Monday, October 11, 2004

The Last 23rd Breath

I was a little bit shock this morning when I saw on The Sun front page wrote this: He’s bad; Hung is looking to visit Malaysia (something like that laa..since I don’t have a copy of it). Aiyaa..just few months back I read an article in the internet saying that he was died due to suicide. Masa tu pun dah shocked abis dah, can’t believe that Americans were teasing him until death. Rupenye tipah tertipu lagi.. Haiii..looks like recently people loves to play with someone’s death. OK dah jumpa: Hung’s looking forward to Malaysia visit.

BTW, I came across somebody’s statement in yesterday’s newspaper (Mingguan Malaysia or Berita Minggu, I am not sure) regarding perbincangan ttg agama di dalam internet, in which he mentioned is not suitable. It should be done in a small scale, face-to-face or closed situation. Rasa macam ridiculous je bile dgr org macam ni boleh bercakap cenggitu. Yelah, at least if he can write something in the newspaper and has his photo there that indicates he is somebody. But a somebody that is so.. backwards, seems like he don’t even realize the emergence of current technology in which there is almost nothing impossible nowadays. How many of us actually have time to go and meet our teachers/lecturers or even tok guru nowadays? We are all living in the competitive environment in which even though it is hard for us to accept the fact, but here we are.. In what way else we can gain as much knowledge as possible but thru reading? I am agree that if we do not understand something or want to clarify something, we should ask the one who knows better. To read and later on have some discussion with friends on our knowledge is a better way to generate the brain cells; instead of talking about nonsense thing at all time isn’t it. (Yeah, I am a talkative person that always talk about gossips, food, people and perkara2 lagha.. hahaha sorry..but then, stilli am not really a somebody to the world:P). I will appreciate the writer if he is doing something in what he talk, such as pergi kelas utk menambah ilmu or buat kelas utk tambah ilmu, organize something related to knowledge where he is one of the speaker (not the tetamu kehormat only) etc etc. If he seldom or hardly doing that how could he ask other people to do it..

Duhh.. I think if ISA has a list of people to be banned from speaking or writing publicly, I’ll be among the list. Seems like sometimes people were afraid too much to the truth until they were afraid of themselves. Oklah, let me have my precious, last breath at the age of 23 because within few hours more I am going to be OLD. Kui kui kui… See ya all later at my older age ok.. ;)

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