Thursday, February 15, 2007

Working Days' Stories

It was yesterday. Maybe to most it is just the same Wednesday.
For me, it is not the same Wednesday.

Still early of the day. In the morning. But i felt so worn out.
Maybe because i played badminton (was seriously playing it) on Monday
and went to visit a new born baby on Tuesday
My body felt a little pain (due to long time haven't move the muscles a lot)

And it was only Wednesday.
I cannot imagine, little did i know how to survive until Friday evening.

God knows better.
I replaced someone to a workshop.
OK. At least that is something.

There was a test. On how observant you are.
I, the youngest one in the team managed to pass the test.

Someone asked me: "What year you were born?"
I said: Year XY
She informed the person next to her; "She born in year XY. Memang muda pun"
The person expression was like "Oo"

I said: Why? Do i look older?
She said: No, i thought you were younger.

Well well well..
That is something in the end to make my day.
Now another 2 days to go shouldn''t be a big problem anymore. :P


ASaL said...

the word that make ur day huh? :)
chinese new year, eppy holiday!
ermm, what i wanna to do this holiday? to be in KL, really likes make me feel somewhere I belong
thought it is truely hot and shinny day (here in KL), but to my surprise, it's rainning.

ieka said...

As, how was ur holiday? i was travelling from KL to Pahang (my father's hometown) to Malacca and back to KL. bila balik KL lagi? beritahulah. maybe lepas ni susah dah nak jumpa:)

yerp. alHamdulillah the weather is not that bad. Kalau panas lagi.. huhuuh Allahu'alam.