A journal about life from personal perspectives, ideas and dimensions with hope to share and exchange knowledge. Agree and disagree are parts of life, hence a proper attitude is always welcome here.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Salam Aidilfitri 1428h
Dear all my muslim friends
I wish you eid mubarak, selamat hari raya aidilfitri.
Sincere apologize from all my wrongdoings to all of you. Maaf zahir batin salah dan silap bicara dan laku.
wish you a safe journey back to your hometown, or wherever you are going. kalau buat open house, jangan lupa ajak!! ;)
sampai berjumpa lagi.
salam sayang buat semua..
Friday, October 05, 2007
Ramadhan 23rd: Rain

(1) Air Hujan/Rain

Thursday, October 04, 2007
Ramadhan 22nd: Smiles

Somewhere in the comment column for my training evaluation, it reads:
"Senyum selalu, saya sukakan senyuman itu. You have a nice smile. "
Someone told me:
Your smile make my day.
Another person said to me:
Looking at your smiles, make all my worries gone.
Well, it does give smiles on my face.. thank you for making my day.:D
err.. should i keep on smiling?:P:P
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Ramadhan 21st
Kata ustaz yang memberi pengisian pagi tadi, mengikut pengalaman Imam Ghazali.. tahun ini permulaan Ramadhan hari khamis, bererti malam lailatulqadar adalah pada malam ke 25 Ramadhan..
InshaAllah Sabtu ini. Sabtu malam ke 25.
Semoga dapat beribadah dengan baik..
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Ramadhan 20
Saya tahu terlalu lama tidak menulis. Terima kasih buat teman2 yang menghantar msg mengharap saya menulis. Sungguh, terharu....
Sejak pulang ke kuala lumpur, hidup saya agak sibuk. Belum habis kelam-kabut berpindah, kerja2 sudah menanti. Hari ini alHamdulillah saya berjaya juga menukar 'kulit' sebyk 80%. Lagi 20% mungkin nanti, nanti.. Untuk yang menanti2kan skin yg baru, semoga sukakannya..
Cerita saya lagi, kerana terlalu sibuk dengan kerja dan peribadi, saya lupa membayar bil telefon. So hanya boleh terima call and sms sahaja buat waktu ini, sehinggalah saya punya kesempatan untuk membuat bayaran.
Minggu lepas saya baru pulang dari Kuching, mengendalikan audit di sana (saya sudah ada sijil lead auditor ISO..ehhehe). minggu ini sambung audit di KL dan closing meeting. Juga ada berita baru diterima, inshaAllah saya bakal bertukar (lagi?) . Kali ini ke division lain pula. Biar dulu cerita ini, sehingga surat tiba ke tangan. Ingin mencuba sesuatu yg baru, tapi rasa sedikit nervous. Maklumlah lebih 5 thn duduk di sini sudah jadi master dgn seluruh unit dan kerja, tiba2 nak tukar buat sesuatu yg baru ... Still, i think it is a high time for me already. Afraid i may unable to handle change in future shall i remain here.
Lagi cerita, comment farrah..tentang dodol. tahun ini kebetulan ibu saya rajin pula untuk membuat semula dodol resipi keluarga. Dimasak secara manual (bukan menggunakan mesin) selama berjam2, menggunakan kuali besar dan unggun api, dan dibungkus dalam daun mengkuang .. Macam dulu2.. A really tradisional concept. Hajatnya nak buat sedikit sahaja, sbb ada beberapa orang yg 2-3 thn mendesak supaya saya menjualnya. Cuma saya yang malas... hehe so kalau sesiapa berminat, boleh sahaja. Harganya tak mahal, hanya Rm21 sahaja. Rasanya, inshaAllah berpuas hati. Selain sedap, tidak berbau hapak (guna mesin akan ada sedikit rasa ini), juga tahan lama sehingga lebih 6 bulan tanpa dimasukkan ke dalam peti sejuk. Tempahan kalau nak diterima last sekali hari jumaat ini..
apa2 pun pagi tadi saya teringat sesuatu. saya asyik berfikir tarikh 25 September. Apa yang ada, mcm ada sesuatu tapi tidak teringat. Sudah seminggu saya fikir kalau2 ada hari lahir rakan2 rapat pada tarikh itu, tidak ada. Kemudian saya teringatkan beberapa org rakan rapat serta anak2 mereka, tiba2 saya terfikir umur mereka.. baru saya perasan rupanya kisah perjalanan kami sudah menjangkau 6 thn. Mungkin tak ramai yg perasan/ingat kerana ..... byk sbbnya, tapi apa2 pun selamat hari ulang tahun DCBA. Tinggal beberapa kerat sahaja ahli DCBA yg masih single.. :)
Malam ini, malam ke 21 Ramadhan. Bererti, sudah 10 malam terakhir. Sudah tiba masa yang dinanti2kan mencari Lailatul Qadar. Untuk semua rakan2, harap tidak terlewat untuk saya mengucapkan selamat menghidupkan ramadhan.
Utk itu saya berhenti dahulu di sini.
Semoga selepas ini saya lebih rajin lagi.. :)
Salam hormat buat semua..
Thursday, July 19, 2007
And yes, i am sorry for the time being cant do much with my blog's skin. Try to squeeze some time to re-arrange things here. So do visits me in the future.
And dont expect much. I think i will go simple.
take care.
p/s: picture of flowers in spring, May 2007 in Seoul. Coming soon.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Pagi tadi kami pening lagi.
Teman serumah dan saya menaiki kereta ke tempat kerja.
Buka radio, kami dengar berita. Takziah untuk keluarga2 mangsa NURI. DJ mengulang ucapan PM berkenaan nahas NURI. Kawan saya sempat membebel, redha memang redha kalau sudah ditakdirkan begitu. Tapi macamana nak redha kalau dah banyak kali masalah nahas dengan NURI sebelum ini tidak diambil kira. Boleh beli sesuatu yang tak tahu lagi bila nak guna (kereta selam?), dapat komisen, tapi bila bab ni tak fikir langsung keselamatan rakyat yg gunakan NURI. Saya senyum aje, bab beli untuk keselamatan negara OK boleh terima. Bab taknak tukar itu dah pening. Bab komisen, err taknak komen. tak tahu apa2:p
Lepas itu kami dengar lagi.
Kata dia (salah seorg pemimpin Malaysia) yang menjawab soalan wartawan "Malaysia bukan negara sekular. Malaysia negara Islam yang mengikut tafsirannya sendiri. Malahan, Malaysia telah lama menjalankan pentadbirannya mengikut hukum Islam."
Kali ini kami gelak kuat2. Entah apa2 sahaja kenyataannya.
Lepas itu, kami tak dengar lagi.
Terus tutup radio, dan berdoa:
"Ya Allah, janganlah dijadikan kami memilih pemimpin yang zalim, kejam, corrupt dan pecah amanah. Ya Allah gantikanlah untuk kami pemimpin yang lebih baik. Amiinn".
Dan kami doa lagi, moga2 kalau kelak kami di atas atau sesapa di atas tidaklah mereka dirasuk sumpahan duit. Amiin amiin.
p/s: Sumpahan Duit: Memang berlaku, bilamana org yg sudah ada banyak duit terasa 'gila' untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak dan banyak lagi. Dan boleh buat mcm2 atau apa sahaja untuk dapatkan duit. Allahu'alam.
Monday, June 25, 2007
wish comes true? a wish, by the way?
so many things happened in my life lately. well, somehow i am a kind of person with a lot of imaginations.
once, i imagined having a boyfriend who
yeahhh right!! watching to many romance movies/drama i guess..:P
somehow this wish. it is becoming true. only then the perspective is different.
a friend of mine already laughing out of her chair upon hearing my story.
i was thinking why cant them let me doing my job here, with freedom.
to make it short and simple. this is my last week in malacca.
i am being called back to KL last thursday at 4.40pm , and official letter landed on my table on friday, 10.50 am.
ok now where should i stay?
Friday, May 18, 2007
Granted Wish
Since i just came back from a long break, i do wish to do a lot of things in the office.
Another plan came in. I'll be in KL for the next 2 weeks.
So i will be seeing KL's buildings and cars soon.
thus i will prolong the next updates (esp. on the trip) to quite sometimes.
ok..now u can book my lunch times.
or tea-time, or dinner..can be considered.
so, who's first?:P
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
selamat hari guru
still tired after quite a long break.. just came into the office today.
went to south korea from night of 7th may till early morning of 13th May.
it was a good trip since i went there with good friends; went to different places and listened to view from different angles. get almost everything i want, so inshaAllah (unless everything is being paid and i was given pocket money) seoul will not be in my shortlist place to go in the next few years... anyway, being to a place where we are quite familiar does make a different.. :)
and for today.. i just want to wish everyone each and every single person who have taught me directly or indirectly, to my teachers who taught me to read and write, my ustaz & ustazah who taught me to read alQuran, to friends who taught me about life, to outsiders/foreigners in my life that make me learnt something, to my colleagues and my staff who taugh me to think, to the bloggers out there that keep on writting good stuff for me to read, think and practise; and foremost to Allah SWT for giving me the oppurtunity to have the knowledge - thank you and thank you and Thank You. AlHamdulillah.
to all teachers : Selamat Hari Guru. Happy Teacher's Day. May all of you and us too become good teachers for the future generations. Implant good things and teach good values to them, so that they will become wonderful great leaders in the future. InshaAllah.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
seoul 5
some of the side dishes eat with rice. the red coloured one is the so-called kimchi. different places has slightly different tastes of kimchi since preparing the kimchi has no standard measurement or compulsory standard ingredients except it must has cabbage, chili, and salt.
one of the cake (like cekodok) made from sweet potato (and milk and ,i guess) baked with peanut filling inside.
snacks for the koreans. some crepe (kerepek) made from ginger and sugar. nice taste.
the trees along the way/highway.. even thou without leaves, they are still look beautiful. wonder how they would look like during spring & autumn. :D
oh yes.. since i have not enough money, these are the pictures of sourvenires for you. choose which picture u like the most:P
another road in the city of seoul. look at the middle point road. they have no divider here, and u can make the u-turn just like that (i mean provided there is no car). see the U-Turn signed next to the white coloured car.
people crossed the road. most korean guys are busy working while the fruit of their hardwork are being enjoyed by the family.
that's all for now..
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Seoul 4
The night before it was snowing heavily. I caught bad cough and sign of flu. Cannot stand the cold; imagine I went to sleep with full attire � long wool sleeves (special attire you wore inside during winter); another long sleeves (you cannot wear this in Malacca during daytime, you are going to fall down due to the heat); winter coat; 2 pieces of long slack + wool slack; 2 pieces of socks � one ordinary cotton socks, another one wool socks and hand cover (sarung tangan?? Lupa la plak heheh). On top of that, the blanket/comforter fully covered my body. But still sejukkkkkk� i wore this special sleeping attire the whole nights there... huuhhu
By the time i stepped on the bus, my camera went out of battery again. Oh NO! How come this is happening again to me, scolding myself for buying that camera without properly checking it & scolding the camera attendant for selling me that camera (for i don't know whom shall i scold anymore), i switched of the camera hopping it will turn out ok later.
We went for a breakfast somewhere outside. Don't remember where.. Served in a buffet style, but obviously cannot eat much especially all the meat things, fried things. Saw few people took Char-koi, i also took few pcs. Tried to eat one, but just one bite and it tasted 'different' hehe so i took it out and opt for other vegetarians food. huuhuh Next days breakfast we ate at the hotel, so my main breakfast menu is fruits, rice with corn, salads and kimchi, and fresh juice/coffee for those particular days. uhuhuhhuh. btw i saw and ate a lot of vege that i never see before.
The Country of Korea actually is the merger of culture of 3 main kingdoms in the past. One of the Kingdom named Shilla Kingdom, the queen wore crown/tiara. The other 2 kingdoms had distinguished attire, but Shilla Kingdom's King and Queen attires somehow similar to most of the other features we saw in other kingdoms.
Different angles of the palace. Beautiful isn't it? If you can see, the snow is falling down during the time i took this pictures.
Seoul Part 3
[2] Continue journey on day 1 in korea.. (bila nak abis da..)
Picture of a street in Seoul
(Rollie, this is my own photo, ok:P)
If I am not mistaken, there will only be snow when the temperature falls below 10Celcius (-10C). It was not supposed to snow anymore since it was the end of winter. But I think so many people in the busses were praying hard to see and feel snow; and their praying was granted. Nearby the stadium there is a booth, we assume it is a public phone booth but using cards. It looks sophisticated; until we cant figured out to the end how to use it:P. Nearby, there are also few public phones using coins. Now that we don’t even looked at it. (sorry, cant have the pic since my camera was not ok yet. Remember?).
After that, we went to Itaewon. By the time we departed from the bus, the snow was heavily falling down. I mean it was really heavy and everyone was like Hu Ha Hu Ha Yeah Yeah.. Well, a usual reaction from people who faces humid, hot and raining season through out the year:D.
Itaewon, a shopping district. This place is famous for two reasons; one because the only Mosque in Seoul is here and most of the Muslim’s communities are here ; and 2nd because (according to them) the US Army based is nearby Itaewon.
Since to my knowledge that the only mosque in Seoul located here, we were trying to look for that mosque. Unfortunately due to language barrier (most Koreans cannot speak English; and all Malaysians delegations there cannot speak Koreans:D); and ½ hour before due gathering-time we were informed that the mosque (they referred it as Muslim Temple.. err.. what to say?) was about 1km more. I don’t buy anything yet. (not planning to buy actually..not enough money..ehhehe).
We (the muslims) were so hungry since we dare not to simply eat anything on the streets. The non-muslims really enjoyed the food there. The only thing most of us did was went to the McD nearby. I bought a cup of Hot Chocolates only since not dare to ask for the others, they serve hamburgers –pork meat (that cost me about 2,000 won or RM7.6 if directly converted to RM).
Only when we were in the bus we saw a muslim restaurant across the road; a little bit up of a small hill (Seoul is surrounding by the ocean and has a number of mountains around; so geographically the road/land is not technically straight). But then we were already late. Since the dinner is not provided, thank you to all the instant noodles we brought from Malaysia – that is our dinner.
The end of Day 1.
P/s: 1. The end too for this posting. Did my writing too lengthy and too detail?
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Seoul 2
One of the billboard there..
Not sure what was written.:P
But i guess it sounds like Nong Soo San Hom Syo Bing. :D (hopefully it was correctly spelt)
Much awaited posting..
My journey in Seoul continues here…
Did I mentioned that on the departure day I was rushing with a training; a bad headache; and not-so-well stomach that made me vomited twice on my way to the airport? I thought I won’t be able to make it to Seoul. I can’t eat anything because everything will comes out. But alHamdulillah, after Isya’ pray at the airport and (yes, solat hajat and lots of Doa for me to be able to go to Korea without much problem) I gained back my health. Only then I felt hungry; bought a sandwich; but only managed to eat half of it since (1) just vomited twice, so cant eat much (2) it was night, felt so sleepy- prefer sleep to eat (3) there was food provided inside the plane – Korean Air.
And yes the stewardesses are all beautiful. But not all of them are Koreans; some even from Malaysia and India. They have this collaboration between airplanes service providers.
Next.. you may view it through my previous posting here…
And continue the reading here..
(Remember than my camera was out of battery, so some of the pictures here were taken from the net)
It was freezing cold. I can’t enjoy the scenes and places there much since were always looking for heater. But the buildings inside the studio were nice. They even displayed part of the movies scene (of course with replicas people and items); and the type of foods prepared for the king and royalties. Memang banyakkknyaa!! So many varieties of foods for the King! I don’t remember all but a set of meal for the king must have like a cold dish, hot dish, soup dish, combination dishes etc. etc. about 12 kinds of dishes.
Surasang: Royal Dishes and Table Arrangements

Courtesy of My Korean Kitchen (http://mykoreankitchen.com)
There were stalls selling foods along the road to the studio. Since our delegation consists of about 120 people with families, there were also teenagers in our group. (I consider those with school uniforms as teenagers; and those not have to wearing it anymore are adults:D). One of this boy was asking to the seller what kind of food they are selling. One of them said; this is chicken, and this is vegetarian food. This boy’s father was asking what is next to that vegetarian cake/kuih (cooked on a different pan), and the cook answered that was pork. So they refused to buy (besides that ‘ayam katok’ – the name given by the families ). The seller persuaded again that the food is vegetarian. Guess what the answer of that boy’s father? ‘Yes I know, but they (are) seated near, so they are friends.. Cannot cannot.. friends already..” while showed his left and right index fingers together. It was funny, isn’t it! I bet the lady didn’t understand the correlation.
During that visit, it was strawberries time. Every where they were selling big strawberries. If you go to big supermarket like JayaJusco in MidValley you may found this strawberries from Australia with big size, and reddish colour. The strawberries there were like that. And it tasted sooo good, so sweet. I felt like eating strawberries ice-cream.
Everyone was talking about why they cannot received their roaming (phone) there. The reason was because the advancement of telecommunication technology there. So if you roaming your phone and go to Korea, please use 3G phone or else you won’t be able to use it there. Only 3G phones (or higher) are acceptable there. Lower than that, sorry to say. Some of them rented the phone there (at the airport). I don’t roaming, but my father’s friend borrowed my 3G phone. Which later I figured out actually I did some adjustment on my phone’s camera settings and forget to change it back.
I have forgotten where we went after that. Oh yes, so it was almost lunch time. We had mushrooms for our lunch. A big round pot with a lot of mushrooms and varieties of it was put on fire (how do I describe this.. suddenly out of idea). Served with a bowl of rice (Korean rice – a little bit sticky, but delicious) and side dishes consists of Kimchi (spicy fermented cabbages - jeruk kubis cina), fried big bean sprouts (taughe kasar goreng), dark green seaweed (not sure whether it is cooked/boiled or raw) and crunchy seaweeds mix with mayonnaise.

No wonder they seems to be so behave and polite during the meals as the utensils used really thought you to be one.
I guess that’s all for now since my lunch time already come to the end.
More to come…
Friday, April 20, 2007
Here i come
Yup, 3 days. Since Malacca was on public holiday on Monday; and i went to KL for a meeting/briefing.
So far so good. Still try to adapt to the environment here.
Have been moved around fast when i was in KL, so i guess (and i hope) my staff won't feel suprise with my pace. he he he.. have told them that i used to be fast (speedy?) when i was in KL, and if i am going too fast please stop me and slow me down.
a lot to do. a lot of time also. meaning i may not have to rush.
unfortunately, the KL people doesn't want me to loose my pace so they already assigned few assignments to be submitted soon. on top of that, the people in my big team also have their own assignments and assigned me to be part of their group members. Do not know whether i can perform best or just good enough. Pray the best for me. Hope it will be the best for you too.
people keep on asking when can i update my trip to seoul. i'll try. soon. insha-Allah. for the time being, i still cleaning and arranging my items and my things from KL. Tomorrow will have the big operation to re-arrange things inside my parents' house to fit in my things. Also operation on finding losing boxes (there are so many boxes, i cant identify which located what .. since i need few documents badly, by-hook-or-by-crook have to start the BIG Operation tomorrow).
lastly, but not least.. congratulations to all the parents with new born babies - zeireal & wife; kak suhazlin & husband; mizie & ida; aida & husband.. my friends; sorry for unable to respond to ur msg. anyway, i did congrates you all inside my heart (hope you can hear them:P).
till then...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
One of the places that most of my friends and I want to visit. Reason? Takde reason lain kecuali sbb byk sgt tgk cerita korea. hohohohoho
My flight schedule was brought forward from 1.00 am on 8-3-07 to 12.30am on 7-3-07. Since i only took leave on 7-3-07 for preparation, and only knew about the changes quite last minutes i was rushing to prepare everything only to know that the weather was still cold at that time. It was supposed to be aroung 3Celcius - 12Celcius; but turned out to be -10Celcius. So i have to request my father's assistance in bought me few extra & special clothing. Total cost of clothing to go there already make me blinking my eyes so many times infront of the cashier. tapi sbb nak pergi juga kann... oklah (with the hope to go to some winter places in the future:P). BTW i spent more than RM600 for the clothing itself.
Arrived there in the morning of 7-3-07, watched the beautiful scenary of sunshines from above the sky. Tak tahu nak describe macam mana, tapi bila berada di atas langit tu nampak cahaya warna jingga satu lapisan, kemudian warna putih satu lapisan dan atas sekali macam warna keunguan sebelum jadi betul2 cerah. Unfortunately tak boleh ambil gambar dalam flight sebab masa tu airplane dah nak mendarat.
Sampai2 kat airport, dah tgk beberapa male tourist guides (TG) korea yg wajahnya not bad la.. pandai marketing diorang ni. sbbnya the main TGs were actually elders people. These young guys (BTW, diorang panggil i Nu-na* :P) were photographers that accompanied us for the visits.
From the airport we went straight to the MBC Studio, to visit Dae Jang Geum (Jewel in The Palace) shooting location. It was so cold, i don't wore enough cloth, plus my camera was suddenly out of battery. My handphone camera suddenly seems like not OK anymore (i thought it was because the phone was aging since the colour of the picture was blur). So terrible coz i saw Kang Ji-Hwan picture but unable to snap with 'him' (:P); I tasted Dragon Beard - according to the TG it is a snack for the emperor made from flour, sugar, peanuts, honey etc. It priced 8,000 won for 1box/12 pieces (10K won = RM38. Convert la sendiri ok). One piece tu sekali ngap je. Sedaplah juga.
To be continued....
p/s: Hari ini ada orang belanja saya makan. Meraikan perpindahan kata mereka. (huuhuh mcm nak suh cepat gi je..ahah:P) tapi best juga sbb dapat hadiah - salah satu buku yg ada dlm checklist utk dibeli. lama dah tak dpt hadiah, terima kasih yer kawan2. :)
Friday, March 16, 2007
Year end tour..anyone?
Unable to update much, share the experiences and photos taken.
So many things happen while i was away. About one week away, and it seems like so many things have changed. Now i guess i understand why some people said it is much different when come back to the country after being so long overseas.
here some of the news:
my transfer letter on 16th March was pull back. It was postponed to 1st April; still waiting for the new letter.
so another person is quietly being transferred as well to a new place. Hope you will be happy there, abg faizal.
my primary school friend, Mizie is now a Dad. wahahhahahha tak sangkanya... lama dah daku kenal dikau yaaa pakcik. Congratulations.
another friend who was like attached to nobody before i went to seoul, announced her wedding when i came back (yes, i was shocked and thought actually it was a dream only..since i was still not well - maybe i was having hallucination. but then i've confirmed it several few times within several few days so it is confirmed.). Happy for them to get married. Even thou unexpectedly.
i am going to change the reporting boss. so to be, she's one of my good friend/colleague here. hoohoh no harm feeling, it is rezeki masing2. but i told her, i wont call her by status but her usuall name only (she said it is ok); and.. do not bully me, don't give too much work and pls approve my year-end-long-leave. hehhe because if she has the intention to not approve my year-end-leave; i am going to pull back from our trip group. :))
i'm saving my money now (of course since i am already broke from travel abroad).
and on top of that, my group and i are planning to have Oriental Tour on 20/12/07 till 3/1/08. Places of interest, the itenerary will estimated to be like this:
1. From KL to Macau (by Air Asia)
2. to Hong Kong (by Ferry) - stay a nite there
3. to Beijing (by train.. 25hrs journey..which add new experience to most of us)
- In beijing, travel there with tourist guide for a week.
4. to Seoul (to be determined later...whether by tourist guide or ourselves since i went there already and has all the maps for the city and subways ) for 2-3 days
5. to KL (of course by airplane).
so.. we are going to sit down tonight to further discuss, calculate ABC costing and come out with a good plan. insha-ALlah. OK. now we have about 6-7 members joining in. Anyone more interested? Pls let me know soon. Give me a call, since we are going to survey and if it is agreed to book some places on the Sunday during the matta fair now in PWTC.
Ok till then..
Thursday, March 08, 2007
in seoul..
it is so cold. and it is still snowing when it is supposed to not snowing,
because of the extra ordinary weather, we add one more to the itenerary..it is Skiing (am i typed it correctly?) . do not ask me to bring back anything, i can't. it is quite expensive here. but the fashion here is wow.. baju yg labuh bawah paras punggung banyak je sini.. tak cukup duit je nak borong, plus i am not so good in buying apparels...ahhahah .
ok. need to recharge my energy.
wish me luck here, esp. for tommorrow's ski activity.. ;)
(in case u have different thoughts in mind, i mean wish me luck not to become one of the giant snowball.)
till then.. ;)
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Hijrah 2007
Yerp, i'm leaving for good.
Actually, i do not want to tell people until that very last minute. But someone has steal the limelight by annouced it for me, so i am writting this to confirm on her posting. :P Thank you for your thoughts my friends, you are welcome to visit me there. and i hope i will be welcomed here too.
Mungkin itu maksudnya. Although my family is currently in Malacca, but i never stayed long enough there. We moved to Malacca when i was in the end trimester of my 1st degree year. i will say it is a real Hijrah from the familiar place and faces in Kuala Lumpur to a place we occasionally went and so many unfamiliar faces, to find a better place for living. AlHamdulillah, i think maybe our rezeki is really there.
Before the 'incident' that lead to this tranfer, i had a dream.
I dreamt that i moved to the office at a new higher building level.
There, i tried to look for praying room as i was already late to perfom my solat. I asked the senior executive there, she brought me to one of a small room. I said i would like to know if there is other available place, as i do not feel comfortable to pray there. She said Ok, informed me that the mosque is available but a little bit far. I said OK too.
So we walked together to the mosque. I bypass one mosque, made from concrete/modern look with open space. She said if i want to perform my prayer here also, is OK. I said it is quite open and difficult for me to take wudhu. Asked her if there is any other place, and she said in front of us will be one old mosque. I saw this mosque, the wudhu area was like outside the mosque and you have to climb stairs to go to the praying hall. The mosque was made from 85% wood, 15% stone/concrete. I said i would prefer to pray here. I also exclaimed that i felt like been here before; that the mosque looks exactly like the one in Malacca; that i felt like being in Malacca; and questioned her whether actually we are already in Malacca. (ok. no such mosque in Malacca. only in my dream i said that).
At that point of time, in real life we were instructed to move from Floor 4th to Floor 15th as the renovation took place. But the talk about the transfer was never in.
And it seems to be so fast. Few days after the dream, i was chit chat with colleagues and boss when suddenly the subject matter was raised up. I thought it was just a chit-chat; but day after day it became seriously and hugely discussed. The rest is a history.
I confirmed about this yesterday. and yes still waiting for the letter. :P
So, to all my dear friends. It is not that i am not going to be here anymore.
Not that we will be hard to contact each other. Not that i will be there forever. When talking about distance, it may sometimes suprise us. Only if we measure it by numbers.
I apologize for my bad behaviours, bad mouth, bad words. I apologize for things that i promised to do but never did it. InshaAllah if you remind me about that, i will try to fulfill them when i am able to do it. I hope we will see each other in the future; not that in longg term time but shortly.
I wont say good bye yet. As i will still come here when i am in need to conduct the training here. so please welcome me here when i am around ok:P
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Working Days' Stories
It was yesterday. Maybe to most it is just the same Wednesday.
For me, it is not the same Wednesday.
Still early of the day. In the morning. But i felt so worn out.
Maybe because i played badminton (was seriously playing it) on Monday
and went to visit a new born baby on Tuesday
My body felt a little pain (due to long time haven't move the muscles a lot)
And it was only Wednesday.
I cannot imagine, little did i know how to survive until Friday evening.
God knows better.
I replaced someone to a workshop.
OK. At least that is something.
There was a test. On how observant you are.
I, the youngest one in the team managed to pass the test.
Someone asked me: "What year you were born?"
I said: Year XY
She informed the person next to her; "She born in year XY. Memang muda pun"
The person expression was like "Oo"
I said: Why? Do i look older?
She said: No, i thought you were younger.
Well well well..
That is something in the end to make my day.
Now another 2 days to go shouldn''t be a big problem anymore. :P
Monday, February 12, 2007
Is it confirmed?
First i was told that i might be transferred to Malacca (South Area). It was cancelled because at that point of time, nobody to take care on my duty.
Then, i was told to go to Taiping to support the operation on one big project there. There were several discussions (without me) that they were also considering to have me in Penang (North Area). It was then cancelled since at that point of time we do not have enough expertise on new system in KL to support the needs; plus minor reason of my insufficient experience on handling operation center.
Later, there were several attempts from other units (in the same division) to have me in HQ. It was turned down due to the same above reason .
Heard that Kuching has vacant post for me, whispered to the unit head there if she wants me. She said she would like to and has no problem, but the possibility is almost zero - for the same above reason. It is OK actually as i was not serious about it.
Now , there is proposal to setup another center in the South specifically in Malacca. As there is no SME (subject matter expert) in Malacca for the time being, if everything's else being approved i may be going there as well (for how many times about me being transferred i have lost count already).
As for the time being, all i need to do is to wait if there is any official letter going to fly down on my desk sooner or later. I can't (and not supposed to move) until i have the black & white letter about the transfer.
Still waiting.
Will wait.
I will update the decision.
p/s: Jawab prev entry comment dlm ni la yer.
1. As, kalau kena pindah saya masih lagi dalam Malaysia. Memang di tanahair lagi. Masih boleh dihubungi dengan no. talian dalam malaysia tanpa perlu caj tambahan. :P
2. hany, kalau rindu cepat2 jumpa saya. Tempat kerja saya ni (organisasi hany juga kan:P) suka bagi last minute notice. ihihih
Monday, February 05, 2007
Pindah lagi..
Sejak setahun yang lalu memegang jawatan baru..
ini kali ke-4 saya berpindah..
kali ini lebih tinggi. di tingkat 15.
agaknya kali ke-5 pindah ke mana lagi?
kali ini tidak bergambar, sebab saya masih sibuk mengemas.. :P
Friday, January 26, 2007
Tunggu sebentar
Posting kali ini banyak bergambar. Ambil masa 4 hari baru siap. Maybe 4 minggu lagi baru posting seterusnya?:P Selamat membaca dan melihat gambar;)
gambar hiasan - merenung langit
Ada orang suruh saya menulis begini…
“Saya bertemu dengan seorang putera kacak di sebuah istana lama.. Sungguh tidak disangka2 dia muncul, setelah lama saya menunggu.. Dia adalah seorang Prince Charming yang saya nanti2kan”
Saya rasa jikalau saya bermula dengan bercerita begitu, mungkin sebenarnya saya sedang berfikir untuk menulis novel. In which, I am really not good in writing about feeling towards the opposite gender. After all you wont think I am writing this kind of stuff after a long silence, would you? heheh tak mengapa, saya sendiri sudah tergelak besar dan rasa nak 'pengsan' bila disuruh menulis itu atas nama saya. So since menghargai rakan yang memerah minda memikirkan ayat2 itu, saya quote sahaja daripada dia:P.
Oh, another news.. This time my writing will mix a lot on English and Bahasa Melayu (Malaysia?). I’m sharing my experiences and point of view. Jadi maafkanlah saya yang mencampur-adukkan bahasa.
So what was actually happen?
Last weeked (From Saturday to Monday), I am considering myself as utilizing my leave and visits to Ipoh to really explore the places there. Went to Ipoh initially for a wedding dinner of one very close colleague (her love story itself already feel like being in a film), we (me, my junior/friend Laili and her brother) started our journey by car a little late at 2.30am in the morning of Saturday. Arrived there at about 5.30am in the morning where I was really sleepy (and tired). It was an adhoc change of the original plan to go back by early Saturday’s morning, due to urgent matters we were rushed preparing our luggage – Thank Allah for everything was in. After Subuh prayer, we have a rest (in peace). At about 11.30 am, we had our brunch at a café/restaurant next to Open University in Ipoh before continue our explorations.
Saturday, 20th
I did not planned to go for shopping in the first place. Our first location was Greentown Shopping Complex. Did some window shopping there, ended up bought two blouses. After that we went to Jaya Jusco. Was looking for one good camera, and in need of it since I want to capture my trip this time. After quite sometimes I managed to get my own digital camera. I think God knows better, at last I believe I get the best one as this is among the latest edition. Watched in a Korean drama about the camera used in the drama that can be attached to the TV and use remote control to play it back (is it already here for quite sometimes already?). My camera is something like that. AlHamdulillah. After all the money I save to get this. :) (but still I think I can get better offer and free bits if I bought it in KL.. if I have more time to negotiate with the salesperson..)
Went out from JJ Ipoh, arrived to the house at about 7.30pm, rushed preparing ourselves for the dinner. Arrived there at about 8.30 pm, saw familiar faces among the crowd. There were so many people attending the wedding. As this is the first time I attended an Indian wedding, we were kind of lost. I tried to ask around (as the bride informed us she already reserved several tables for us) and we managed to get our seats. Had some chit chat, ate and took photos.
After the dinner, we went to the town to have a drink with my colleagues from KL. Went to one of the warung near Saloma Bistro (not sure if the Bistro is still operating or not) Someone stopped my friend and I, asked us about the Royal’s family names. We were a little bit confused, answered few of the questions and unable to answer the rest. My friend is from Ipoh. So she knew at least the name of the Sultan (King) and Permaisuri (Queen). I knew the King’s name and the King First Son’s name only. Hehe Kuala Lumpur and Melaka has no King after all. Had teh tarik and sotong kangkung, my colleagues invited me to join them staying at Casuarina hotel. Apologized to them as we already had our own plans.
After that, they went back and we (didn’t went back obviously) with our traditional baju kurung and kebaya went to the Night Market. I mean, it was in the middle of the night and it is still operating the business. It is a real Night Market. Most of the stuff avaialable are handphones casing, handbags, bags, shoes etc. Did some survey to find a handphone and camera’s casing. I bought one for my camera.
I forget what time did we arrived home, went to sleep and woke up in the morning of Sunday, 21st.
We went to have breakfast at the café next to the Open Uni, which is near to Lokin (not sure how to spell it). This cafe actually owned by the brothers of my friend. I tried one of the special menu - roti bakar with special homemade jem. A must to try. Highly recommended. Jem istimewa diperbuat daripada buah2an tropika.
Lokin, also known as Memory Lane is a place where you can get all sort of things from the antiques to the latest items.
I saw a number of antiques lamps, typewrites, old coins, knives, keris, parang (panjang pendek semua pun ada), needles, benang, lampu, wayar, spannar, candle light stands, old fashion handbags, shoes, used shoes, old magazines, dulang, periuk belanga etc etc. banyak betul barang. Dan dalam senarai2 barang lama itu, guess what did I found? This 1 set VCD of latest drama/soap opera Korean Movie: Fireworks , currently playing at NTV7 every weekdays night. Peminat2 barang2 lama mesti berminat nak berjalan2 di sana. Duit syiling lama boleh dapat pada harga RM2.50 sekeping. Oh, ya antara barang pelik yang saya jumpa ialah kupon letak kereta lama…
duit-duit lama & syiling lama close-up
perhiasan dulang lama
What did I bought? Buah salak. :D
Middle of the day, we went to Muzium Ipoh. Unfortunately, it was close due to maintenance and will be opened only on middle of February. Ada sebuah kubu persembunyian semasa serangan udara di sana. Kami ambil gambar (dan bergambar di situ juga). Inilah rupanya tempat persembunyian itu. Batunya keras dan tebal.
kubu persembunyian serangan udara
Then, we headed to Stesen Keretapi Ipoh. Took some picture of a tree named 'Pokok Ipoh', planted in the middle of small taman in front of the railway station. So, the place was called 'Ipoh' by the name of the tree. Reason? Maybe because of the tree's benefits. Read down here..
stesen keretapi ipoh (under renovation)
pokok ipoh
info pokok ipoh
After that we went to OldTown Café (3 tingkat youuu..) at Greentown Business Center. Had the famous White Coffee and Toasted Bread there. The dishes price there is OK, menu is just like the other kopitiam (chiness coffee house). It is air-cond, nice sofa, nice interior design, and the waiters/waitresses are all equipped with small walkie talkie (just like the one used by the bodyguards)..wahhh hebat.. eheheh .
I went there with my friend and her younger & youngest sisters. The youngest sisters (called herself ‘Ya’) is a 15-years-old girl who is very active in Basket Ball. A player of her school, she ordered one bread (I don’t remember the name.. something more or less like ‘iron bread’ and ice-blended hazelnut coffee. To her the ice-blended tastes a little bit bitter, but to us the adults we feel it is nice. Her sister was teasing her saying that she needs to get used with the bitter taste if she wants to grown up. She responded with, “Kalau macam ni, taknaklah besar sampai bila2”. Nevermind, we concluded that she has not fully developed her coffee cells in her body yet.
signature dish for OldTwon WHite Coffee - toasted bread
..... the iron bread...... eaten by Ya...
Laili's sisters
Later, my friend and I went to err… tak tahu nak panggil apa, tapi kedai yang jual pasu bunga, dan bunga dan juga perhiasan untuk perkahwinan. The prices there are not bad. Quite cheap. I bought two stroll of ribbons (untuk perhiasan bila beri hadiah). Then we walked to another shop and another shop, bought few more items. About 45 minutes there, we went to Gunung Lang. Laili’s sister accompanied and showed us the place.
Gunung Lang.
It has a small lake there, with really Big fishes. I think the height of the fishes on average more than 1 meter. The counter sells fish food at 50cents per bag. There is an island, a small one in the middle of the lake. To go there by boat, you need to pay RM5 (pergi-balik) for return-ticket. But not so much activity to do here. Children playground, and nice view. . There are a lot they can do here to put some attractions, such as service for kayaking, water-bicycles, horse/donkey riding etc. I think there must be a reason for not offering that kind of services to the visitors. I heard the boat-rider talked about mysterious lake-animal that appeared at night time, or latest by the time they close the place. Last boat back to the land is by 6.30pm.
view from a tower on the island
to penonton Meteor Garden: jalan ni mcm dalam cerita tu kan?
Lewat petang.. kami pulang..berehat sahaja. Tidak ke mana-mana.
Rancangan asal akan pulang di malam hari. Usai mandi, kami menonton CSI di Astro. Duduk2 sambil minum teh dan makan roti bakar, i can't stand my eyes. So at about 12.00 mid nite i excused myself, informed Laili to wake me up when they want to make a move, went back to the room to have some short sleep. with full attire, and socks as well. lastly i found out i woke up at about 6.00 am and was still at the same room.
We started our day with a breakfast at the same cafe. I choosed to have the bread with special homemade jem because i knew that it's gonna take some time before i can taste it again.
Discussed about our next 'check point', Laili proposed to go for Mee Kari /BeeHoon Soup at Megoplax Shopping Complex. So there we were, after some went-a-around and sure-or-not-this-is-the-way since the pilot appeared to be consufed with the roads. hehehe. She claimed it has been sometimes she went there, and usually she didn't go out much if she came back hometown. OK, you are forgiven dear. :P
After had our meals, we walked aroung the place. I saw ice-cream counter selling my hard-to-find ice cream flavour there.. Chocolate Mint. Requested for the ice cream, unfortunately it was too hard to scoop. The counter lady suggested other flavours ice-cream, but i just want to have that flavour, not ice cream. Sadly, i cancelled the request. Gosh! Kenapalah sesuatu yang saya suka tu susah betul nak carik.. :P
Walked around and did bought some cookies because they look cute. hoohoh i just want to taste those cookies. Those cookies were in the shape and colours of apple, corn, strawberry, pineapple etc. I bought the corns. Actually it is a pineapple tart. But it is very nice. The taste, a little bit sweet.
Next, we moved to Kellie's Castle... (the place where the 1st paragraph mentioned).
Kellie's Castle aka Istana Kellie
reka bentuk tingkap dan pintu berbentuk kubah
Ada banyak papan tanda/penerangan di situ. Salah satunya mengenai jalan ini..
Jalan di koridor bawah... dan koridor atas...
jangan biarkan hidup anda diselubungi misteri...
Dikatakan, ada orang selalu nampak roh tuan rumah berlegar2 di jalan ini. Betul ke tidak saya tak tahu. Tengoklah gambar kat atas, mana tahu nampak sesuatu? :P
Rumah ini sangat tinggi. Ada 4 tingkat. Dan tingkat teratas, kita boleh naik lagi sehingga ke bumbung. Di atas tu tiba2 saya rasa salah satu fear factor saya ialah tinggi. Saya rasa gayat. Tiba2 tidak boleh berdiri. Tapi ambil gambar macam2 pose kami buat di atas sana. Kelakar juga. Sebabnya ada sebatang pokok yang sangat menarik, kami jadikan latar belakang gambar2 kami.
Kediaman Kellie ini ada dua bahagian; bahagian baru adalah istana 4 tingkat dengan beberapa belas bilik. Bangunan ini tidak pernah siap sebenarnya, sebab tuan rumah tersebut meninggal ketika membeli perkakas rumah di luar negara. Bangunan kedua yang bersambung dengan bangunan baru melalui jalan luar adalah rumah asal keluarga Kellie. Bangunan tersebut sepatutnya 2 tingkat, tapi tingkat 2 sudah hampir tiada. Ada 3 terowong rahsia dibina semasa pembinaan Istana Kellie. Untuk pergi ke sini, perlu melalui jambatan batu yang merentasi sebatang sungai yang dalam. Ada pengurusan yang menjaga kawasan ini, untuk itu setiap pengunjung dewasa dikenakan bayaran RM5.00. Ada juga kedai makan. Jadi tak perlu risau lapar dan haus.
Belum habis mengambil gambar, tiba2 bateri kamera sudah habis. Kami berehat sebentar di wakaf berhadapan bangunan. Sambil minum dan makan makanan ringan yang dibawa. Melihat jam, rupa2nya sudah hampir 3 jam kami di situ. Panas dan berpeluh, saya buka cermin mata. Kami berbual2 mengenai istana, kawasan sekeliling dan membayangkan apa yang pernah berlaku di situ dan bagaimana keadaannya kalau istana tersebut siap.. Ketika itu kami lihat segerombolan orang lama sekali di kawasan hadapan, di atas jambatan.
A: Apa diorang buat tu? Lama betul kat sana...
B: Entah, ambil gambar kot. Tu banyak kamera.
Tiba2 ada seseorang datang ke arah kami. Dia tengok kami, kami tengok dia. Dia senyum, kami senyum balik. Dia tengok bangunan dan ambil gambar di sekeling, kami tengok bangunan dan tengok dia balik. Cerita bangunan tadi sudah berubah.
A: Tingginya orang tu.
B: ..Hmm..
A: Rasa2nya dia tinggi tak?
B: Tinggi.
A: Angguk2..
B: Dia main futsal.
A: ?? Macamana tahu? (takkan kenal kot?)
B: Kaki dia panjang.
A: Oh, yer? Kenapa futsal?
B: Sbb orang yang main bola, kaki dia lain.. (dua2 blank...) Ok, dia seorang outdoors.
A: Setuju yang itu..
Kami diam. Kemudian tiba2 ada suara.
A: Agak2 dia dah kawin?
B: Belum. Mungkin dah.
(selepas bertukar2 pandangan...)
"Dia mungkin dah kawin. Mungkin belum. Kalau belum, rasanya dia sudah berpunya".
Kami bersetuju.
Kenapa tiba2 dia menjadi perhatian?
Sebab dia mengingatkan saya kepada orang ini..
Saya fikir mungkin juga.
Tapi kata lain, saya menghargai kecantikan sebenarnya. Orang yang kami temui ini (tidak diketahui namanya), antara orang2 yang Allah kurniakan kecantikan. Kerana saya pernah terfikir betapa cantiknya (kacak?) Nabi Allah Yusuf, betapa indahnya para malaikat yang menjadi dugaan bagi Kaum Luth, bagaimanakah gambarannya. Dan melihat orang2 yang cantik (perempuan sudah ramai kan?), terus mengingatkan saya betapa kerdilnya ciptaan saya ini. Jadi kalau ciptaan yang di hadapan mata sudah sebegini cantik, bagaimana pula dengan Nabi Allah Yusuf, dengan Rasulullah SAW dan tentukan betapakah cantiknya Sang Pencipta itu sendiri?
CSI semalamnya berkisar seorang suspek seorang jurugambar profesional; dikaitkan dengan pembunuhan gadis bawah umur. Gambar2 di rumahnya banyak gambar2 gadis bawah umur dalam keadaan b*gel. Simpan gambar2 gadis bawah umur boleh dikenakan tindakan, tapi tidak jika atas nama seni. A tiny line between these two conditions kan..?
Dalam perjalan ke Clearwater Sanctuary (saje nak tengok tempat apa ni..rupanya Golf Club & ada juga tempat memancing); kami sambung berbual.
A: Boleh tak kalau kita ambil gambar lelaki tu tadi?
B: Atas dasar apa?
A: Ialah, atas dasar seni. Appreciation of the arts. He's one of the arts. Bukan senang kan nak jumpa lelaki yang macam dia. Almost perfect creature.
B: Berlandaskan apa? Dari sudut yang mana..?
A: Kalau lelaki minta ambil gambar perempuan, macam tak susah atau pelik sgt kan? kalau perempuan ambil gambar lelaki? Kalau dari sudut Timur (ketimuran)?
B: Kalau dari (sudut) Timur, mungkin boleh. Walau macam tak biasa.
A: Kalau dari sudut agama?
B: Hmm..tak boleh, kot. ...
A: Yelah, rasanya tak boleh juga sebenarnya.
Rupanya ada hikmah kamera habis bateri.
Kenapa tak boleh? Tgklah pendapat masing2, tapi bagi saya takut ada masalah hati nanti. :) Sedangkan menjaga hati (dari mendekati sesuatu yang boleh mendatangkan kepada keburukan) itu juga perisai ilmu supaya tak hilang begitu sahaja dan diri supaya tak hanyut dengan fahaman sendiri. Lagipun nak dibandingkan ntah gambar sapa2 yang terjumpa di net dan seseorang yang kita tahu mana nak cari, yang kedua lebih bahaya kan.. ? Allahu'alam.
Teringat perbualan dengan Mudin beberapa tahun yang lalu. Tentang lelaki cantik dan perempuan cantik. "Perempuan cantik, bila berjalan ada satu syaitan bersamanya. Lelaki cantik, bila berjalan ada 2 syaitan bersamanya. Bermaksud lelaki yang cantik itu lebih banyak godaannya dari luar dan dalam". (betul tak Mudin?;) )
Jadi bagi lelaki2 cantik di luar sana, semoga anda tidak kalah dengan godaan & dugaan dan sentiasa mengingatkan diri anda. Dan bagi yg melihat lelaki yang cantik (saya jugalah itu) moga2 Allah pelihara hati2 kita.
Oh, ya..sebagai penamatnya, selepas Clearwater Sanctuary kami berkemas dan pulang ke Kuala Lumpur... Jam 10.30 malam Isnin terasa terubat rindu bila menjejakkan kaki ke rumah. After all, "Home sweet Home".
* Gambar lelaki di atas adalah Kang Ji-Hwan, pelakon lelaki Korea.