Thursday, December 30, 2004

The 26th Date

[1] On-leave
I thought I took my leave on the wrong date, and was thinking to swap it back today when I realized that actually I did asked for Wednesday’s leave. Al-Hamdulillah, seems to be tepat2 je as on Tuesday which was my 2nd day/time visit to the gym I was collapsed. Heheh pengsan abis2an padahal peluh tak keluar sebanyak 1st day pun. Flat gile on the Wednesday’s morning tu. Perancangan awal nak gi Jab. Pendaftaran Negara earlier since some people questioned whether my IC is already the ‘MyKad’ or not yet.

I went out around 11.00 am (matahari dah tinggi dah), and reached there (Maju Junction) around 12.00 noon ++. Figured out that the number for MyKad was finished already, but I just went to the counter to double-check whether mine is considered MyKad already or not. So it turn out that mine is the first version (which is why it does not have all the TnG tag, MyKad tag etc etc tags.) and I have to pay RM20 if I want to change it. Consider that RM20, long-waiting for new IC and (of most reason) queue-up for soooo long, I guess it will be better to keep that 1st version of MyKad. Aha, to those who have not change yours, pls do so ASAP because kalau tunggu lagi lama nanti lagi ramai nak buat and lagi sesak. Pergilah awal-awal pagi (open from 7.30 am onwards) sbb kejap je dah selesai urusan, prev. experience pergi before 8.00 am and before 9.00am dah settle dah.

Utk pengetahuan (bagi yg belum tahu lagikan), jabatan pendaftaran yg dekat KL ni dah takde dah kat Campbell. Sekarang dah tukar ke Maju Junction (seberang jalan je, bersebelahan dgn Bgn MARA-sederet ngan Sogo-Pertama-KL University-Maju Junction), tingkat 6 ok (untuk naik gune liflaa).

So, dah lepas tu aku pun jenjalan laa kat dlm Maju Junction tu.. uuhuh so many Sales, Sales.. sana sini rabun sekejap mata sib baik dah baca doa dlm hati : )) (sebenarnyer dah habis belanja duit gaji:P). Ada satu kawasan macam Bazaar kat Tingkat 1 or 2 (tak ingat plak) baru bukak and selling mcm2 termasuklah hasil seni lukis yg harganya ribu2.. Aku pun dok nengok jugaklah all the lukisan tu, erm ada yg serabut alam terlalu abstract tapi harga riban2 laa.. Waah, tak paham..hasil seni ni, mungkin kurang sikit menghayati. I prefer something yg terus nampak dan tak serabutkan fikiran. Sekejap je jalan2 tu when a friend yg dah berjanji nak jumpa contact. We want to discuss about projek Alumni Sekolah. They put their hopes on me to come out with the proposal paper, and I was being pushed for several times for unable to produce the proposal paper. Isk, dah kerja ni ade limitation sket la. Including tkade pc kan, lagila masalah satu lagi. Nak naip time ofis hour ni, utk blog pun dah cukup susah. So when a friend offering me the hands to help, hehe dgn senang hatinya saya pun membenarkan…

Balik tu sempat singgah KLCC utk solat.. On my way back, I stopped at a bread/bakery shop when a little cute girl came in with me (tak tahuler mana mak die pi, tiba2 je muncul). And the cashiers were mistakenly thought that is my erm.. daughter! Err err ape maksudnyer ni?? (ehhe ingat kata Siti, kalau nak anak pun cariklah bapa dia dulu.. ahahahha)

[2] New Born Baby

Pagi2 pukul 6.15 saya dpt SMS. My twin we born on the same date) Zaridah dpt baby boy!! Hajat masa belajar dulu nak kawin sama2 (:P) tapi takde rezeki plak. Al-Hamdulillah. Congrates her and Fahmy for the new born baby. Sat lagi Shelley kata nak gi sama2, insya-Allah utk jenguk the new born baby and the new parents. hehe

[3] Sibuk berkerja dan menonton

Hari ni balik ofis, saya sibuk sgt bekerja. Tapi dlm masa yg sama sempat dload few videos on Tsunami. Sesape berminat leh dload kat (right click/save as):
Tsunami In Phuket (11MB, 2mins)
Tsunami In Patong Beach, Phuket (10MB, 2mins)
Tsunami In Sri Lanka (7.6MB, 1:40mins)

Kawan2 kat ofis dapat circulated email regarding the “26th Day”. Pada tarikh tersebut kalau mengikut sejarah banyak berlakunya natural disasters (bencana alam). Contohnya:

Year Month & Date Place of Earthquake
1883 August 26 Krakatoa
1932 December 26 China (70,000 nyawa)
1939 December 26 Wilayah Erzincan, Turki (41,000 nyawa)
1996 December 26 Ribut Greg, Keningau, Sabah
2001 January 26 Gujarat
2001 September 26 Chennai
2002 December 26 China
2003 January 26 Newzealand
2003 May 26 Japan / Taiwan
2003 September 26 Japan(Hokaido)
2003 October 26 China (Sunsu)
2003 December 26 Wilayah Bam, Iran (45K nyawa)
2004 December 26 South east Asia (35K and still counting)

Mungkin sebenarnyer salah satu sebab ada di antara kita umat Islam banyak melakukan maksiat dan melupakan Allah SWT waktu ni. Macam kebiasaan sambutan thn baru di Malaysia, kita dah boleh tgk sendiri kan. Al-Hamdulillah, semua konsert sambutan thn baru di Malaysia dibatalkan. Kalau ada yg mengikut saranan PM utk buat doa selamat, al-Hamdulillah sekali lagi. Bukankah itu yg sebaiknya?

Tergerak hati nak selak alQuran sekejap and terjumpa ayat2 ni. KIre ayat2 ni semuanya adalah ayat 2600 ke atas. Extracted dr Surah Al-Anbiyaa (Nabi-Nabi):

Tiap-tiap yang berjiwa pasti merasai mati. Allah akan menguji kita dengan keburukan dan kebaikan sebagai cubaan/dugaan yang sebenar2nya, dan hanya kepada Allah-lah kelak kita akan dikembalikan [Al-Anbiyaa’, 21:35].

Sebenarnya (azab) itu akan datang kepada mereka dengan sekonyong-konyongnya lalu membuat mereka menjadi panik, maka mereka tidak sanggup menolaknya dan tidak pula mereka diberi tangguh. [21:41]

Katakanlah: Siapakah yang dapat memelihata kamu di waktu malam dan siang hari selain Allah Yang Maha Pemurah? Sebenarnya mereka adalah orang-orang yang berpaling dari mengingati Tuhan mereka [21:42]

Moga kita berada dalam keredhaan Allah SWT, keampunanNya dan kasih sayangNya.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Segala Kisah


Kak Aza and I were having some chit-chat last week at Surau Al-Hidayah, MMU Cyberjaya. She looks a little bit slimmer compared to the last time I saw her. I was trying to see if everyone is in a good condition after being shocked with previous week’s sad news. Found out that actually in that condition, everyone is trying to look tough although they are not. The best thing is to keep on support each other.

We might feel sad but at the same time we want to continue the life. Kak Aza told me I am not the only one to feel is it ‘wrong’ while our beloved friend was passed away and we seems to ignore her present by coming back to daily chores. She was rite, although we don’t seems to continuously project it after this Kak Iqin will always be inside our hearts and we will always miss her. Just like what Aida said.

After all, I believe that if she can says it out loud, she would want all of us to do what we are supposed to do it in the first place: share knowledge with each other and be together, as sisters and brothers in Islam. Wallahu’alam.

++Related link: Thanx to Abg Faizal.


It’s really shocked! Tsunami disaster has reached us. There is nothing impossible for Allah SWT, for His Words are truth. Laa Ilahaillallah.. If only He wants to create or destroy, no people can stop it. Nor the so-called advance system & technology neither the geographical will matters. [Refer Mudin’s posting] . Innalillahiwainnalillahirajiun (From Allah we came, to Him we returned), tak mampu nak kata apa melihat tangisan ramai manusia atas kematian ahli2 keluarga hinggakan tinggal diri sebatang kara. Moga Allah beri kekuatan ke atas diri mereka, dugaan utk mereka. Kadang2, salah tu adalah sebab org lain yg melakukannya. Tapi, kite yg melihat mungkin tak kisah atau tak ambil peduli hingga tempias tu jatuh juga ke kita. Allah lebih mengetahui segalanya.

Apa2 pun, walaupun ajal maut ketentuan Allah SWT dan takkan berhenti nafas selagi belums ampai waktunya, kita perlu mengambil langkah berjaga2 juga. Berhati2 dlm perjalanan keseluruhan, elakkan turun ke laut bila terasa gerakkan air pasang, atau lebih kuat. (duhh, baru hajat cuti nak pi mandi pangkor or pergi jalan2 kat penang).

Tsunami usually comes with alarm. Perhatikan sekeliling kalau mandi laut. (Tips taken from the office colleagues who were discussing this issue). Tsunami stands for ‘3-beradik’ in which the wave (ombak) will comes in 3 stages: 1st stage usually bersama kedatanagan ikan2 laut yg naik ke darat , 2nd stage ombak yg sedikit kuat and 3rd stage ombak yg tinggi. Lagipun, kemungkinan ada kesan berganda yg bermaksud Tsunami boleh berulang2 hingga beberapa bulan.

Lepas ni jgn hairan kalau rasa tiba2 negeri/pulau2 yg tidak terikat ngan tanah besar dunia rasanya semakin jauh atau semakin dekat nak sampai since Tsunami ni pun menyebabkan berlakunya perubahan pada kedudukan muka bumi Asia. [More to read]


Erm..lama tak menulis, tetibe panjang pula yer. Yesterday, I was successfully pergi ke Gym kat Menara Telekom for the first time after years and months of attempt. :D So many people told me to keep fit, keep fit.. so I am trying to see how long I could stands in this ‘program’ ;) Oh, thanx to Shelley for accompanied me there. Hehe else I don’t think so I will proceed with my earlier planning to go there alone.

After all the gym-equipment-testing-and-trying, we went to Azrin’s new Char Kway Teow stall at AU2 Keramat. This family’s secret recipe is specially brought to KL from Ipoh (Azrin’s father has a stall in Ipoh, so she opened another stall here with helps from her brother and husband). The taste is not bad at all, we got few pieces of big prawn and a number of kerang. Hehehe sape alergik udang takleh la [hints: Siti Zurina]. It’s good for supper as tak terlalu berat sgt. So those who happen to be around there, you might consider a drop to the shop. Opened from 7.00 pm to 12.00 am on weekdays and until 2.00 am on weekends. The map is here.

aaahh, I’m hungry!! Need to take my lunch. (Dun worry about that ‘FAT’, I will eliminates it this evening;) ho ho ho )

Friday, December 24, 2004

Teacher of teachers

I guess i just fall in love with this song as well.

Although before this it was posted in Siti's & Hany's blog, i just don't want to be missed out from the group. ;) Bukan tiru korang ek, tapi mmg terpikat betul2 ngan lagu tu. Cuma takleh dgr awal sbb have to dload Real Player dulu, i dun have one b4.

Teringat kata2 seorang sahabat tentang kemampuan al-Quran yg dapat menarik perhatian pelbagai jenis manusia (different characters have different interests) melalui cara Al-Quran dibacakan atau isi kandungan al-Quran itu sendiri. I feel that konsep lagu ni pun lebih kurang macam tu juga sbb bak kata Hany lagu ni rhythm die ada pelan, mendayu, laju, bersemangat.. macam tu la..

Nak dijadikan cerita kemudian, secara tak sengaja saya pun tetibe tertranslate /terjemah lagu tu dlm Bahasa Malaysia. Walaupun tau penggunaan bhs saya mostly lebih kepada direct translation.. :D Sape2 terer utk gunakan bhs yg cantik2 tu silalah betul2kan.. kan HANY? ;)

Ok, ini die versi saya! :))


Kita pernah memiliki seorang Guru
Guru kepada sekian banyak guru
Yang telah merubah dunia menjadi lebih baik
Dan menjadikan kita makhluk yang lebih mulia
Ya Allah sesungguhnya kami malu
Kami telah pergi jauh dari Al-Mu'allim
Sungguh kami telah melalaikan diri sendiri
Apakah yang berhak kami katakan padanya nanti
Oh Mu'allim...

Baginda adalah Muhammad salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam,
Muhammad, Pembawa rahmat sekelian manusia,
Guru untuk sekelian manusia
Abal Qasim [Salah satu nama Nabi]
Kekasihku wahai Muhammad
Pemberi shafaatku wahai Muhammad
Ciptaan Teragung Allah adalah Muhammad
Wahai Yang Terpilih, Penghulu segala Utusan
Wahai Yang Terpilih, Pemberi Shafaat kepada sekalian kehidupan/dunia

Baginda bersolat ketika insan lain sedang tidur
Ketika yang lain makan, baginda berlapar (berpuasa)
Ketika yang lain bergembira, baginga menangis
Hingga nafas terakhirnya
Hajat (Doa)nya semoga kita berada
Di kalangan yang dirahmati (berjaya)
Ya Mu'allim sejahtera ke atasmu,
Benarlah dikau Guru kami
Oh Mu'allim..

Kekasihku wahai Muhammad
Pemberi shafaatku wahai Muhammad
Rasulku wahai Muhammad
Pembawa khabar kebaikkan wahai Muhammad
Pemberi amaran wahai Muhammad
Cinta hatiku wahai Muhammad
Cahaya mataku wahai Muhammad
Baginda telah mengajarkan kita tentang keadilan dan kebaikan
Dan memberi makan kepada yang miskin dan lapar
Membantu musafir dan anak yatim
Dan tidak berlaku kejam serta bakhil
Kata-katanya berlemah-lembut
Seperti ibu memujuk (mengusap) anaknya
Kasih dan sayang baginda
Jelas terpancar apabila baginda tersenyum

Abal Qasim [Salah satu nama Nabi]
Kekasihku wahai Muhammad
Pemberi shafaatku wahai Muhammad
Ciptaan Teragung Allah adalah Muhammad
Wahai Yang Terpilih, Penghulu segala Utusan
Wahai Yang Terpilih, Pemberi Shafaat kepada sekalian kehidupan/dunia

Lastly, a bonus for video clip penulis lirik/penyanyi asal lagu ni boleh dpt kat SINI. Thanx to SarahM (Sarah Mamat?:) ). Salam cuti hujung minggu utk semua. Wasalam.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Forwarded msg by a friend:

Tahlil arwah untuk sahabat kita - arwah Nor'Ashiqin, bapa kepada
Jasaruddin & beberapa ahli keluarga sahabat di Surau Multimedia
University, Cyberjaya, Khamis 23 Disember, seusai solat Maghrib.
Jemput hadir.


So, insya-Allah tommorow i'll be going there where most of my life stories begin. The Place i miss so much, esp. the surau. Pada kawan2 yg lain, mehlah dtg sekali yer. Sampai bertemu kembali. wasalam.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Today, still it seems like i don't know where to start again in blogging. Usually early in the morning i'll check up the 4 core-early-bloggers, those who started blogging more or less the same time as I do: Siti, Hany, Mudin & Allahyarham Kak Nuun. Now the list is missing one blogger.

Siti kate betul, Mudin pun betul. Bukan tak biasa berhadapan dengan kematian, cuma sebab org lain kan mungkin kurang sket rasanyer. Tapi bila org terdekat yg pergi, kita rasa macam satu kehilangan walaupun hakikatnya kita akan bertemu kembali. Macam org yg pergi ke oversea, lepas tu akan terus menetap di sana tak balik semula ke malaysia and kite tak tau macam mana nak contact balik (consider takde kemudahan internet/phone) dan kite plak tak berkemampuan utk pergi tgk ke sana. Rasa berpisah macam tu la.. Hari jumaat tu bertembung pula dengan seorg kwn di ofis lama, memberitahu seorg sahabatnyer yg sakit baru shj pergi menemui Ilahi. Sabtu pagi dikejutkan pula dengan pemergian bapa kepada Abg Jas. seolah2 ramai sungguh org yg dikenali pergi, mulalah terasa diri pun begitu juga. Allah. terkenang kurangnya amalan sekarang, kalau pergi ntah macam mana la yer.

Mengenangkan MATI, ade 2 perkara yg saya takuti. (1) Keadaan ketika mati, samada dlm keadaan baik, sengsara and then mati di tempat yg elok atau tidak, dlm keadaan niat yg baik atau sebaliknya. (2) Keadaan selepas mati, dimasukkan ke kubur dan bertemu Allah.

Rasanya tak mampu dah nak bercerita pasal Arwah sbbnya ramai juga dah bercerita- termasuk Siti; and saya tak mampu nak kawal emosi. :) Saya kire Arwah dah berjaya 'mengikat' hati2 sahabatnya utk rasa dekat dan sayang pada dia dengan doa dan caranya sendiri . Something yg kdg2 saya rasa tak mampu nak dikatakan kehebatannya itu. Doa saya semoga Allah kurniakan abg faizal kekuatan dan ketabahan utk teruskan kehidupan di dunia ini.

Apa2 pun setiap yg bernyawa pasti merasainya. Bak kate Mudin, "after all..death is the only way to heaven"..

Insya-ALlah, i will try to come out with new posting (yg dah tulis tapi tertangguh separuh jalan utk habiskan). Sehingga bertemu kembali.

Friday, December 17, 2004



Semalam itu

Semalam itu,
Kami kehilangan seorang sahabat, seorang kakak
Kami kehilangan seorang rakan sekerja, rakan seperjuangan

Semalam itu,
Sebuah keluarga kehilangan seorang anak perempuan
Seorang bapa kehilangan anaknya
Seorang ibu kehilangan anaknya
Seorang kakak kehilangan adiknya
Dan adik-adik kehilangan kakaknya

Semalam itu,
Seorang lelaki kehilangan teman baiknya
Kehilangan isterinya

Dan semalam itu juga
Seorang anak kehilangan ibunya!

Hadir dengan usikannya, dengan cerianya
Sambil tersenyum menampakan lesung pipit
Memaut hati sesiapa jua
Namun sering kelihatan tegasnya, yg benar tetap benar
Ukhuwahnya kental Iktikadnya kukuh
Cintanya pada ilmu, sering dikongsi bersama
Sokongannya tak pernah lupa
Nasihatnya pengubat lara
Tidakkan ku lupa Quwwatul Intizor nya
Sungguh, dia wanita istimewa yg luar biasa tautan hatinya

Benarlah janji-Nya
"Setiap yang bernyawa, pasti merasai mati"

Dia telah pergi, tak kembali lagi ke dunia fana ini
Hilang di mata, Tak jumpa lagi di dunia
Dalam hati kami, dia tetap istimewa
Tulisannya akan kami tatapi kembali
Sebagai pengubat rindu kami
Dirinya tetap akan dikenang, tetap disayangi
Pasti akan kami rindui
Moga rohnya dicucuri rahmat Allah SWT
Dan ditempatkan di kalangan orang yg beriman
Amiin ya Rabbal 'Alamin.

Al-fatihah utk Allahyarham Nor'ashiqin Mohd Ali (16.12.2004). & salam takziah untuk Brother Faizal sekeluarga.

p/s: Gambar di tempat kemalangan [Click Here]

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Morning Spirit

I was being sooo touched with this email forwarded by a friend of mine this morning. Considering myself as that Malay woman who most labelize as too argumentative, too loud, too fat (?:P) actually adeler terasa sikit2 masa baca the first part tu. Sometimes, bukan nak argue byk2 cuma mengamalkan apa yg belajar bahawa "jelas dan terang" itu adalah cahaya kehidupan.. supaya hati tak sangsi atau sekadar meraba dlm gelap..

Terasa macam harga diri tu meningkat tinggi bila baca article ni. Suddenly, terasa sgt2 dihargai dan proud of being a muslim malay woman. I should thanx a lot to this guy, whoever becomes his Malay Queen insya-ALlah i believe will be well-protected and treasured. :) So here you are to all the Malay women who feels insulated by anyone for being that "easternized & traditional & religious", cheer up!

To all malay women out there...two thumbs up for u...u'll proud to know that u r appreciated that much by a "professional malay man" (read the response especially the red-coloured paragraph). Anyway this is a nice article for everyone. Remember to read each & every single word of this article.

Wish to share this "Forum" section of a local newspaper....proud to be Malaysian, prouder to be Muslim Malay... This malay professional guy deserves an award for coming to our defense.

Dear Editor:

I'm sorry but I would like to challenge some of your Malay male readers. I am a White female who is engaged to a Malay male-good-looking, educated and loving. I just don't understand a lot of Malay female's attitudes about our relationship. My man decided he wanted me because the pickings amongst Malay women were slim to none.

As he said they were either too fat, too loud, too mean, too argumentative, too needy, too materialistic or carrying too much excess baggage. Before I became engaged, whenever I went out I was constantly approached by Malay men, willing to wine and dine me and give me the world. If Malay women are so up in arms about us being with their men, why don't they look at themselves and make some changes. I am tired of the dirty looks I get and snide remarks when we're out in public. I would like to hear from some Malay men about why we are so appealing and coveted by them. Bryant Gumbel just left his wife of, 26 years for one of us. Charles Barkley, Scottie Pippen, the model Tyson Beckford, Montell Williams, Quincy Jones, James Earl Jones, Harry Belafonte, Sydney Poitier, Kofi Anan, Cuba Gooding Jr., Don Cornelius, Berry Gordy, Billy Blanks, Larry Fishburne, Wesley Snipes, ...I could go on and on.

But, right now, I'm a little angry and that is why I wrote this so hurriedly. Don't be mad with us White women because so many of your men want us. Get your acts together and learn from us and we may lead you to treat your men better. If I'm wrong, Malay men, let me know.

Disgusted White Girl, Somewhere in Bangsar.

Read On.............
This letter was written in response to an article (relevant to the above):

Dear Editor:

I would like to respond to the letter written by A Disgusted White Girl. Let me start by saying that I am a 28-year old Malay man. I graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in England with a Masters Of Science Degree in Business Management. I have a good job at a Multinational Corporation and have recently purchased a house and a brand new non-national car So, I consider myself to be among the ranks of successful Malay men. I will not use my precious time to slander white people. I just want to set the record straight of why Malay men date white women. Back in the day, one of the biggest reasons why Malay men dated white women was because they were considered easy. The Malay girls in my neighborhood were raised traditionally. They were very strict about when they lost their virginity and who they lost it to. Because of our impatience to wait, brothers would look for someone who would give it up easy without too much hassle. So, they turned to the white girls.

Nowadays, in my opinion, a lot of Malay males date white women because they are docile and easy to control. A lot of Malay men, because of insecurities, fears, and overall weaknesses, have become intimidated by the strength of our Malay women. We are afraid that our woman will be more successful than us, make more money than us, drive nicer cars and own bigger houses.

Because of this fear, many Malay men look for a more docile woman. Someone we can control. I have talked to numerous Malay men and they continuously comment on how easy it is to control and walk over their white women. I just want to set the record straight. I want A Disgusted White Girl to know that not all successful Malay men date white women. Non-Whites like Ahmad Rashad, Denzel Washington, Michael Jordan, Morris Chestn! ut, Will Smith, Blair Underwood, Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds, Samuel L. Jackson, and Chris Rock all married strong Non-White women.

And, to flip the script, there are numerous white men, in and out of the spot light, who openly or secretly desire Non-White women over white women. Ted Danson, Robert DeNiro, and David Bowie to name a few. I just don't want a disgusted white girl to be misinformed.

Stop thinking that because you are white that you are some type of goddess. Remember, when Non-White Egyptian Queens like Hatsepshut and Nitorcris were ruling Dynasties and armies of men in Egypt, you were over in the caves of Europe eating raw meat and beating each other over the head with clubs. Read your history! It was the Non-White woman that taught you how to cook and season your food. It was the Non-White woman that taught you how to raise your children. It was Non-White women who were breastfeeding and raising your babies during slavery. It is the Non-White woman that had to endure watching their fathers, husbands, and children beaten, killed, and thrown in jail.

Malay women were born with two strikes against them: being Non-White and being a woman. And, through all this, Still They Rise! It is because of the Malay women's strength, elegance, power, love and beauty that I could never date anyone except my Malay Queen. It is not just the outer beauty that captivates and draws me to them. It is not the fact that they come in all shapes, sizes, colors and shades that I love them.

Their inner beauty is what I find most appealing about Malay women. Their strong spirit, loving and nurturing souls, their integrity, their ability to overcome great obstacles, their willingness to stand for what they believe in, and their determination to succeed and reach their highest potential while enduring great pain and suffering is why I have fallen in love with Malay women. I honestly believe that your anger is geared more toward jealousy and envy than snotty looks.

If this were not so, then why do you continuously go to tanning salons to darken your skin? If you are so proud to be white, then why don't you just be happy with your pale skin? Why do you continue to inject your lips, hips, and breasts with unnatural and dangerous substances so you can look fuller and more voluptuous? I think that your anger is really a result of you wanting to have what the Non-White woman has.

BOTTOM LINE: If I were looking for a docile woman, someone I can walk over and control, I would give you a call. But, unfortunately, I am looking for a Virtuous Woman. Someone that can be a good wife and mother to my children. Someone who can be my best friend and understands my struggles. I am looking for a soul mate and; unfortunately, you do not and CANNOT fit the bill.

No offense taken, none given.
Malay Professional


Monday, December 13, 2004

Harus atau Terpaksa?

So the weekends has over. Hmm, sabtu ahad bile sibuk tak terasa pun bercutinya. Sabtu, aku sempat juga menjenguk seorang 'kakak' di Shah Alam bersama beberapa kwn dr DCBA yg dah lama tak jumpa. Tgk Anas (anak Kak Lin) dah besar walau baru 3 bulan tak jumpa yg dulu mesti penat bermain kalau jumpa AUntie sorang ni . Since tumpang Kak Sarah & Ismail ke rumah Kak Fari, dpt juga main2 dengan anak sedara DCBA yg pertama ni, Raudhatul Jannah yg dah berusia 2 thn lebih. Dulu jumpa masih baby lagi, sekarang dah pandai pun bercakap. Semalam kenduri Walimah Abg Jas & Kak As selamat dijalankan. Al-Hamdulillah. Kawin juga abg Jas akhirnya. hehe And semalam pun menyaksikan perkumpulan kanak2 (anak2 kawan) yg ada tu tak sempat jenguk sejak lahir. *Speechless* Rezeki masing-masing:)

Pagi ni, agak terasa sedikit dengan headline yg ke udara melalui buletin pagi TV3/ MHI. "Kerajaan terpaksa membelanjakan lebih separuh (RM 800 juta) dr jumlah perbelanjaan setahun untuk belanja perubatan rakyat".

Hairan, kenapa perlu gunakan perkataan terpaksa sedangkan mmg itu tugas kerajaan untuk mengadakan basic facilities kepada rakyat marhein. Kenapa tak gunakan saja perkataan harus atau perlu sedangkan memang itu tugas yg memimpin, melakukan sesuatu utk kemudahan yg dipimpin. Macam tak ikhlas bekerja sahaja. Rakyat bukan hidup percuma di negara ini, atau dibayar oleh negara utk hidup di sini. Kita berkerja, bayar itu ini termasuk jalan raya dan perkhidmatan lain.. Tapi dlm masa yg sama seringkali terdengar kerajaan terpaksa membelanjakan RM RM untuk kemudahan rakyat, subsidi rakyat.

Hmm, kalau saya tak setuju je terus dicap pembangkang ek walau sebenarnyer itu adalah luahan hati saya sebagai rakyat marhaein? Kalau macam tu kite jadi lagak Hang Tuah yg hanya membabi-buta setia pada raja yg zalim. Sedangkan sekarang sejarah membuktikan sebenarnyer Hang Jebatlah hero zaman dulu... Walaupun nama Hang Jebat seolah2 jadi keramat yg harus dielakkan di bumi Melaka sebelum ni, tp sekarang baru sahaja tercatat dlm sejarah tempat di Melaka sejak nama stadium baru di Melaka dinamakan sebagai Stadium Hang Jebat. Hmm mungkin juga saya menjadi lebih perasa sekarang (bak kata seorg kawan, sensitif sgt yer sekarang.. ). Ntahlah.

Hairan sungguh dengan hidup ini.. Hairan hairan..

Friday, December 10, 2004


I'm backkkk...

It has been the 2nd working day of the week. Baru tinggal seminggu, dah berlambak2 email kena cater. So buat sementara waktu ni i will berehat sementara (boleh ckp *rest in peace* for a while tak? hehe).

By the way, Al-Hamdulillah last week walimah berjalan dengan baik. Kepada kawan2 yg sudi hadir, terima kasih bebanyak:). Utk Aida yg sedang demam teruk, semoga cepat sembuh. Insya-Allah nanti2 dptler aku jenguk anak lelaki mu itu..

Oklah, nampaknyer kali ni saya tak dpt nak update blog ni sgt. Insya-ALlah ada kelapangan saya akan kembali dengan cerita ceriti celoteh saya. Sampai waktu itu, selamat menjaga diri masing2 dengan baik.

Apa2 pun, tungguuu!!!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Adat Istiadat Perkahwinan Melayu

Langkah Bendul
"Melangkah Bendul" dikaitkan dengan keadaan adik perempuan yang berkahwin terlebih dahulu sebelum kakak (atau kakak-kakak) berkahwin. Sekiranya mengikut adat sebenar, pengantin lelaki perlu menghantar setiap satu hantaran yang sama kepada adik dan kakak. Tujuan sebenar adalah untuk menjaga hati kakak kerana tidak berkahwin dahulu. Semasa dahulu, sekiranya adik yang dipinang dahulu sebelum kakak dianggap kurang manis dan kakaknya mungkin tidak akan dipinang oleh orang lain. Walaubagaimanapun, amalan ini tidak diamalkan lagi (atau kurang diamalkan). Tambahan pula Islam menggalakkan umatnya yang mampu dan telah cukup syarat-syaratnya untuk mendirikan rumahtangga.

Adat Menanam (Melaka)
Jangan terkejut sekiranya anda pergi ke majlis perkahwinan di Melaka dan mendapati seolah-olah ada kaunter pendaftaran untuk tetamu yang hadir. Ini adalah salah satu adat dalam masyarakat Melayu di Melaka dikenali sebagai Adat Menanam. Ianya boleh dikatakan satu pelaburan jangka panjang untuk keluarga tetamu yang hadir ke majlis perkahwinan kerana kebiasaannya keluarga pengantin akan membalas kunjungan perkahwinan ke atas keluarga tetamu yang hadir pada hari tersebut. Hadiah atau wang yang diberikan tetamu kepada pengantin akan diberikan 'balasan' atau 'berkat' seperti telur, pulut kuning dsb.

So, here it goes the reason i posted above matter. I am going to take a very long leave starting from tomorrow. Untuk itu saya ingin menjemput sahabat-sahabat yang ada kelapangan untuk menghadiri jamuan rumah terbuka a.k.a. kenduri walimah my sister seperti berikut:

Tarikh: 4hb December 2004
Hari: Sabtu
Masa: 11.00 pagi - 4.00 petang
Alamat: No. 372, Jalan Indah 9, Taman Pengkalan Indah, 78000 Alor Gajah Melaka.

Peta boleh didapati di SINI. Masuk dari Tol Simpang Ampat/Alor Gajah.

So, jemput2lah datang yer. Kedatangan anda amatlah dialu2kan. Tak jumpa jalan silalah telefon. Untuk Aida & Aini dijemput hadir sekali. Kalau dpt extend invitation to your parents as well, my father said die kenal your parents sama2 tempat belajar dulu.

Sampai bertemu kembali okiehs.

Nash Equilibrium: The Game Theory

Since I am going to be on leave for quite a while, then i guess i would leave you people with something to *think* while i am away. I have been trying to complete this posting for few days and at last (al-Hamdulillah) here i come for you. This thing is quite complex (welcome to the complexity of economists hehe) , so if you have any question/comment you are free to throw the ideas. Maybe I am right, but maybe i am wrong too. We share knowledge with each other ok.

Ops, anyway does the topic above rings a bell to someone? ;) hahah Ok, I was really into this economic terms last weekend when someone called me to ask me very detail on basic economic terms: Supply & Demand. Lucky her ( not know whether it is really a luck or what since she was confused with so many version of answers received from her other fellow friends), I had a book written by Michael R Baye on managerial economic and business strategy. Just discovered that he was graduated from Purdue University. Hmm, hebat juga yer university tu. Mampu keluarkan ramai penulis Ilmiah.;)

Ok, back to the topic. Well, as what claimed by the economist , economics studies covering all aspect of life including economy, income level to the politic, sociology, crime, education etc etc. So as a good economist student, I am supposed to be able to relate economic theory on the aspect of life. Here I found out that actually we could also use Nash Equilibrium in proving the existence of God;). Actually, someone told me about this but in non-economic ways. So, saje je suka2 tgk tiba2 tgk ada concept yg boleh apply juga. I just give a shoot here.

That thing goes this way:
I am trying to evaluate the value for believing in GOD and believing that world existed by mother nature (as what belief by the Atheist).

A represents the Non-Believer or Atheist
B represents the Believer
(1) represents safe condition
(-1) represents dangerous condition

With ceteris paribus (other things remain constant), suppose at one time God can be existed or not existed at all. Thus the combination of (Exist - Not Exist) and (Not Exist –Exist) will be invalid: shaded area.

We can have a table like this:

In this case, if GOD is really exist then B will be rewarded since B believes in God while A will be punished for not believing in God. One will be in safe condition, while one will not.

If God is really not exist, then both A& B will not be punished neither will be rewarded. Since both of them will be free from any judgement, both will be safe. Thus gain 1 point.

In this equilibrium we can see that the dominant strategy is B since regardless of whether God exists or not, B will be in a safe position. But A has the 50-50 chances of whether to be safe or not.


Another point of view… Let say I have another assumption/table.

With G represents GOD; and P represents People.

If GOD exist, for a Believer, he will be rewarded (1 point) for believing in GODbut for a non-Believer (Atheist) he will be punished (-1 point) for not believing in GOD.

If GOD is really not exist, for a Believer since he will neither be rewarded nor punished, he will be on breakeven (0 point). While for a non-Believer that will gain him (1 point) since he approves what he believe.

Now, lets examine this.
Condition 1

If we try to evaluate the relationship (R) between Safe/Happiness (V) & Insecure/Harmful (D) situation, this is what we can have:

For a Believer:
R = 1/0 = Infinity

For a Non-Believer:
R = -1/1 = -1

Condition 2
If we try to make it reverse, R between D and V (R= D/V), this is what we can have:

For a Believer:
R = 0/1 = 0

For a Non-Believer:
R = 1/-1 = -1

Which says that in Condition 1, for a Believer he will have INFINITY VALUE over the Safe & Happiness (since with the belief that there is nothing impossible for GOD, ceteris paribus). While in Condition 1, a Believer will still be in a safe position. (Note that in economics term, a “zero” value usually does not implies any loss and even at most time will be positive value in Accounting terms. But then, account is not my specialization :p )

But, for a Non-Believer in either Condition 1 or Condition 2 he will still be in ABSOLUTE LOSS.

The conclusion:
In the view of economics value, we choose to play at the lowest risk with highest return. If we plan to play as the Atheist or Non Believer, then that will be at the price of highest risk and low gain. If we are playing as a Believer or Non Atheist, then that will be at the price of lowest risk and highest return.

As the conclusion, in whatever way it is you will be in a safe and better position to believe in GOD. :D

P/s: Any other comment?;)