Monday, November 08, 2004

The 25th Day: Systemic Thinking

It was such a highly intellectual week : that was what i felt after came back from Brother Fazrul's Systemic Thinking course last week at Segamat. Despite of the ala-kadar accommodation, thigh schedule and the group-cooked food, but I feel that the course was quite inspired and fulfilling my soul. Though we (Siti & I) joined in the middle of the course but at least now I quite understand what Fazrul is trying to say in his book: Pemikiran Sistemik that I bought November, last year. Before this it seems to be quite difficult for me to complete my reading on his book, but now I guess I got some ideas and will try to finish it. Walaupun mencabar tahap intelektual tertinggi that I have, I am proud to say that i could stay awake for the entire part. heh Al-Hamdulillah, i am not that bad jugakla kan:P

It is great to be around great people. But dalam masa yg sama, amazed juga dgn apa yg this young brother can achieved at the same age of mine. Terasa diri sedikit terkebelakang dlm mengejar apa yg pernah diimpikan masa masih belajar dahulu. But then, he read a lot and I read just a little. He watch TV at a very minimal I guess, but for me TV is important after a long busy day at work. Hehe what a contra, and yet I wish to be like him- able to do what oneself wants to do. I just do not know where and how to start everything.. In the end, I let go everything..

He is not the only one, yet he is another example yg boleh diambil kira. Di kala ramai rakan2 lain yg berjaya meletakkan diri mereka lebih baik dr kebanyakkan org, dan ada yg telah mengorak langkah lebih jauh..Terfikir pula adakah aku ni sebenarnyer mensia-siakan masa selama beberapa thn kebelakangan ni.. Terasa rendah jugalah diri bila berhadapan dengan mereka2 yg hebat & berilmu ini - esp. yg sama2 dlm perjuangan dulu…

By the way, on my way back to Melaka (from Segamat) on last saturday– while waiting for my parents to pick me up at the bus station I found out a few moments before azan maghrib the sky was sooo beautiful, with rainbow some more. I can’t tell by words how beautiful it is, but really I never saw something as beautiful as it is. Pity I don’t have any camera with me, else I might share the view with all of you. Subhanallah, kalau dunia pun Allah boleh tunjuk sesekali apa itu kecantikan dan keindahan, ntah macamana rupanya syurga yg berlipat kali ganda indah dari dunia itu..
Apa2 pun, moga Allah sentiasa lindungi aku dan hati kawan-kawanku. Dan moga Allah terus memberi petunjuk kepada kita semua, memberi keampunanNya yg tidka pernah putus dan memelihara kita dari terpesong dari jalannya. Insya-Allah.

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