I am not sure how do i updated this.
But basically it was quite an adhoc decision. I received SMSed at 6.30 in the morning from Cik As asking if we want to meet or i have the intention of going to the KLIBF; and i decided to say OK because after reading Hany's blog i feel like having my own book of Ibn Battutah.
And then.. There i was with Cik As, went to Hall 2 (the place i missed on my last visit); it was my luck actually (or is it because Cik As' luck that thrown into me) i got special price (really special!) on Ibn Battutah's book. Thanks a lot to the person at the booth, because of him i managed to buy more books.
Here is my other book lists, on top of previous visit:
From bottom:
1. Pengembaraan Ibn Battutah
2. Sejarah Rasul Ulul Azmi Terbesar : Nabi Muhammad by Tarikuddin Haji Hassan
3. Magazines (price at Rm1/mag):
a) Milenia Muslim (Feb 2008) Cover Story: Hentikan Sensasi Media Malaysia-Indonesia
b)Aniqah Feb 2008 Cover Story: Kanser di kalangan kanak2
c) Forward OCt 2007 Cover Story: Malaysia's Invicisble Street Children
d) Forward Nov 2007 Cover Story: In the Crosshairs:Muslim Charities
e) Forward Feb 2008 Cover Story: Siti Hasmah shining bright under Tun's shadow
4. Kaum-kaum yang pupus by Harun Yahya
5. Detektif Indigo Kembali (3rd series of remaja indigo) by FT
6. CD Muhammad Utusan Terakhir
7. CD Raihan Rangers
8. CD Ana Muslim (Singer Cheb Ali)
9. Free CD on A Call To ReOpen: The Sept. 11 Investigation - Confronting The Evidence
Well, supposed i want to take picture with the winner of Calon Menantu Episod 1 (met him at the Saba booth) , but i managed to snap a photo with FT only.. Courtesy of Cik As' camera as i did not bring my camera.
So i guess..i am really broke now..
Anyone to offer me lunches for a week or two, perharps?
well, i would like to lend books from you later...
beginning with the original copy of Hikayat Amir Hamzah...(can or cannot, hahaha)
its really an experience...
remember? it's heavy downpour, and we waited for nearly an hour and u said: tunggu teduh dulu
irony? then i get a copy of TTD first edition (limited edition), it sold with discount because the book have clear defect becauce of termites attack. Then the author himself said, this kind of book will be priceless one day (like Hemmingway Books which has been sold million dollar/copy).
Maybe I will be a millionaire because of the book?
my luck? or is it because Miss Eika' luck that thrown into me?
boleh..no problem..as long as akan pulangkan balik secepatnya..hahah i love that book very much to the extend of thinking those who wants to read it have to be at my home. :p tapi utk cik as, i boleh consider.
ha'ahlah..tak sangka plak.hahahhaha nice outing with u:P
argh jealous! nasib baik dah pesan dgn ulat buku lain...baca entry baru aku, byk beli buku JS lagi :)
dah tgk dah ur blog.. heheh boleh tahan:p
ala, aini..takde ape pon yg nak dijeleskan sepatutnya.. tapi kalau harga buku ibn battutah tu, kalau tahu harga yg aku dpt, aku pasti ramai yg jeles.. hahahahahha
don't ask Eika for the price, me myself soooooo jealous. Nasib budget beli buku dah dihabiskan....
if not...
boleh beli 2 hari tu
if u let me know your wish we can work it out on it... but i guess if u really wish to have it now pun ok lagi, i still have the number:D . btw, tak berkesempatan lagi nak ucapkan terima kasih tu.. nanti boleh saya tnayakan kalau awak nak buku tu juga ;)
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