Monday, February 12, 2007

Is it confirmed?

Since the past 1 year-and-a-half, I have been told several times about my transfer to other location(s) to support the unit there.

First i was told that i might be transferred to Malacca (South Area). It was cancelled because at that point of time, nobody to take care on my duty.

Then, i was told to go to Taiping to support the operation on one big project there. There were several discussions (without me) that they were also considering to have me in Penang (North Area). It was then cancelled since at that point of time we do not have enough expertise on new system in KL to support the needs; plus minor reason of my insufficient experience on handling operation center.

Later, there were several attempts from other units (in the same division) to have me in HQ. It was turned down due to the same above reason .

Heard that Kuching has vacant post for me, whispered to the unit head there if she wants me. She said she would like to and has no problem, but the possibility is almost zero - for the same above reason. It is OK actually as i was not serious about it.

Now , there is proposal to setup another center in the South specifically in Malacca. As there is no SME (subject matter expert) in Malacca for the time being, if everything's else being approved i may be going there as well (for how many times about me being transferred i have lost count already).

As for the time being, all i need to do is to wait if there is any official letter going to fly down on my desk sooner or later. I can't (and not supposed to move) until i have the black & white letter about the transfer.

Still waiting.
Will wait.

I will update the decision.

p/s: Jawab prev entry comment dlm ni la yer.
1. As, kalau kena pindah saya masih lagi dalam Malaysia. Memang di tanahair lagi. Masih boleh dihubungi dengan no. talian dalam malaysia tanpa perlu caj tambahan. :P
2. hany, kalau rindu cepat2 jumpa saya. Tempat kerja saya ni (organisasi hany juga kan:P) suka bagi last minute notice. ihihih

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