Friday, October 29, 2004

Nice link

Minggu ni aku tak balik kampung. Tapi Jaya Jusco tengah Sales.. huhuhu duit gaji plak dah habis allocate utk mende lain.. aishehman.. Kalau ade pakwe kan best, leh PINJAM duit dia utk belanja2.. *;) ting*..
tapi kalau ade husben lagi best kan.. Leh GUNE duit dia untuk berbelanja.. muahahah *:)) Wink*

Few friends forward to me a nice website. A website that tells people about kaum2 yg telah dimusnahkan di muka bumi, with reasons of why and how Allah SWT did it.. Ayat2 diambil daripada Al-Quran, sungguh menjadi bukti kebesaran dan kebenaran .. :)

So, selamat menonton!!
Bangsa Yang Musnah

p/s: I just received my 1st Hari Raya card. I want more Hari Raya card, a hardcopy one not the flash2, or the e-card tau:p haha susah ckp ngan org Multimedia ni!
p/s 2: Today is my mother's birthday. Happy Birthday Mak.. :)

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Mid Ramadhan

Sungguh, sekejap sahaja masa berlalu. Bila terasa masa berlalu terlalu cepat, tertanya balik pada diri sendiri agaknya tahun ni aku banyak main2 dan banyak buang masa.. ah, jauh lagilah untuk malam lailatul-qadr thn ni jikalau begitu.. Harap2 sia2 masa yg ada ni masih dpt dipergunakan sebaiknya.. insya-Allah..

My cousin (same age with me) is at my house for 2 days already, just relaxing here for few days before going to back to her father's house. She seems to be so excited being here since my mother is around and cook for us adik-beradik. My aunt (my cousin's mother) was passed away when we were 9-10 years old, and after few years her father remarried. But her stepmother was quite young, and she seems to lost a mother's touch.... She always told my sisters on how lucky they are for still having mother that could help them in so many things. It's really shown esp. during her engagement day.. And how many time she said if it is possible to ask her mother to come back from death, but then she knows it is impossible.. Sedih pun ada juga bila fikir balik, i can't imagine myself for not having a mother.

ha..sekarang dah dekat nak raya, ramai betul bertanya.. telekom tak dpt bonus ke? hmm sunyi je thn ni..ade sesape nak tolong jawab? Laili ke?:p By the way, i am planning a berbuka puasa pada 2/11bersama rakan2 rapat esp. a group of people yg mmg tiap2 tahun berbuka bersama setakat ni. Mostly they were cyberjaya ex-SRC members :) . Thn lepas kami pergi ke Vistana Hotel, the year before to Restoran Nelayan.. Thn ni insya-Allah samda ke Hotel Midah atau ke Dewan PErdana Felda , tak decide lagi. Ada sesapa nak ikut? Bleh habaq mai before ahad ni keh..

Kepala aku rasa ditzy balik.. kenapa asyik rasa pening je sekarang tak tahu lah.. Seems like i am start to feel boring with my work. Rasa confuse dah mula la balik ni. Isk, PMS ka? :)) hahahah life.. sometimes bila roda di atas kita rasa seronok sgt, bila roda turun ke bawah terasa macam erti kehidupan dah berkurangan..wallahualam.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

The 13th Day

It has been quite sometimes i left this blog, but looks like i have few pengunjung setia until the site tag i put here few days back reached around 20-30 times pages viewed a day.. hehe thanx thanx. i always thought that actually nobody was around reading my blog. So, now it seems that my assumption was wrong..

Oh, by the way.. I guess few of other people also seems to calculating the 'days'. Kalau takleh baca kat blog saya ni pun nampaknyer Kak Qin, aida punya pun boleh jenguk juga;) har har har.

I know that i have several promises to be cash. I was trying hard to remember the point on "How to maintain a relationship@How to attract men". I tried several weeks, only that these vivid points became clear this morning. Once a friend of mine told me that if someone say that the difficult part of a relationship is to start it, he said yes it is thru because it is the time where you have to struggle and show your effort that that someone is really meant something to you. But, it is harder in a relationship because you need to keep the effort in order to maintain the relationship. He was once failed, but now seems to live happily ever after with his wife and child.

If you asked me about this question few years back, maybe it won't be as difficult as today. I used to think more like a man rather a woman last time, in which i have a boast of energy. Used to call the type of 'stereotype image of woman' as typical women. Now, i think that i am becoming that typical type of women. No wonder all the test i took last time change a lot to other descriptions. hehe isk, Aini kite dah perah otak abis2 dah ni utk ingat ni. So, here you are with the tips. Thanx to the brother who used to nagging me here and there, the credit goes to him. Sorrylah yer, adik sorang ni masih tak pandai nak apply tips tu..hahah. BTW, I did try few times some of the tips, and it went quite well. :)

Tips to maintain a relationship
1. Selalu menggunakan kata nama diri, kurangkan penggunaan kata ganti diri. Penggunaan kata nama diri akan menyebabkan orang yang mendengarnya terasa dekat/rapat dengan kita. Contohnya, jika memberikan pendapat peribadi (nada suara biasa sahaja):
Saya rasa sepatutnya perkara macam ini boleh dielakkan drpd berlaku. <--ayat agak formal, kurang mesra, bersifat mendapatkan point sahaja, environment akan jadi macam kaku sedikit. So, org di sekeliling akan merasakan tekanan secara tidak langsung yang wujud.
Ika rasa sepatutnyer perkara macam ini boleh dielakkan drpd berlaku <--ayat ada unsur tidak formal, bernada mententeramkan dan create environment yg lebih 'release' dan mesra. Orang akan rasa lebih mudah utk berkomunikasi dengan kita dan rasa lebih free to talk.

2. Memberi hadiah kepada pasangan tanpa perlu menunggu hari tertentu. I think this thing has also been raised by Aida in her previous posting. Hadiah tak sepertinya besar atau mahal, a small thing may give some nice suprise and most human mmg sukakan suprise macam ni. Tak perlu belikan alfa romeo, atau fiat aveo atau flat screen home-theater (hints hints:P) kalau come out with that person favourite dish, or tunggu untuk makan fav dish tu sampai org tu datang pun macam dah beri satu rasa terharu samada secara sedar atau separa sedar. Atau utk perempuan lagi senang, kasi apa pun as long as it is from special someone semua pun dia anggap sama --> special. Cara lain nak ubah dressing seseorg pun boleh ngan belikan dia fesyen/warna pakaian yg kite rasa cantik utk dia. So, nanti dia taulah yg kita ni suka cara cemana kat dia kan.. ahha (ok, pasal ubah dressing ni pendapat saya la.. bukan dr tips tu:P).

3. Menghubungi pasangan setiap hari. Tak perlulah bergayut sampai 4-5 jam. Cukup sekadar bertanya kabar di awal pagi dan sebelum tidur malam (around 5 minit). Kalau dah masa bercinta boleh je nak tanya kabar2 ni kan, so kalau dah kawin tu cuba2lah tanya juga. Macam maybe waktu lunch boleh tanya dah makan ke belum. Atau spouse pergi outstation tu, telefon2lah juga. Gitulah lebih kurang.

4. Luahkan perkataan tentang perasaan dr hati <--macam cakap saya sayang awak ke, i love you, watashiwa anatawa sukides. Terlalu tiap2 hari sgt pun ade org kate tak best, terlalu jarang sgt pun tak elok. At least pasangan tahu yg kita masih sayang kat dia kan. So terpulanglah utk kekerapan ckp tu. Kalau diselalukan pun rasanya tak salah (utk pasangan berkahwin la). utk yg tak kawin, maybe rasa senang nyer nak ckp..mesti die ni dah ckp kat org lain juga.

5. Oh, ni ade satu teringat. Pasal masa time gaduh, kalau sorang tu tgh marah kite jgn lawan. Diam sahaja walaupun dia salah, lepas dah cool down barulah kita ckp secara baik. Sbb org yg marah ni selalunya kurang waras, so kalau lawan akan menyemarakkan api tu. Yg ni applicable to both side. Suami jgnlah harap isteri dengar aje, and isteri jgnlah asyik nak marah je kan. (Isk, part ni mmg saya kena byk2 belajar la.. hehe:)) )

Oklah, tu jeler yg teringat time ni. CUkuplah utk kali ni. Kalau sesape rasa nak tambah pun boleh juga. I think org dah biasa dengar, and aida & aini punya posting lagi byk input. Apa2 pun nasihat utama utk para lelaki :Jgn biarkan perempuan tertanya2 tanpa penjelasan/jawapan yg pasti. Kaum perempuan adalah kaum yg sangat hebat dlm segi seni dan kreativiti dan imaginasi, sebab kaum perempuan bila lelaki diam dan biarkan diri dia tanpa penjelasan, do not be suprised if she can come out with 101 assumption on your silence. he he he:D

selamat meneruskan ibadat puasa:)

Friday, October 22, 2004

8th Ramadhan

Haaaa.. dah 8 ramadhan dah? isk.. time flies so fast.. Macam baru je puasa bermula, now after i counted back actually i am going to work minimum days of 10 only before bercuti raya..

I think i can't type much now after these two-days long 'conversation' on Siti's blog. It was all started on Education in Malaysia issue and drag into Political Ideology issue. But then, maybe siti and I were too idealistic or maybe i am not really aware on the political matters in Malaysia.. I think i shouldn't say much here.. You all can view my comments there and there.. so many, as it seems like i am blogging there.. :) and, you may give your opinion as well there.. Just to share our opinions.. macam siti kate, mana tau kalau ada yg jadi menteri nanti bolehlah consider apa sebenarnyer dlm minda kebanyakkan org ni..

Apa2 pun, i am feeling excited to go back hometown. hehe BALIK lagi? jgn marah..:p takdelah, actually few days back there was a broken pipe yg telah menyebabkan the whole house floaded with water. So balik ngan niat nak menolong la..tak tahuler akhirnyer jadi tolong kemas ke, tolong jaga rumah je ke atau tolong tgk je.. hehe And..sebelum terlupa, i just found out that my phone bill payment was not credited in which it turns out to .. temporarily disqualified me to make calls and send SMS.. huhuuhhu this is something that never happen to me since i work!! ha, kalau rindu2 tu takyahler SMS call ajeler..mmg aku bosan takde org tepon sekarang, asyik sms, emel, msg board, blogging, YM.. kekekekek:))

OKlah, need to settle my job.. Nanti lewat plak balik:) Jumpa lagi.. take care, selamat berbuka and bye all..

Thursday, October 21, 2004

7th Fasting Day: Nasi Al-Ambra

It was because of Bubur Lambuk yesterday that I went to the Menara's mosque to pray Asr berjemaah. Hehe niat tak betul kan? Sbb tu in the end, tak sempat nak dpt pun bubur tu.. erks, cedey sket ler, sbb tetibe teringin nak makan bubur lambuk menara (erm.. that cannot be categorized as mengidam sbb kite belum qualified utk join that group. he he he)..takpeler bukan rezeki pun. maybe hari ni nak try my luck again kot?:D

But then, i met someone there. Guess who? jeng jeng jeng.. the person that successfully emotionally reminded me of the old times at MMU Cyberjaya dulu.. sbbnya? sama2 solat jemaah kat masjid tu, dok sebelah2 and had some chat dlm masjid.. Tiba2 teringat solat kat masjid al-Hidayah MMU tu, time2 bukak pose sesama, solat tarawikh sesama.. tetibe je bile tgk permaidani warna biru masjid menara terbayang permaidani warna hijau belang kuning masjid mmu.. rasa sayu sgt tetibe (tetibe sensitip gile plak).. penah tak korang teringat tentang sesuatu perkara tu, deep inside your heart sampai tibe2 korang rasa nak nangis? ha tu lah yg berlaku semalam... it is just *that's it!* . That person gelak jer tgk aku... muahahahha ntah ape2 ler ngan budak sorang ni kan akak kan..hehe

Last saturday i had a majlis berbuka puasa plus majlis tazkirah bulan ramadhan, and we agreed to do potluck. I prepared Nasi Al-Ambra and brought it all along the way from Malacca to KL (since i took leave for few days and went back hometown kan.. hehe). Some of the fellow friends did asked me for the recipe. I took this recipe from forwarded emails, but have modified sket2 mengikut citarasa org timur. :)) Here it goes the recipe:

Preparation Time: 1 hour (Rendam beras, hiris itu ini, defrost daging)
Cooking Time : 30 minutes (u can cook & prepare Bahan A, Bahan B and Bahan C simultaneously)
Total Time Taken: 1 1/2 hours.

Untuk 6-10 hidangan

Bahan A:
1 kg beras basmati (dicuci & direndam selama 30 minit)
1 batang kayu manis
3 biji pelaga
3 kuntum bunga cengkih
3 helai daun pandan (dicuci & dipintal)
3 sdm minyak kacang (minyak masak biasa pun boleh)
1/2 cawan susu rendah lemak
5 ulas bawang putih (dikisar)
4 sm halia (dikisar)
1.5 liter air
1 sdt garam (kalau saya, lebihkan garam dlm 2-3 sudu teh atau secukup rasa)

Bahan B:
500 g lobak merah (dicuci bersih & dipotong dadu) -boleh kurangkan lobak. Dlm 2-3 batang lobak sederhana besar, 500g lobak boleh dpt dlm 5 batang lobak.
400 g kacang buncis (dihiris halus) -boleh kurangkan dlm 300g jer
500 g daging lembu tanpa lemak (dikisar) -gune daging kisar Ramly
3 biji putih telur
1/2 sdt garam -sama macam kat atas, boleh lebihkan sedikit dlm 1 sudu
1 sdt serbuk lada hitam -kalau nak pedas sket, tambah lebih sket. Maybe dlm 3 sudu.

Cara Cara

Bahan A:
· Tumis bawang putih, halia kisar bersama kayu manis, bunga cengkih dan pelaga sehingga wangi. (boleh gune kuali dulu, then baru masukkan dlm rice cooker. If gune rice cooker, kurangkan sukatan beras.)
· Masukkan daun pandan dan susu rendah lemak.
· Apabila sudah mendidih masukkan beras dan masak sehingga tanak. (Dlm masa 15 minit je gitu kalau gune api dapur, pastu kena jaga api. Rice cooker tak try lagi sbb tak muat dgn nasi begitu:p)
(Optional utk lebih sedap tambahkan satu tin cendawan butang yg telah dihiris ke dalam nasi apabila telah masak)

Bahan B:
· Masak daging di atas kuali hingga separuh kering. (tak perlu taruk minyak)
· Masukkan lobak merah, kemudian masukkan kacang buncis, garam, lada hitam dan putih telur. Kacau sehingga rata.
· Campuran daging ini di masukkan ke dalam nasi yang sudah tanak dan dikacau rata.

Bahan-bahan untuk salad:
7 batang lada merah (dikisar halus) (kalau blend jgn bubuh air byk, nanti kuah cair)
1/4 sdt garam (lebih sikit pun ok.. maybe 1/2 sudu)
1/2 sdm gula timbang (brown sugar) (i put 1 tablespoon)
2 biji bawang besar (dihiris halus) (1 biji pun dah banyak. Hiris halus2. Tapi kalau suka bawang, takpe letak lebih)
2 sdm daun ketumbar (dihiris)
1 biji jus limau kasturi (i put 2 biji instead)

Cara-cara: Satukan semua bahan-bahan dan gaul rata.

And this dishes is also great with ayam masak pedas, sup kosong & some daun salad, timun jepun.

The result? I can say hmmm... quite yummy jugalah esp. waktu panas2 dan dihidangkan ngan ayam masak pedas (sambal goreng ayam). Tak caya? tanyalah org2 yg dah penah makan.. ha sape penah makan cepat ckp:D.

Since this is Nasi Arab recipe (i guess, based on its name) kalau ikut resipi asal mmg agak tawar, so yg italic words tu semua comment saya lepas memasak 2 kali-satu resipi asal, satu resipi ubahsuai. :)

Ha, ape tu.. dah meleleh air liur..kekeke sabar sabar.. Kurang 6 jam je lagi nak bukak pose.. Apa2 pun selamat mencuba ek:P


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

6th Ramadhan 1425H

Hai.. macam menghitung hari plak aku ni yer.. Mengalahkan org yg kena 'bersabar' menunggu hari kan diknon kan, (Well, u know who you are:p). Whateva it is, today i feel soooo sleepy.. Ngantuknyer, tak tahuler apesal. Abisler, produktiviti menurun.. hehehe

Apa2 pun, aku pening jugak ni dgn diri sendiri.. Apesallah aku ni tkaleh nak speed-up keje2 aku. Rasa cam quite slow je buat keje ni.. eish, bak kate Philip Humbert perfectionist cannot work together wih excellency.. Maybe i was too into perfectionist, and i think i have to learn on how to delegate works to other people.

Al-Hamdulillah, thank God that I have a new assistant now that can work practically quite fast and teliti (a lady, of course.. and still young in which it is easier to teach and more obedient..ehhe). Farah was rite, this 'seat' (post) is really facing too many adhoc works. And it is much frigthening as most of these adhoc works are treated IMPORTANT and URGENT and CRITICAL and need to be sent to higher authority ASAP.

Aih, sorry friends. I cannot think about what to write today- from the previous discussion i had on fiqh/hukum-hakam, on the How to Attract Your Partner topic(tak saba part ni ek:p) , on the economic issue (oil price) i raised up before.. (There is Quran reciting now in Menara Telekom, sounds like what i heard in Saudi Arabia last time.. Beautiful voice by the reciter..) I will see if i have some time to slot in my ideas today ok.

So.. have a nice day today, and take care all.. Muahas!

Monday, October 18, 2004

4th Fasting Day

Assalamualaikum wbt and hi all..

So, how's your day? Have you been missing me? heheh ;) Al-Hamdulillah, until today i am still alive. This Ramadhan seems to emerge the way i think in a new way.. Since I always (at most time) think differently from other people, i thought that i might be weird or rare or odd already.. But then i found out that actually more people out there are more intelectual than i am and they already think oddly.. ehhehe

By the way, some of you might wonder what 'gift' i received for my birthday this year. That 'gift' filled me like the same feeling i had when i just came back from umrah-I felt my life has been completed. And once again, i am feeling it. So, what is it that i really received this year?

I received knowledge
Al-Hamdulillah, for HIM let me walked thru this path and found what i searched for long time. :) Hmm, hari ni aku rasa cam jadi 'ustazah' la plak.. Ustazah celup je since i still have to refer to few people yg lebih arif. ehhe Since i received a number of questions pasal hukum-hakam.. i think i would like to share some of them with all of you. Esok2 kite postkan lagi ttg perkara2 yg dibincangkan hari ni. ok.
So, here you are with one email posting that create some 'havoc' among muslim women:
Subject: Untuk panduan

Assalamualaikum... Sempena Ramadhan yang bakal menjelang tiba tidak lama lagi ni eloklahsaya terangkan mengenai sesuatu yang jarang sekali diketahui oleh orang Islam seperti kita. Untuk pengetahuan semua, walaupun kaum hawa akan kedatangan haid pada setiap bulan (bg yg normal) dan tidak boleh berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan apabila tiba masa tersebut tetapi mereka adalah diwajibkan imsak sepanjang hari sehingga tibanya waktu berbuka puasa.
Wajib imsak bermaksud, wanita tersebut tidak dibenarkan sama sekaliuntuk menjamah makanan dan hendaklah menjaga diri seperti orang yangberpuasa. Ramai yang tidak tahu mengenai masalah ini kerana berpendapatapabila mereka tidak boleh berpuasa kerana didatangi haid mereka bolehmakan dan minum seperti biasa.
Sebenarnya pendapat ini adalah salah kerana walaupun didatangi haid, wanita adalah tidak dibenarkan sama sekali untuk makan dan minum seperti biasa. Perkara ini pernah dibangkitkan dua tahun yang lalu kerana umatIslam tidak peka dengan masalah ini.
Antara yang pernah membangkitkan masalah ini ialah Dr Mashitah dalam tulisan beliau di sebuah akhbar.Beliau menyatakan bahawa wanita yang tidak boleh berpuasa adalah wajib imsak seperti yang diterangkan diatas. Kalau anda merasa ragu-ragu dengan kenyataan ini cubalah bertanyakan kepada yang ahli seperti beliau untukbertanyakan pendapat. Saya cuma ingin berkongsi secebis ilmu yang saya pelajari di kelas agama, itu saja. Semoga panduan ini berguna untuk semua. Wallahhua'lam..

So, here goes the pendapat:

Pendapat 1
AMZ wrote:

perkara ni pernah dibangkitkan dalam satu kuliah yg dihadiri lama dahulu. kalau nak diikutkan, tidak makan dan minum ketika period adalah sunat sebagai menghormati bulan ramadhan...TETAPI tidak boleh digambarkan seolah2 sedang berpuasa - hukumnya haram sebab orang yg period haram berpuasa.

rational - apa yang kita buat semua berasaskan niat.berpuasa ramadhan diwajibkan berniat (sebab tuh kita diharuskan ikut maliki yang berniat sebulan takut2 terlupa satu hari nak niat puasa ramadhan - syafie berniat tiap2 malam). so, kalau niat kita tak makan tuh sebab kena berpuasa sama macam org lain tak boleh la.. niatkan je sebagai menghormati ramadhan..

tapi rasanya, kalau dah diberi kemudahan untuk takberpuasa tuh, nikmati ajela sebaiknya...orang lain susah payah tak nak puasa,korang plak tanak makan +minum..sekurang2nya takdela lauk untuk berbuka terlebih garam.

Pendapat ke-2:
Pendapat 2 (dari wanita)
salam utk semua juga.
Maybe saya tak layak untuk bercakap ttg perkara ni kat sini. Insya-Allah sekadar berkongsi sedikit ilmu yg ada hasil drpd menghadiri satu majlis ilmu sabtu yg lepas ttg ibadah puasa.

Isu ni pun ada dibangkitkan dlm majlis ilmu tersebut. Terdapat 3 golongan yg dibenarkan untuk tidak berpuasa; dan salah satunya adalah perempuan yg didatangi haid atau nifas. Sbbnya, dlm keadaan ini badan perempuan jadi lemah dan mengalami sakit2 lain.. So, kalau berpuasa ada kemungkinan akan mendatangkan kemudaratan kepada diri. Antara lain ialah kisah para sahabat yg berpuasa dan bermusafir. Dlm perjalanan, mereka berhenti berehat. Sebahagian yg lain meneruskan puasa, dan sebahagian yg lain berbuka puasa tetapi menyediakan makanan berbuka utk rakan2 mereka yg lain.. Kirenyer kalau dlm musafir, tidak berpuasa bererti makan dan minum apa beza tidak berpuasa utk perempuan yg dtg haid kan?

Kalau difikirkan secara logik pun, sekiranya wajib imsak sekalipun dtg haid dan tidak boleh makan dan minum sehingga terbenam matahari bererti kita sedang berpuasa (definisi puasa: menahan diri dari makan, minum, melakukan perkara2 yg mendatangkan nikmat dan bersama dengan isteri/suami dr terbitnya fajar sidiq hingga terbenam matahari). And if dr awal lagi berpuasa itu WAJIB untuk perempuan yg dtg haid, sudah tentu Allah dan Rasulullah SAW dah syariatkan kaum wanita berpuasa dlm apa jua keadaan sekalipun. Jadi mmg dah sah2 tak boleh berpuasa, kan.

cumanya, disunatkan utk tidak makan atau minum di hadapan org yg berpuasa / makan secara sorok2 sbb dikhuatiri mengganggu org yg berpuasa. Bak kata Munir, Allah dah kasi pelepasan, kite makan je lah kan.. Rugilah pulak kalau tak ambil peluang keemasan tu.ehhe;)

My apologize ttg kekurangan isi dalam apa yg akan saya perkatakan sbb hari ni kebetulan tak bawa nota2 dr kelas tersebut because perkara ni mmg dibincangkan secara mendalam dan termasuk ada petikan dr al-Quran, dan hadith sekali. Insya-Allah ada kesempatan saya akan emailkan nota tersebut kepada kawan2 (it's in hardcopy, so i have to type it first).

Apa2 pun, jika ada sebarang pendapat atau pembetulan, silalah betul2kan saya yg masih lagi sedikit ilmunya. wallahu 'alam.
== ==

Teringat pesan Rasulullah supaya :Permudahkan, jangan disusah2kan sesuatu perkara. Tadi seorg sahabat pun ada kata, Islam itu mudah-jangan disusah2kan. :) Apa2 pun, atas kekurangan ilmu saya kurang pasti kenapa diwajibkan imsak dan alasan Dr Masyitah menulisnya (jika benar beliau yg tulis la). Kalau ada sesape yg ada pendapat lain bolehlah bagi komen yer.

Opss.. ari ni keje sampai kul 5.00 jer.. hehehe oklah, selamat berbuka puasa semua. Insya-ALlah jumpa lagi. Have a nice day all.. ;)

Ada sesape nak komen ape2 tak?

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Thank You

Al-Hamdulillah! That is all I can now. At least I know that I am still alive after 24 years of living on this planet. Thanx a lot to all the wishes, presents and doa from all my beloved friends. Never thought that so many people will remember my birthday (or actually is it because being stated on the YM status message and the captured in this blog?:p) ahahah Just a simple thought, tambah satu lagi usia yg panjang bermaksud semakin dekat mendekati kematian juga kan.. I am becoming older, but yet sometimes act like immature girl. :)

I have not so much to tell ya today. I am going to have my 2-days leave on this Thursday and Friday (in which it means sum up to 4 days break) . So in case that I won’t be able to update my blog tomorrow, this is a wish for all of you:

By the way, few days back I found out Aini had some interesting posting on How to Approach Woman. It was posted earlier by someone else, and now I am posting her things. Heheh but, can’t help it. It sounds interesting. I know I know, doesn’t seems to be faired with guys. Why then there is no topic on how to approach a man. :p I guess most women are shy to start first, and men are hard to describe what they want too. I got some tips from a good friend on how to maintain a relationship, or in other words How to tackle a man (woman pun boleh apply tau:P). But I guess most of my reader friends here knew better methods already on this topic. By the way, one thing not to forget is that women have lots of thinking in their minds. Whether it is your language, email, voice, words, body can indicates something to the women . if you do not explain it at the proper period of time, women will make tons of assumption with their great imagination.. so, pls do not leave a woman in doubt if you do not want them to assume anything.. ;)

So, have a nice week. I might not be able to frequently update this thing during Ramadhan. Sampai jumpa lagi. Take care all. Wasalam.

Monday, October 11, 2004

The Last 23rd Breath

I was a little bit shock this morning when I saw on The Sun front page wrote this: He’s bad; Hung is looking to visit Malaysia (something like that laa..since I don’t have a copy of it). Aiyaa..just few months back I read an article in the internet saying that he was died due to suicide. Masa tu pun dah shocked abis dah, can’t believe that Americans were teasing him until death. Rupenye tipah tertipu lagi.. Haiii..looks like recently people loves to play with someone’s death. OK dah jumpa: Hung’s looking forward to Malaysia visit.

BTW, I came across somebody’s statement in yesterday’s newspaper (Mingguan Malaysia or Berita Minggu, I am not sure) regarding perbincangan ttg agama di dalam internet, in which he mentioned is not suitable. It should be done in a small scale, face-to-face or closed situation. Rasa macam ridiculous je bile dgr org macam ni boleh bercakap cenggitu. Yelah, at least if he can write something in the newspaper and has his photo there that indicates he is somebody. But a somebody that is so.. backwards, seems like he don’t even realize the emergence of current technology in which there is almost nothing impossible nowadays. How many of us actually have time to go and meet our teachers/lecturers or even tok guru nowadays? We are all living in the competitive environment in which even though it is hard for us to accept the fact, but here we are.. In what way else we can gain as much knowledge as possible but thru reading? I am agree that if we do not understand something or want to clarify something, we should ask the one who knows better. To read and later on have some discussion with friends on our knowledge is a better way to generate the brain cells; instead of talking about nonsense thing at all time isn’t it. (Yeah, I am a talkative person that always talk about gossips, food, people and perkara2 lagha.. hahaha sorry..but then, stilli am not really a somebody to the world:P). I will appreciate the writer if he is doing something in what he talk, such as pergi kelas utk menambah ilmu or buat kelas utk tambah ilmu, organize something related to knowledge where he is one of the speaker (not the tetamu kehormat only) etc etc. If he seldom or hardly doing that how could he ask other people to do it..

Duhh.. I think if ISA has a list of people to be banned from speaking or writing publicly, I’ll be among the list. Seems like sometimes people were afraid too much to the truth until they were afraid of themselves. Oklah, let me have my precious, last breath at the age of 23 because within few hours more I am going to be OLD. Kui kui kui… See ya all later at my older age ok.. ;)

Friday, October 08, 2004

Woke up this morning i found out that i actually get some flu & it seems that my cough is getting worse. But then, al-Hamdulillah i am still fit to go to the office and doing my routine cores. erm, maybe i get to feel a little bit sleepy now..

Yeah, it's friday! It means end of the working week. Eish, seronok betul la.. Tambah2 kurang sihat ni, oklah.. Kalau early of the week ada harapan amik MC. This week i want to go back to my hometown, so sesapa dtg melaka sudi2lah singgah rumah saya;) Oh, aida..maybe if ada dtg melaka, bolehlah singgah teratak buruk aku ek. :D I just actually realized that i love to quote, "Oo, yeah?" as my statement. hahah My colleagues were teasing me as being western, tak sedar diri tu org melayu.. hehe but then, it is really..unconciously whenever i have something to ask, instead of saying "OO ye ke?" or "Iyer?" i will go for "Ooo, yeah?". Now, my colleagues answer to such question is "Yeah!"

BTW, i came across this statement from someone who religion was Islam before. It said about one verse in Bible saying that "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son (some book say his one and begotten son), that whoever believes in him shall not perish (or suffer the result of sin which is death) but have eternal life." I thought that in the bible it was mentioned not less than 3 sons of God- (if i am not mistaken) maybe someone can help me here? Any christian friend(s) or someone who learn about christian can tell me? :) . Hmm, if some non-muslim say that malaysia seems to have no freedom for other religions but Islam then i have to say "Sorry, i beg your pardon". As a muslim, i found out that actually all religions in Malaysia has been fairly treated. If not, there will be no church, no kuil, no tokong etc. And Islam got some place in the perlembagaan negara because at the time of independence, Islam has been put as agama rasmi negara. AGama rasmi which means in most adat istiadat. :) I have to say stop here before me myself and this blog being banned by ISA.. ehhe read about the attacks on personal blogs by the malaysian media.. wow, looks like all the malaysian has to shut-up your mouth closely whether u are directly or indirectly (or not mean at all) to attack the ehem ehem.. maybe you should read on aida's blog about this issue.:p

Well, to believe in Jesus i have to say Yes, I do.. aha, before someone misunderstood my statement i hope that pls read thru all of this paragraph and if anyone wants to quote my statement you are required to take the whole of the next version:

"I believe in Jesus a.s. as a muslim. Islam is the only religion in this world that put obligation to believe in Jesus as one part of Article of Faith (Rukun Iman). But, as a muslim, I believe that Jesus Isa a.s. is a human being, a prophet who acted as a messager of God and has been protected from doing sins".

If i am not mistaken as well, there are few verses in the Bible stating that Jesus a.s. asked his followers not to please him but to please the God. Well, maybe i am not that good or so knowledgeable about other religions. If there is any mistake i've done, pls do correct me. I'd love to learn more and more so that i won;t have misconception in other religions. So does it goes to my non-muslim (and muslim as well:) ) friends, i am free to talk about anything with all of you )insya-ALlah, by God willing) .

Now, i have to stop. Or else my boss is going to say, "You're fired!" (Macam dlm citer The attorney..ehheh kak qin punye pengaruh:P). So, hope to see ya all next time and other time. Insya-Allah. Till then, good luck and have a nice weekends. Byeee~~

Friday, October 01, 2004


I know i am not supposed to feel lazy right now as today is the submission day/date for weekly report compilation and monthly report. Kuang kuang kuang. I just can't find some other words to describe it on Unky Moods.. What will come out for Busy + Lazy moods? :D I think the 'perfect' word in Malay is Kalut sih.

kui kui kui.

oh lupe nak ckp, To my Fly-Over fren, sorieler aku panggil ko fly-over... hohoho dah diam lamo sgt..tak nampak pun 'terbang2' nyer.. kekekek
& to adik mudin, selamat bekerjaya semula. :D

Oklah nak buat keje ... Jgn malas2, nanti malas2 kena buang keje. Plus tak dpt naik gred, plus tak dpt bonus, plus tak dpt MAPS evaluation bagus2.. plus, BOSS tak sayang.. kuang kuang kuang..
