?:D
Senaraikan 5 hadiah yang anda impikan:
1. 20 original /unedited tapes on the whole shooting of Kembara Bumi Anbiya'.
2. Mengelilingi dunia
Senaraikan alasan atas pilihan anda itu:
5 impresi terhadap orang yang diminati:
4. .
Perkara yang paling hebat pernah dilakukannya untuk anda:
5 ciptaan yang paling disukai (tidak semestinya melibatkan teknologi yang maju):
1. Jam tangan
Apakah perkara yang paling dibenci?
5 Orang yang yang mahu anda tag:
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Long Rest

I was having a long rest for the last 1 week.
3 days holiday, 1 leave day, 2 MC days.. Total 6-sick-days...
Had high fever, flu and cough. Now coughing is still here...
Minum air sprite, tapi terasa macam minum air tongkat ali..
i am confused myself with the taste, as i taste things differently now.
Hopefully batuk ini cepat lah elok.. sakit dah perut and tekak setiap kali batuk...
so Aini, tagging tu nanti dulu yer, bila mood dah kembali akan diusahakan buat..:)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Mencari jawapan
Puas sudah saya berfikir, siapa Sarah? Puas juga saya berteka-teki, bertanya kepada empunya cerita . Tapi masih belum bertemu jawapan.. Kucing, katanya bukan. Haiwan peliharaan, juga bukan.. Manusia? Lelaki atau perempuan belum ditentukan.. Saya fikir2 si penglipur lara ini dimensinya selalu berbeza, pasti sesuatu yang jauh melangkaui kebiasaan. :p
Boleh awak bantu saya? :D
{2} Lawatan Perdana
Osmet saya (baca: teman serumah) memanggilnya Incik J. Saya kira, ada juga yang memangilnya Mr. P. Sejak akhir2 ini saya lihat Incik J ini sering kali singgah di tempat saya. Aduhh, sukar juga saya kira sebabnya tidak tentu arah kalau dia datang melawat. Sudahlah begitu, datangnya beramai-ramai pula. Lepas satu, satu yang datang. Saya pusing kepala selalu.
Sudahnya hari Ahad yang lalu, dia datang lagi. Kali ini satu sahaja, tapi kerana tidak pernah menerima kunjungan yang begitu saya rasa terseksa. Amat! Sudahlah merah-merah warnanya. Makin hari, dia mengambil tempat yang makin luas, makin besar. Sudah bermacam-macam saya lakukan, namun dia masih di situ. Pulak begitu, dia kelihatan sangat nyata.. Semua yang lalu di sisi saya akan menegur tentang dia.
Uhuhuhuhu... apa patut saya lakukan sekarang?
Dia duduk bermukim di atas hidung.. taknak hilang2.. : ((
Incik Jerawat, cepatlah pergi!!
{3} Mimpikah saya?
Pelik.. tapi benar.
Sejak dua hari ini, saya lihat network kami membenarkan access ke semua laman. Pelik, tapi benar2 saya melihatnya. Wahh apa sudah jadi? Mereka terlepas tengok kah..atau mereka mmg sudah melepaskan untuk ditengok?
Apa2 pun.. yaaa saya akan berusaha untuk kerja dengan baik juga walaupun dugaan yang menarik itu banyak di depan mata.. Dugaan, dugaan..
Monday, April 28, 2008
Jangan Buat Lagi
I have totally forgotten that we had our regional meeting this morning. My boss seemed to be frustrated as most of us did not turned up on time. I was the last to be in the meeting, 1/2 hr late due to unforeseen circumstances. Was being advice and alert on the important of being on time. Felt quite uneasy, as usually i have no problem to be on time. What is happening to me? Guess the motivation level is not to the par yet. I feel tired already...
[2] Young Ages..
Take into account 5 things before the next 5.
It has been my wish to actually do something big or significant in my life before I turn 30. I wish i would be able to contribute something to the society. I am going to reach that age soon, but not so much progress, not so much things i have done. I feel I have not done anything yet. It seems that i have no planning yet, when i am actually running out of time...
Wish only, but no work is not something to be proud off, kan?
[3] Putrajaya
I thought i will be able to run away a while when i was there. Only then to realize that my time has been fully utilized. I have not had the chance to even walk around the hotel; only be at 3 places: level 3 - the lobby; level 1 - meeting room and hotel room (they were located in front of each other) and level 1 - coffee house area for breakfast/lunch/dinner. So, all the facilities: swimming pool, spa, sauna, health-house, gym - i was unable to identify the exact location yet.
The place is nice actually. Received feedbacks that the workshop has achieved its objective, that the workshop was the most focused and properly planned they had attended.. I feel all the sleepless hours, tiredness and efforts are worthwhile. Now it is time for the post-workshop work! (uhuhuh banyak juga keja, ingat dah sudah dah....)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
A Brief Introduction to a Scripture
Last time i used to go on vacations with friends to Islands in Malaysia. Part of the trip is for snorkelling. I have not going to any island these few years (Pulau Langkawi and Nami Island in Korea not considered that island) and i am kind of missing the scenery.
Pulau Lang Tengah..

I really wish to go there now, but nobody is around to go with...
Received this in one of my mailing list; have not been active lately (or for a long time huuhuh) in the group. Hope i will be able to joining them back soon... Worth reading! : )

Written by alFaisal
http://demipena. blogspot.com
Edited by Habibah Binti Abdul Razak
17 April 2008/ 10 Rabiul Akhir 1429
Mohandas K. Gandhi once said, "It is the duty of every cultured man or woman to read sympathetically the scriptures of the world. If we are to respect others' religions as we would have them respect our own, a friendly study of the world's religions is a sacred duty."
If you do not agree that it is a duty, then just take Gandhi's words as an advice and consider it as one of the options for peaceful interfaith approach.
To me, the idea of a religion is reflected from every single message within its scriptures, since the scriptures are able to speak to us much more than what we can see from its followers. And yet Malaysia , for a country which is so rich with its multi ethnic and multi religion communities, is very lacking in people who would actually take the initiative to embrace the spirit of what Gandhi had called upon.
But not so for Ash. A man with brilliant thoughts, a good friend and my rap guru, he's the very first person I've known who has made a genuine effort to study the scriptures from other faiths. He's a Hindu and yet that does not stop him from reading the Bible and the Quran. I was only a young teenager back then, and I couldn't bring myself to even touch any scriptures other the Quran. There had always been a permeated sense of how taboo it is to read other religion's scriptures.
But as I grew up, I finally gave myself a chance to see what the scriptures besides the Quran have to say, to help me in understanding about other people's faiths. But it takes more than just a simple reading, having a clear perspective of the history and background of the scriptures is very important in understanding it.
For example, to read the verse of 1 Corinthians of the Bible and simply assume that the whole book was written by Jesus Christ, would be terribly erroneous and a severe case of ignorance. Lack of interest in research and exploring the background of a scripture would definitely lead the reader towards confusion and misconceptions.
This is an invitation to learn briefly about Muslims' Holy Scripture, the Quran. You don't have to become a Muslim or a future Muslim to know this. Regardless of what your opinions are about Islam, you still have every right to know this information.
Quran is an Arabic word, which literally means 'the recitation' or 'the reading'. Muslims believe that it is the Word of God, which He had revealed to His Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. It was memorized by Prophet Muhammad and then was dictated to his companions.

Before analyzing the Quran or going deep into its history, a question should be asked. Are the words in the Quran that we have today exactly the same with the ones revealed to us through Prophet Muhammad centuries ago? This is an important issue to resolve, because there would be no point in discussing the Quran itself if what we have today has been changed from its revelation to the Muslims during the time of Prophet Muhammad.
In order to answer that question, we need to look into the methods on how the Quran has been preserved to this very day, which includes:
[1] Memorization
[2] Recorded in writing
It is through the combination of these two elements that has ensured the preservation of the Quran.
The literacy level in Arab back then was not like what it is today -- not everybody had the ability to write down the revelation. But everybody was able to recite the verses and commit them to memory.
Prophet Muhammad had encouraged his companions to learn and practice each verse of the revelation and transmit it to others. To recite the Quran regularly is an encouraged act of worship. Besides that, it is also compulsory to recite the Quran in the daily ritual/prayers called 'solah'. In other words, the verses of Quran were repeatedly recited by the believers, memorized and used in the daily prayers (solah). And everything that I have just mentioned is still happening to this day.
During the time of Prophet Muhammad (even before it), memorization was like a second nature to the Arabs. Dr. Michael Zwettler, an expert in Classical Arabic language and literature, as well as in pre- and early Islamic culture and civilization had mentioned:
"The poetry of Arabs, in the ages which preceded the rise of Islamism, was perpetuated by oral tradition; for in ancient times, when writing was not used or scarcely used, memory was exercised and strengthened to a degree now almost unknown."
If it has crossed your mind on how impossible it is to memorize the whole Quran, consider this. Today, when the literacy level is far better than centuries ago, we still have hundreds of thousands of people who memorized the whole Quran. And each Muslim would definitely memorize at least one or two Surah (chapter) from the Quran.
For the early Muslims among the companions of Prophet Muhammad, it was much easier for them to memorize since the Quran took approximately 23 years before the entire revelation came to an end. With the Arabs' memorization culture and the capacity of time in over two decades for them to absorb the Quran, nothing is impossible.
Other than the companions who had followed Prophet Muhammad in reciting the text by heart, there were also some of them who were able to read and write. Those companions had acted as scribes and wrote down the verses. Prophet Muhammad was unlettered, he did not know how to read and write, and therefore he called upon numerous scribes to write for him.
But the Quran that was recorded in writings during the the time of Prophet Muhammad was not in the form of a book. The materials used to record the verses were many – stones bark of trees, wood, cloth and various other things. The task of collecting Quran as a book was undertaken by Abu Bakr, the leader of the Muslims after Prophet Muhammad's death.
Below are the simplified chronicles on how the Quran was compiled into the form of a book.
Abu Bakr (the first Caliph and successor to the Prophet) had ordered Zaid Bin Thabit to collect the Quran into one manuscript six months after the death of Prophet Muhammad. It was suggested by Umar al-Khattab (who would later become Abu Bakr's successor), worried about the great number of Qurra (memorizers of the Quran) who had been killed during the battle of Yamama.
A committee was formed to complete this task of collecting the written Quranic material in the form of a single book, led by Zaid Bin Thabit himself. The compilers had insisted on very stringent criteria when it came to examining the written material that had been submitted to them as a safeguard against any errors.
This manuscript of the Quran remained with Abu Bakr until he died. It was then passed on to and remained with Umar al-Khattab (successor to Abu Bakr). After Umar al-Khattab died, the manuscript stayed with Hafsah, Umar's daughter and wife of Prophet Muhammad.
The copy of the Quran that was prepared and compiled by the committee had also included the list of memorizers of the Quran who had been unanimously approved by the Muslim world. If the committee had made the slightest error, tens of hundreds of the Qurra (memorizers of the Quran) would be able to notice and correct it.
That is how the memorization and written records of the Quran complement each other, offering a check and balance method in preserving the Quran from any slight change or error during its compilation.
Until to this very day, anyone who tried to create a false Quran will fail miserably because any error is easy to be detected by the Muslims. Even if entire copies of the Quran today are burned until there's no copy left in the whole world, there's no worries at all since we would still have the 'copies' in the heart of those who memorized the whole Quran.
First of all, a person who studies the history of Islam should be very clear in making the distinction between Caliph Uthman and the caliphs of the Ottoman Empire . I've encountered who have made this mistake, when they heard Caliph Uthman had made an official copy of Quran in the Quraishi dialect (the dialect in which the Quran was revealed to the Prophet and was memorized by his companions), they thought he was one of the caliphs from Ottoman Empire.
Quran was originally revealed in the Quraishi dialect of Arabic. But God then revealed the Quran into seven dialects to facilitate the people who did not speak other dialects. During the time of Caliph Uthman (one of Prophet Muhammad's companions and the successor to Umar al-Khattab), the differences in reading the Quran among the different tribes were getting obvious. The situation worsened when each tribe started claiming that their way of reciting was the correct one.
Uthman then took a proactive approach by making an official copy of Quran in the Quraishi dialect. It should be noted that this compilation of the Quran by the Uthman Committee is not a new version of Quran. It is still the Quran with the same message that what has been revealed by God through Prophet Muhammad, and the purpose of this new copy is simply as an official standardization of the dialect.
In order to accomplish this, Uthman had asked Hafsah for the copy of the manuscript that had been compiled during the time of Abu Bakr so that he could compile the Quranic material in perfect copies. The early copy prepared by Abu Bakr served as the principal basis of the new one. He asked Zaid Bin Thabit again and a few other companions of the Prophet to rewrite the manuscript in perfect copies.
When it had been completed, Uthman sent the perfect copy to each major city like Makkah, Madinah, Damascus , Kufah and Basrah.
Uthman then proceeded to burn any other copies other than this final copy. Although the action was quite drastic, it was for the betterment and the harmony of the whole Muslim community. Uthman's action had also been unanimously approved by the companions of the Prophet.
The final copy that had been perfectly compiled by Uthman can still be seen until today. The copy that Uthman had sent to Madina was removed by the Turkish authorities to Istanbul . The treaty of Versailles contains the following clause:
"'Article 246: Within six months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, Germany will restore to His Majesty, King of Hedjaz, the original Koran of Caliph Othman, which was removed from Madina by the Turkish authorities and is stated to have been presented to the ex-Emperor William II"." [Fred L. Israel, Major Peace Treaties of Modern History, New York, Chelsea House Pub., Vol. II, p. 1418]
The copy reached Tashkent in 1924 and it remains there until today. Visit the link below to see the news and UNESCO reports about the copy.
Tashkent's hidden Islamic Relic [click]
Uzbekistan - Holy Koran Mushaf of Othman (UNESCO) [click]
Sir William Muir in Life of Mohamet said, "There is probably no other book in the world which has remained twelve centuries (now fourteen) with so pure a text".
In Geschichte des Qorans (History of the Quran), the book written by Theodore Noeldeke, Friedrich Schwally (who had helped Noeldeke) had mentioned in the book, "As far as the various pieces of revelation are concerned, we may be confident that their text has been generally transmitted exactly as it was found in the Prophet's legacy."
I hope that this simple explanation and chronology of the history and background of the Quran would help my brothers and sisters from other religions to have a quick understanding about the Quran. I have tried my best not to burden readers with heavy historical facts and quotes. More personal research and endeavor are greatly encouraged for those who would like to gain more information than what I have shared here.
Galileo Galilei said, "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."Saturday, April 19, 2008
Scary Movie
Some people in my office called me using my full name.
For me, calling me with my full name at most time giving me special feelings. Well, usually it will be the teachers or instructors/lecturers in the class calling the full name from the attendance papers; or my mom when i seems to ignore her message whilst she is talking to me or asking for my assistance. Some dear friends who are closed to me (especially this MakYong who seems to be on a really long-vacation from blogging) used this technique to get my attentions. They were really amused to see my reaction!
Typically, when my full name is being used i will feel the adrenalin goes up in my blood level, increasing my alert and automatically turn my head (no matter what i am doing at that point of time) towards the sound. But lately, one thing that make me feel a bit confused is that i heard my full name is being called by someone only then to figure out i did not see anyone there. Or no one is actually look at me indicating they are the one who called me. Did someone try to play a prank on me? I don't think so. The office is too busy nowadays to play this thing on people.
Considering my full name as a special name (hahaha perasan la pulak) where i am the only one there with that name, i do not think that i am hallucinating someone is calling me. or do i? hmm.. again, i sounds like i am lost.
Oh, please.. do not start to frequently calling me with my full name now... you are going to give me a heart attack!
[2] Kalau tak suka, pulangkan..
Pagi2 sabtu membaca blog Sikulat boleh membuat hati menangis.. Tak tahu lah samada cerita betul atau rekaan. Ada mesej yang hendak disampaikan. Sometimes, we never satisfied of what we have. Comparing things with others, feel unreasonably shames for something that is not that bad, setting standard higher above than the sky .. I did that on myself before. Years ago, when i felt too much pressure and gave too much as well to people around me. I learnt to accept things happen in 2 conditions, one we can control and one we cannot control. I feel more relaxed, and appreciate things better. At least, malas nak ambil pusing on small matters.
Now, i think i am more considerate. To the fact that one of the things i cannot control is my habit of falling down in front of many people. It happened so many time, at the LRT station escalator, at the IKEA, in front of the hospital.. uhuks. *malu nih* That will be the reason i said i want my life partner to be taller than me so that i can hide behind in case it happens in future (provided that life partner boleh buat muka relaks whenever i fall down la kan.. kalau tak, tukar orang! hahahaha)
Ops.. this does not serve the topic.. abaikan ajelah saya mengarut ni... :P
Anyway, kalau rajin pergilah baca cerpen ni di sini