Monday, August 29, 2005

Bantuan Kemanusiaan

Salam buat semua.

Have not much to say today except that memanjangkan shj email dan msg terdahulu dr teman2 mengenai one MMU junior that is currently in HUKM Neurology ward; Brother Ekram who went for operation on brain tumor last friday.

This brother comes from keluarga yg susah and need RM15,000 for the treament and post-treatment. Appreciate whosoever feel want to help him and his family, to contact Ms Siti Zurina. Please refer her posting regarding Bro Ekram's situation.

May Allah bless you for your kindness.

Thank you & regards.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Backdated Posting

It’s already past 1.00 o clock in the morning of Sunday, 28 August.. And I still did not sleep. Still here I am typing all these words for unknown reason I guess.. ?

Well, early this morning (or is it yesterday’s morning?) things went smooth.. My sister cousin is now officially engaged.. Yes, as expected there is a number of different format of questions thrown on me such as the common :When is ur turn now? (Awak bila lagi) to the tricky question: Beritahulah org mana, senang nak kumpul duit nak pergi nanti.. And I think I am a little bit grateful since I have indicated earlier to my parents before reached the village about Berkahwin bila sampai jodoh and Bila sudah diizinkan Allah; plus the same answers given to all the questions, yet my grandmother just smiled and told that she agreed with me.. I still believe whether u want to agree with it or not, I dun care:P that I am still young..;)

Tonite, I met two of my middle school’s best friends. We were discussing about our holiday trip next month (yesss, saya pergi laut lagi la…) while covering other aspects of life.. one of them is in the same organization, Ms Wee while the other one is a doctor, Dr Mas.. It was quite interesting when we talked about each other life and exchange knowledge of stories happened in a hospital. I believed Wee and I learnt a lot as well from Dr Mas on the medication part.. It was funny seeing us trying hard to spell out and pronouns the correct medication terms and she was smiling ‘that doctor’s way of smiling’… yeah yeah yeah, we were wondering how she could remember all those jargons.. I even saw jarum suntikan, picagari and alcohol pad inside her car. When asked why she brought with her that things, she said she want to take her mother’s blood for check-up as her mother is having fever. Untung ada kwn jadi doctor, risau2 tak paham bleh tanya.. I think in the future if I have children, I wish one of them will be a doctor.. at least one of their aunties is a doctor who they can refer to in the future..hehehe (panjang plak angannya..takpe siti, I still remember what u said..apa2 pun mmg kena cari bapa kepada mereka dulu:D)

Actually during the meeting I found out I have difficulties to say words whether in English or Malay. I am not sure what is currently happening to me..either it is a sign of aging, or is it that my mind has been fully occupied or is it that due to the painkiller I took for the last 5 months that has turned me to be so forgetfulness. I can not to remember where I put something the past 1 minutes and I can not to recall what a person says to me the last 5 minutes.. terribly terrible.. friends, remember next time u have to reconfirm with me if u need to tell me something or to decide something with me.. (whether it is serious or not, hopefully it is not trying to indicate symptoms of disease ,,). it because I have not write as much and discuss valuable matters with people? Hmm..looks like that can be a good reason why I should not stop pushing myself to regularly update this blog…

Apa rasanya bila tiada perkataan yg boleh diluahkan, Cuma rasa sahaja yg tinggal? That is what I am feeling, I can’t see the words but I can picture inside me what is that… wonder if one day I stop to talk not because I do not want to talk or something bother me, but just because I can’t describe the words and can’t use the correct vocabulary anymore… Allahualam…

Time’s up. Already almost 2 am.. I need to sleep. Tomorrow has a lot to do.. Nite…

Friday, August 26, 2005

Peribahasa Baru

Lama tak update blog.. Lama tak berkongsi idea.. Ntahlah ke mana menghilang, bintang beribu, di malam itu, tiada satupun yg kelihatan kecuali kelam.. (cheh, sudah sudahh!)

hehe.. beberapa hari yg lalu masih sibuk dengan Biznes Plan.. Hari ini 1/2 day masih menyiapkan sebahagian yg tertangguh. al-Hamdulillah looks like at last it comes to the end of the road (hopefully, still keep on praying it is TRUE!!) Now, it is lunch hour time.. nak turun cari makanan tapi malas nak berebut dengan org lelaki yg nak pergi solat jumaat... so drop by to update this while i can do it. Malam ni perlu bergegas pulang ke kampung di Pahang kerana esok pagi sepupu bertunang (guess the sky has no limit..hope so with my patience and emotion stability tomorrow when i meet my aunties and uncles and grandmother and all other relatives sedara-mara sekampung seketurunan...dush!)

I read Bro Rollie's blog on new peribahasa.. well, time sibuk2 dgn Biznes Plan ni i guess i have another peribahasa to add-on. Hopefully in the future if it is not registered inside DBP Dictionary, maybe it will somehow appears in Hi-Tech Magazine..ahhaha.. Oh, the peribahasa goes like this:

Dah dapat USB Driver, Floppy-A dilupakan..
(Modified from: Dah dapat gading bertuah, tanduk dilupakan).

1. Everyone else asking for ur USB/Thumb Drive to transfer this file and that file. Some Laptop, they have no more driver for Floppy-A (Disket).
2. Have not use Floopy-A for quite sometimes. Suddenly, can't located where i put my Thumb have to use the Disket that has been kept for quite sometimes. I can save the docs, but my PC can't read them back..hahahha

P/S: Oh, peribahasa tu mungkin sesuai utk my PC. :P

such a psycho/saiko??
yes, i am..


I read a book wrote by Saleha Hussin- nama sebenar, bukan saliha MAWI.. :D (well well well, the book is still not in the market yet.. so lucky to get it first, signed by the author lagi..:P) . THe tittle of the book is Pemburu Mimpi. I believe Hany will love that book since menceritakan kemampuan org perempuan yg diperkecil2kan untuk memburu mimpi2 mereka.. (err..i am not trying to sound so feminist..). Actually, a lot to say since this book is thick like my Econometrics book (or other comparison is Add-Math text book when we were in High School)... Adalah few hundreds pages, thicker than Tunggu Teduh Dulu.. :D

Adoi, tak sempat nak review... tengoklah yer nanti2 bile rajin, sementara menunggu hujan teduh dahulu.. :)

alohai.. until then..

Monday, August 15, 2005

The Three Bears Song

~~ hahaha sorry, can't help it out.. I dreamt twice already went to Korea.. Thehehe

Gom semari ga , han jibe itso
[three bears are in one house]

Appa gom, umma gom, ehgi gom
[father bear, mother bear, baby bear]

Appa gom eun tungtung heh[the father bear is fat]

Umma gom eun nalshin heh[the mother bear is thin]

Ehgi gom eun nuhmu giyowuh[the baby bear is really cute~]

wu suk wu suk jal han da~
[*wu suk word is like when u move ur shoulders up and down]jalhanda- very good
Full House: The 3 Bears

Dload the songs here:
By Han Ji Eun (The Heroin)
By Lee Young Jae (The Hero)

Pst: Aida, how are your children? Hope they are fine... Aini, hope you're fine as well. Semah, congrates on ur new born baby girl.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

'Kabus' @ Asap @ Jerebu

Uhuk..uhuk.. (kali ni bukan batuk2 kecil sbb berhabuk, tapi batuk2 besar kerana jerebu..). Guess what, berita terkini diperolehi.. My place the IPU dah reach over 400.. Looks like the asap is already inside the office (i'm at level 22).. i already feel pening2 lalat and pedih dekat muka-tanda kehadiran bhn kimia/gas memberhaya di sekeliling.. and currently i am wearing a disposable face mask.. huhuuh buat keje kat ofis mcm buat keje kat dlm makmal.. sib baik takde pisau dan parang, kalau tak dah boleh jadi pakar bedah temberang: pembedah.. hehehe

Cannot help to talk about jerebu juga.. as what Mr Rollie said Malaysians are turning into Britains.. But actually not focusing on the jerebu.. As what Ms Lecturer Are-Are also mentioned; we already faced with the terrible haze in 1997 ..but i wasn't 'out' to see the impact since i stayed in hostel. Few days back, what terrible me the most is that i suddenly cannot stop thinking about Dukhan-smoke..asap yg keluar dr muka bumi.. salah satu petanda kiamat kan.. adalah beberapa perkara bermain apa yg akan dibuat if something bad happened and i am not ready..

Ertinya: Daripada Huzaifah bin Asid Al-Ghifari ra. berkata: "Datang kepada kami Rasulullah saw. dan kami pada waktu itu sedang berbincang-bincang. Lalu beliau bersabda: "Apa yang kamu perbincangkan?". Kami menjawab: "Kami sedang berbincang tentang hari qiamat". Lalu Nabi saw. bersabda: "Tidak akan terjadi hari qiamat sehingga kamu melihat sebelumnya sepuluh macam tanda-tandanya". Kemudian beliau menyebutkannya: "Asap, Dajjal, binatang, terbit matahari dari tempat tenggelamnya, turunnya Isa bin Maryam alaihissalam, Ya juj dan Ma'juj, tiga kali gempa bumi, sekali di timur, sekali di barat dan yang ketiga di Semenanjung Arab yang akhir sekali adalah api yang keluar dari arah negeri Yaman yang akan menghalau manusia kepada Padang Mahsyar mereka". Hadis Riwayat Muslim

Kalau ikut hadis ni, Asap/Dukhan/Smoke is the first big sign that will be followed by others.. Dukhan (asap) yang akan keluar dan mengakibatkan penyakit yang seperti selsema di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman dan akan mematikan semua orang kafir. (Source: Msg Board Bluehyppo)

Takut? takut juga.. tapi masih ingat macamana pun kita mesti teruskan hidup juga. I dun remember, but is there any hadis stating this: Jika kita tahu esok kiamat sekalipun, hendaklah kita meneruskan kerja pada hari ini.?

Allahu akbar.. Astagfirullahal 'Azim..
Let's pray together, memperbanyakkan solat malam dan taubat istigfar.. Moga2 hujan akan turun segera membersihkan muka bumi dr segala kekotoran.. Teringat ttg ayat2 al-Quran yg mengatakan tentang org2 yg bertaubat dan kemudian diturunkan hujan kepada mereka.. Allahu'alam.

p/s: Dlm pada tu sempat bergurau dgn kwn. Samada byk jin yg sudah mati kerana adanya lebihan asap yg byk, atau byk jin dari serata pelusuk dunia tgh duduk di celah2 manusia sekarang kerana byknya asap.. Asap busuk makanan jin, mana ada asap kat situ pun jadi tumpuan jin.. :)

BTW, Are2..congrates for your success to be a blogger..semoga terus istiqamah menulis;). And Mdm Aishah, thanx for dropping by the other day. Thank you for your supportive msg as well. Nvm, if org2 ramai kat sini tak suka panggil Zue pun takpe, u may continuing using it:P

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Full Time

i am currently addicted to Full House; aired every night on 8TV from 8.30 pm to 9.30pm; Mon - Fri..... and when it comes to Tuesday 9.00 pm - 9.30 pm, i feel like not having enough fingers (or is it actually not having enuff tv?:P) to switch between TV3: Mencari Cinta and 8TV: Full House..

Ni lah pelakon2 utama dia..

Yg ni sepatutnyer jadi pelakon lelaki utama laa..

Tapi mcm selalu, saya mesti tersuka kat sebaliknya...

Yg paling saya suka? hmm..tentulah rumahnya.. boleh jadi rumah idaman saya juga..waaa.. bila ntah nak dpt...

Best kan...?

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Demam ke tidak?

I was on MC for two-days...

Dah risau dah. mlm tadi nampak gaya mcm tak brape ok lagi. Al-Hamdulillah pagi ni dah mampu datang kerja semula.

Last time (about a month ago) i felt like having fever, went to the clinic but then the doctor said that my body temperature was normal (confused). Padahal, the nite before rasa mcm terbakar je muka and tak selesa.. tapi rupanyer temperature still 36.5 C. The doctor said i actually facing Fever Virus and gave me the medicine...

The day before yesterday, at around 9.00 am in the office, suddenly i felt like almost 'blackout'. Tibe2 terasa kepala berpusing, and everytime berdiri rasa nak pitam, tapi takde la plak sakit kepala... Dalam hati kata, "sudah, apekehal plak pepagi isnin ni". I thought i was having low blood preasure, ate few pieces of sweets. Dah kurang sket, tapi masih rasa nak jatuh2 tu.. And after about 1 hr felt the dizziness (betul ka ejaan ni?:P), i went to see the doctor. Seems like my account is active this year since i met doctors for almost every month now..isk..

The doctor asked me "Ni demam ke?". I said, "Saya rasa saya tak demam doktor". She put something on my head, and the result- unbelievable, it was 38C.. hehe demam aku ni. So i received my MC...

Macam mana ni, bila saya rasa saya demam, doktor kate tak demam. Bila saya rasa saya tak demam, doktor kata saya demam plak.. he he he.. Pening plak ngan diri sendiri... Apa2 pun puas jugaklah merenung siling semalam and tido tak henti2 (ubat doktor tu power sgt, makan je terus pengsan...)... So insha-Allah doakan hari ni dpt buat semua yg dirancang dgn baik.