Friday, January 20, 2006


Bercuti 2 hari kerana raya haji.
Balik sahaja bercuti, terus dimaklumkan perlu melaksanakan kerja baru serta-merta. Tugas sediada juga diserahkan serta-merta kepada pengganti. Pengganti pun rasanya terkejut sebab memang langsung tidak dijangka.

Bercerita dengan rakan-rakan sekerja; tentang permainan catur.
Tentang mereka masing-masing menjadi ‘askar’, ditolak-tolak sahaja ke hadapan tanpa mengetahui apa yang menunggu. Kalau nasib baik, dapatlah ke ‘Haji’ menukar status lebih elok. Kalau tidak, terkeluarlah dari papan permainan (chessboard).
Yang di belakang pun bergerak juga, tapi yang berada di atas papan permainan tidak tahu apa yang berlaku. Cuma pemain2nya sahaja yang tahu mana hala tuju.
Yang paling kurang bernasib baik, tentulah chessboard. Nampak sahaja, tapi juga tak boleh berbuat apa2 walau mengetahui sesuatu juga. Dan kata mereka, sayalah chessboard itu. *senyum sahajalah, kan ainul*

Seminggu tidak di pejabat, menjalani latihan-latihan untuk tugas baru. Hari ini pulang ke bakal pejabat lama, mengemas-ngemas semua perkara. Minggu hadapan sudah tidak mahu melihat saya di sini. Orang-orang di ibu pejabat pula sedang pergi berkursus hari ini, mungkin menjadi kurang gangguan. Nota serah-tugas pun masih belum nampak bayang, perlu disiapkan hari ini. Hai, tak tidur seminggulah nak siapkan nota serah-tugas ini.

Bakal bekas ketua (future former boss) pernah memberitahu, “Kita datang sini untuk apa? Untuk bekerja”. Susah juga membina minat untuk memegang jawatan terdahulu, nampaknya bila minat sudah bercambah dan kerja semakin seronok tiba-tiba ditukarkan pula. Takpalah, mungkin ada hikmah di sebaliknya. Believing and still believing that God has His own planning on me.

Lord, grant me peace at heart for that I love more; for that I can do better; for that I will accept everything calmly; for that I will never stop trusting You.
(Tuhan, kurniakan saya hati yang tenang kerana itu lebih saya sukai; untuk saya melakukan yang lebih baik dan menerima dengan rela hati dan terus menggantung kepercayaan kepadaMu…)

New job is going to consume a lot of my time, I am going to miss sharing info and knowledge and my thoughts with my blog-readers, especially my friends who knew me inside and outside. I am going to do new job, wish me luck, pray that I will be able to love my new tasks and responsibility, and pls pray that I am and will be doing good in my new job. Amiinn.

P/s: who says I can’t type good Malays? I wrote more in Malays in this posting. Hiihihih:P

Monday, January 16, 2006

Friendly Comparative Religion (FCR)


Assalamualaikum wbt

Islamic Information & Services FOUNDATION (IIS) will be holding a Friendly Comparative Religion Training Programme in English. (IIS) would like to invite all Muslims to the programme in order to share &understand the different religions in Malaysia & to propagate information on Islam & matters relating to Islam.

Venue : IIS Lecture Hall,Setiawangsa Kuala Lumpur
Date : (Saturday & Sunday) 18 & 19 February 06
Time : 8.30 am - 6.00 pm
Fee : RM 120.00
(Student fee RM 100.00. A valid student card need to be produce at registration counter.)

For further details and enquiry kindly contact IIS or email us in order to register. Registration is onfirst come first serve basis. Seats are limited!!!

Payment can be made by cash or direct to our bank account,Maybank (Acc No: 562188108526) before 14th Febuary 06. Please fax to us copy of deposit slip for record purpose.

Islamic Information & Services FOUNDATION
No 1-5-2, Prima Peninsula
Jalan Setiawangsa 11
Taman Setiawangsa
54200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-4260 4160/4251 8792
Fax: 03-4260 4160/4256 2030

Currently undergoing trainings for the new post..
Will not be able to update since most of the time will be in the training classes.
Pray, i still have the brain and good memory to memorize and understand everything. :)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Definisi Baik-Baik

Definisi Baik-Baik

Kalau orang tu…
Solatnya tak tinggal
Kata2nya baik2
Nasihatnya lemah-lembut
Budi bahasanya elok
Kelakuannya dijaga
Tertib dan adab dipelihara
Selalu tersenyum
Pakaiannya elok2
Agamanya elok
Pendidikannya elok
Pergaulannya dgn orang elok2

Kita memang kata dia orang BAIK-BAIK
Dan itu kadang-kadang
Bukan semua.. Bukan kebanyakkan orang..

Tapi, kalau orang itu..
Solatnya tak tinggal
Pakaiannya elok2
Agamanya elok
Pendidikannya elok
Pergaulannya dgn orang elok2
Tapi kadang2 suaranya tinggi juga
Nasihatnya kadang2 pedas juga
Pandangannya kadang2 sinis juga
Baginya perlu tegur untuk kebaikkan

Kita kate dia orang BAIK-BAIK ke?

Apakata kalau orang itu..
Kata2nya baik2
Nasihatnya lemah-lembut
Selalu tersenyum
Budi bahasanya dijaga juga
Tapi agamanya tak dijaga sempurna
Solatnya tinggal2 selalu
Pakaiannya ketat2 sahaja
Bajunya tak cukup labuh
Seluarnya tak cukup panjang
Pergaulannya kawan2 sebegitu
Baginya pilihan dia yang punya

Kita kate dia orang BAIK-BAIK juga ke?

Perihal II dan III memang tentang orang kebanyakkan
Perihal III makin banyak dalam orang kebanyakan
Apa definisi BAIK-BAIK pada anda?

Friday, January 06, 2006

Tagging Time

So many things to share, yet so little effort in telling and sharing with others.. In the end, i found out this one thing posted by Kak Sity, and i was being tagged by her.

Now, after some times only able to make it. I am tagging Aida, Siti Zurina & Rollie. Nak tagging Hany, Mudin, Aina, Are2 mcm tak terbuat je bebudak ni.. Kalau lenlain tu rajin, buatler ek.. yati ke, farra ke.. :D

Favorite Color: Apple Green and Sky Blue
Favorite Food: Errr.. Nasi panas makan dengan ikan patin masak asam pedas, daging salai masak lemak cili api, lepas tu ada plak sambal belacan dan ulam dan ikan masin..makan masa hujan lebat..fuh!! erks..silap description..haha Anyway, chocolates & ice cream are my favvvvvvvvvourite.
Favorite Month: Ramadhan, Syawal and the month when I can have a lot of holidays
Favorite Song: The sounds of nature
Favorite Movie: Currently u mean? Full House, Wonderful Life, Journey to Home & more to add in the future..
Favorite Season: mcm kak sity juga, never stay long enough in a place with 4 seasons.. so my answer will be panas dan hujan sepanjang tahun season. hehe
Favorite Day Of the week: Thursday (because only God knows reason;) ) and Friday... I can have a lot of Saturday and Sunday!! ;)
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: err taktauler nama dia tapi rasanya nama warna aiskrim tu hijau apple dan ada chocolate rices dlm dia.. I think it is called cholocate rices mint icecream kot.. kot lah kan. Susah nak jumpa tu.. But of all, ice cream is one of my fav. :D
Favorite Time of Day: I treasure every seconds of the day..

Current Mood: Risaunya byk kerja tak siap, tapi ngantuk.. Dalam pada tu ade sikit rasa mcm nak nangis jer.. Err, tapi ade sedikit rasa tenang. Complicatednyer rasa kan!
Current Taste: Chocolate Almond Eclairs org bagi tadi..
Current Clothes: Baju biru nila polos dengan bunga timbul warna perak, tudung biru muda.
Current Desktop: Err.. scenary of a forest yg ada sungai
Current Toenail Color: putih kuku.. heheh no colourlah! Current Time: 4:45pm
Current Surroundings: Tak bising, agak senyap. Bunyi telefon jer..
Current Thoughts: Bila aku nak siap keje ni, kul berapa nak balik kampung ni, kepala aku dah start sakit ke, alamak email tak hantar lagi. ( : )) )

First Best Friend: Zuhaida Jaafar, when I was in Sek Rendah Tmn Melawati 1 (Fasa 5) . Lost contact already for years..
First Kiss: aaAaa.. French Kiss ke? Not yet:p
First Screen Name: err.. S9811692 ?? Student number login ke UNIX system & Telnet..eheh
First Pet: Cat was always be at my home when I was small but I am not considering that as my first pet. Maybe Fishes?
First Piercing: hmm I think it was when I’m 8 years old? 7? something like that
First Crush: crush ke ek masa tu? I think lebih kpd rasa suka kwn dgn dia sbb dia baik. In Standard 1, I think his name is something like Irwan/Iwan can’t recall. Only in the same class+school for half year, after that he moved to other school
First Album: err.... KRU .. har har har

Last Cigarette: (mcm kak sity juga) tak pernah.. 2nd hand smoker always... :)) lastly I think when I’m 8.
Last Drink: reverse osmosis water.. provided by the office
Last Car Ride: Yesterday with my friend
Last Kiss: The night before yesterday, from my mum...
Last Movie Seen: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire .. betul kot tajuknyer?
Last Phone Call: so many phone calls, forgotten already
Last CD Played: err..err.. VCD Journey Back to Home boleh tak?

Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Guy Friends: No.. I think so.
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Err.. can’t recall if any. May I say no?:p
Have You Ever Been Arrested: Yes, by my mother.. hahahahha
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Ni ape ni? Makanan ke? Kak sity pls explain..keh keh keh
Have You Ever Been on TV: Yes, a number of times already. Hehehehe Ops, takmoler nanti cop gile glamer..kakakakakka
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: Of COURSE… no :p

Thing You're Wearing: You mean currently? Wearing my clothes only. I put off my watch..
Thing You've Done Today: Mandi, Makan, Pergi Kerja, Bekerja, Makan, Gelak Ketawa, Kerja, Kerja Kerja, Baca Blogs, Kerja, Baca Blog, Tulis Blog.. Kejap lagi balik..
Thing You Can Hear Right Now: A phone is ringing from far away, two persons talking and laughing behind me, my colleague Maisarah is talking on the phone, I’m typing on the keyboard..
Thing You Can't Live Without: The things that Allah SWT has provided me to stay alive and live on …
Thing You Do When You're Bored: Sleep. Blog hopping. Go to shopping complex and watching + examine people one by one. Go to KLCC to watch the pertunjukan air terjun (air pancut yg buat pertunjukan tu..hihihi)

1. My house
2. My Office
3. Foodcourt
4. Toilet

1. Allah
2. Siti Zurina
3. Siha

1. Black or White: or ( & Gray)
2. Hot or Cold: or (& Warm)

Make handover notes on whateva works that shall continue after I die, and a list of people to inform if I die so that if I have any bad debts with them they may get the refund from my family, and if I have hurt them I want them to know I apologize to them; and if they have hutang-piutang with me they may refund it to my family (unless diorang pun tak mampu bayar sampai diorang mati kire halal la..). err is that supposed to be 2 instead of 1 thing? :D