Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Di sini dan di sana..
Kita laungkan betapa bertuahnya kita di bumi malaysia
Kita punya banyak hasil bumi, lautan hasil air, hutan-hutan tropika dan segala macam kemajuan..

Di hadapan kita.. Ada orang yang hari2 tak punya makanan yang mencukupi..
Kesiannya baca.. Murid itu betul, dia tidak kenyang.. Jadi utk survival dia cari cara lain utk kenyang.. Imaginasi kanak2 memang tak sedap pun boleh jadi sedap.. :(

Dipetik dari: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2010/6/1/nation/6378348&sec=nation

It tasted like chocolate, says girl who ate stones


SUNGAI PETANI: “It tasted like chocolate, that was why I ate them,” said Year Four I. Yogeswary who was admitted to the Sultan Abdul Halim Hospital here with her two younger sisters and a cousin for eating stones.

The girls were hospitalised after they vomited and suffered stomach pains for eating stones collected from the compound of their house in Kampung Padang Lembu, some 20km from here.

Yogeswary, 10, her sisters Nageswari, eight, and Ganggadevi, six, and their cousin N. Vikneswary, nine, were admitted to the hospital after one of them revealed their condition to Jerai MIC division chairman R. Supramaniam on Friday.

Not for eating: Sarojini with one of her daughters while her only son, I. Sentilativan, five, is holding up a handful of stones found in the compound of her home in Kedah yesterday.

They were admitted to the hospital’s intensive care unit here but on Sunday have since have been moved to the observation ward.

Accompanying them at the hospital was their 61-year-old grandmother N. Bathumalai.

A visit to the ward yesterday showed that Yogeswary, Nageswari and Vikneswary’s condition had improved while Ganggadevi was still weak.

Yogeswary said she had been eating stones since last year, adding that it was very crunchy and tasted like chocolate.

Admitting that she was the one who had introduced the stones to the three girls, the schoolgirl from SJK (T) Kalaivani in Kampung Padang Lembu said they secretly ate the stones behind their parents’ back.

“I collected the stones and hid them in my schoolbag and would eat them in my room. One day, Nageswari saw me eating the stones and joined in while the others did so later.

“My sisters, cousin and I are never full after eating food prepared by my mother. We will only feel full after eating the stones.

“My father had caught me eating the stones a few months back and punished me but I was soon back to the habit,” she said.

Her mother V. Sarojini, 27, when met at home, said the girls were admitted to the hospital after her husband, R. Inderan, 43, searched their room and found plastic packages containing stones hidden in their schoolbags and closet.

“I had warned them numerous times about it but they denied doing it. Ganggadevi and Nageswari were admitted to the hospital for the same problem last June and in January this year.

“My husband may earn a small salary working as a labourer but we are never out of food. I am unable to visit my daughters and niece as I have two other daughters and a son to take care of at home,” she said.

Inderan said he and his wife had been branded as unfit parents by his neighbours after the media highlighted the matter, adding that the accusations were unjust as they had done their best for the children.


Anak ibu sudah berumur 8 bulan 3 minggu dan 3 hari hari ini.

Humaira tunggu ibu balik daripada kerja

Alhamdulillah, so far her development is so good.
Cumanya kadang2 terasa dia punya keinginan yang sangat kuat dan cepat untuk explore the world. Umur 3 bulan, Humaira sudah terlonjak2 minta diangkat untuk melihat keliling. Bila diletak dia menangis, bila diangkat dia berbunyi2 macam bercakap.. Umur 6 bulan setengah, sewaktu pergi makan di sebuah kedai Humaira memegang bekas sudu/garfu dan menterbalikkan keseluruhan isi dalamnya. Sewaktu umurnya 7 bulan, dan sehingga sekarang kerjanya di restoran adalah bermain sudu. Umur 8 bulan, Humaira cuba2 untuk makan sendiri. Yang berlaku akhirnya adalah bermain dengan makanan sendiri, habis seluruh tubuh dan skirt yang dipakai berlumur dengan bubur. Yang masuk mulut? Hanya suapan pertama dan kedua sahaja.. itupun sebab ibu yang suapkan.. huhuh

Humaira belum pandai merangkak. Walau sudah boleh duduk, dia malas nak bergerak sendiri. Semuanya dipanggil2 orang mengangkat.. Tetapi dia memang suka makan, dan merajuk bila kita makan tak bagi dia sama... Oh anakku yang bulat sekali...

"Ibu, saya sudah habis main dengan makanan... Ops, habis makan dah"

Bulan lalu Humaira tumbuh dua batang gigi hadapan bahagian bawah. Seminggu dua sebelumnya, agaknya kerana gatal gusi dia menggigit sahaja di sana sini. Penyebabnya – nipples cracked kedua2 belah sampai berdarah – even gunakan pam susu. Akhirnya gunalah tangan itupun tak boleh nak kumpul sebab ada darah bercampur2 juga. Kesian tengok dia merengek2 tidak dapat susu badan, menangis beria2 tetapi nak buat macamana mak dia pun sakit tak tahan dan takkan nak kasi air susu berdarah pula kan… Akhirnya dia redha juga kot.. malam ke-2 dan ke-3 tak merengek2 lagi.. lepas malam ke-4 , bila dah sembuh dan boleh beri semula secara terus, Humaira macam melepaskan gian..

"Ibu, saya demam. Tapi saya suka senyum kan ibu kan"

Minggu lepas Humaira demam panas. Panas sungguh. Terkejut juga rasa. Pukul 9 malam, bila periksa suhu badan Humaira 37.7 Celcius, kami berikan ubat demam. Pukul 2 pagi, terasa tangan panas sangat. Ibu bangun periksa suhu badan Humaira sudah lebih 39C. Ibu ambil tuala dan tuamkan badan Humaira, beri lebih air kosong dan susu badan. Sejam lepas itu suhunya sudah turun ke bawah 38C semula. Ingatkan esok pagi sempat la sebelum ke tempat kerja singgah sebentar berjumpa doctor. Pukul 5 pagi, sekali lagi suhu badan Humaira naik balik lebih 39C. Kejut Abah, dan kami pun bersiap2 membawa Humaira ke klinik. Keluar dari klinik, kami dengar azan subuh… Agaknya tidak dapat tidur lena malam itu, Humaira tidur sebaik sahaja sampai ke rumah.

Ibu terus bersiap2 ke tempat kerja. Kebetulan untuk 2 hari itu, isnin dan selasa ada mesyuarat penting dengan pihak atasan setiap pagi bagi 2 perkara berbeza. Jadinya tak dapatlah nak ambil cuti seluruh hari, nasib baik team partner memahami. Selepas waktu makan tengahari, ibu bawa Humaira balik untuk lihat sendiri keadaan dia. Lebih lega Humaira depan mata. Dan seperti biasa manjanya menjadi2 la.. Pantang nampak ibu bangun je, pasti merengek2. Dek kerana tak cukup tidur 2 malam berturut2, hari ke-3 ibu pulak yang tak boleh bangung waktu pagi. Yeahh akhirnya berehat sahaja di rumah sambil melihat budak kecil yang semakin sembuh itu.

Selang beberapa hari kemudian, kami lihat ada tunas 4 batang gigi hadapan bahagian atas pula nak keluar. Wahh cepat nya.. Agaknya itu lah sebab nak demam, nak dapat gigi-gigi baru.. patutlah, budak ni rajin betul bercakap. "Ab-bah" , panggil Humaira pagi2. "agigugugaga...", dia sudah bercerita pada Abahnya. "A-bu, bu" panggil Humaira. Sampai bersembur2 air liur sebut "Bu". Selagi tak menyahut, selagi tu dia panggil.. Humaira belum pandai sebut 'Ibu' betul2.. "Agigugugaga laala.." entah apa dia cerita dalam bahasa Jerman.. memang bunyi betul2 macam Jerman.

"Eh! Ada kamera?"

Semalam dia menjerit2 nak makan pasta beef chilies with coconut milk (pasta daging masak lemak cili api) di SweetChat Mid Valley. Bila diberi bubur ubi manis yang dilecek (sweet potatoes), dia geleng2 kepala sambil kata "na, na, na, na, na"... Aiks, sudah bijak membuat pilihan? Humaira, humaira... Kalau dah ada kaki ni entah apa pula ceritanya.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Minky CD

Anyone is interested to buy this?
Now open for pre-order for a special price!

A one size CD comes with 2 microfleece insert.

1 - 5 pcs : RM31.50 each
6 - 8 pcs: RM30 each
9 pcs above : RM29 each

Also, extra insert microfleece at RM7/pcs only and bamboo insert at RM12/each.

Cepat, cepat.. termurah di pasaran :D

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

6 & 7 months

Nur Humaira
Esok Nur Humaira akan genap berusia 7 bulan..
Dia masih lagi anak manja ibu yang tidak boleh lihat ibunya hilang dari pandangan mata walaupun sekejap. Bila ibu ada di sekeliling, dia selalu akan menangis bagaikan dipukul waktu abah memegangnya walaupun abah tidak buat apa2. hai anak ibu seorang ini... tapi bila abahnya tidak kelihatan, sibuk memanggil nama abah (oh, yaa dia sudah pandai menyebut 'Ab-Bah' tetapi ibu menjadi ' 'i-bu atau selalunya berbunyi 'a-bu).

Yang pelik, bila ibu betul2 tidak berada di sekitar dan ditinggalkan dengan orang lain boleh pula dia buat hal sendiri.. isk isk isk...

Ini gambar humaira diambil sewaktu dia berusia 6 bulan, waktu ni kami sedang sibuk mencari lampu untuk rumah baru..

Botak sedikit.. rambut dicukur kali ke-2 sewaktu raya cina kerana 'cukur bantal' atau rambut tumbuh di sebahagian kepala sahaja..nampak macam sabut kelapa..

Beberapa kali cubaan mengambil gambar senyuman dia yang cukup sukar.. akhirnya berjaya :D

Pindah Rumah
2 minggu lepas kami telah berjaya mengangkut segala barang dari rumah lama ke rumah baru. Berpeluh2 juga la kiranya.. Skarang rumah masih dalam proses pengemaskinian dan rupanya sudah berubah sedikit baik dari warehouse ke rumah kongsi keh keh keh..

Housewarming? rumah kami memang terasa 'warm' di waktu pagi kerana bilik tidur utama betul2 mengadap matahari terbit.. ya, waktu pilih itu saya memang sengaja memilih matahari terbit dari tingkap bilik kerana saya sukakan waktu pagi.. tapi kini kena fikir2 juga untuk membeli langsir tebal (demi cik abang :P). Jadinya secara official belum terfikir la nak buat housewarming, tapi kalau nak dtg calling2 aje.. takde problem.. hehe

Ha ini gambar humaira dua-tiga hari yang lalu.. waktu pagi ibu sangat sibuk bersiap2 dia juga sibuk memanggil2.. anak ibu ini pun a morning person.. pagi2 sudah bangun daa banyak susah nak siap. jadi bagi melekakannya, inilah yg abah dia buat... jadi sarkis sekejap hehe

Monday, April 05, 2010

Menjadi Yang Dirindui


Versi 1:
Pernah suatu ketika Rasulullah berkumpul di dalam satu majlis bersama para sahabat. Tiba-tiba bergenang air mata baginda s.a.w. Para sahabat gelisah melihat sesuatu yang tidak mereka senangi di wajah Rasulullah saw. Bila ditanya oleh Saidina Abu Bakar ra, baginda mengatakan bahawa terlalu merindui ikhwannya.. Saidina Abu Bakar sekali lagi bertanya Rasulullah saw, "bukankah kami ini ikhwanmu?" Rasulullah menjawab,
"Tidak, kamu semua adalah sahabatku.. ikhwanku adalah umatku yang belum
pernah melihat aku tetapi mereka beriman dan sangat mencintaiku... Aku sangat rindu bertemu dengan mereka.."

Versi 2:
''Aku telah merindui kekasih-kekasih aku, maka mereka (para sahabat) berkata padaku.. bukankah kami (sahabat) kekasih-kekasihmu ya Rasulullah? Maka aku berkata, kamu semua sahabatku, dan kekasih-kekasih aku kaum yang datang selepasku, mereka beriman denganku tetapi tiada pernah melihatku''

Versi 3:
Sahih Muslim:
Nabi SAW mengucapkan: 'aku berharap aku dapat bertemu dengan 'ikhwan' ku (saudara-saudaraku)

Para sahabat bertanya tentang 'ikhwan' itu dan Nabi SAW bersabda:Kamu semua adalah sahbat-sahabatku, ikhwanku adalah mereka yang belum datang lagi (mereka umat akan datang).

Maka sahabat-sahabat bertanya lagi tentang cara Rasulullah SAW mengenali mereka (ikhwan) itu di akhirat sedangkan Rasulullah SAW tidak bertemu mereka di dunia. Maka Rasulullah SAW menyatakan Baginda mengenali mereka dari kesan wudhu' mereka.

Marilah berusaha.. menjadi yang dirindui oleh perindu yang dirindui..

p/s: tak sempat cari sanad hadis.. sapa ada bolehlah tolong update :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Ring

Siti & Insyirah, more than a year ago..time flies so fast huh..

Not a story of ghost or thriller or scare.. But somehow i feel good whenever i had the chance to talk to her. Have not heard from this Mak Yong for quite some times. Well, the ring this afternoon was really make me feel good.

Thanks dear friend. :)

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Jangan marah2

Dah lama tak kongsi sgt apa dlm fikiran.. Mungkin minda bawah sedar saya sedikit bingung dgn perubahan yg berlaku dlm hidup, cuba menghadam setiap sesuatu .. hari2 adalah perkara baru utk saya belajar sesuatu, hari2 kdg2 terfikir betapakah lemahnya jiwa saya dan semangat saya... membandingkan diri dgn ramai rakan2 di sekeliling yg mampu membuat itu dan ini walau lebih sukar keadaan dari saya.. melihat jauh di sana sini kehidupan mereka yg lebih sukar, tetapi bukanlah masalah menghadapi kehidupan berbanding saya.. mungkin kdg2 keselesaan dan kemudahan mmg membuatkan kita tidak kuat menerima walau sikit2 dugaan.. dan saya anggap tekanan untuk menyiapkan kerja2 'sekolah' (thesis- walhal mini thesis sahaja ) , kerja2 pejabat hatta kerja2 rumah juga sebenarnya satu dugaan utk saya.. utk mengawal perasaan dan level of stress...

p/s: seorg rakan sekerja yg punya anak 3 lihat saya sangat kalut selalu.. katanya anak seorang mmg begitu.. ibu mertuanya pernah memberitahu dia bahawa anak seorg kalut, anak kedua masih kalut lagi, tetapi ke-3 sudah OK takde masalah.. jadi disuruhnya saya cepat2 ke no. 3 (oh nanti dulu..bukan di situ point saya).. point di sini nak tahu pendapat ibu2 yg sudah beranak 3 dan ke atas, benarkah penyataan itu? hehehe ramai ni leh jawab, Farrah, Najibah, Aida, Hani, Hany hehehehe...kalau en mudin nak jawab utk bakal ke-3 pon boleh...

Teringat lirik lagu Doa, "Tuhanku aku hilang bentuk, kembara di bumi asing...". Ya, dunia baru saya adalah dunia asing utk saya belajar membetuk kembali diri.. Dunia dahulu tak byk perlu saya kisahkan.. kerana saya seorg. Dunia saya 28 tahun.. kalau apa2 pun saya tulis saya hanya perlu fikirkan kesannya pada saya seorg.. tetapi kini kesannya berkait2 jadi perlu juga berhati2 menulis supaya bukanlah menjadi wasangka apatah lagi fitnah buat org lain :)

Hari ini saya tertarik dengan tajuk posting dalam saifulislam tentang "Siapa sepak kucing malang itu?" Ya sesekali bermuhasabah diri, juga mengingatkan diri tentang marah ini...

Dalam kerjaya juga sebenarnya tentang marah2 ini perlu elak.. sebab kemarahan yg bertali arus dan bertambah nilai dari satu tingkat ke satu tingkat ini bila sampai kepada yg akhir sekali menjadi lebih emotional berbanding rasional.. lantasnya kerja yg dibuat juga sudah tidak tahu antara yg waras atau kerana nak sedap/sejukkan hati bos yg membara.. tambah nilai marah? macamana tu? katakan Boss no 1 marah kepada bos no 2 tentang sesuatu laporan /prestasi/kerja etc. sbb yg perlu selesaikan ialah anak buah bos no 2, bos no. 2 yg sedang marah melepaskan geram pada anak buahnya. anak buahnya yg punya pembantu2 lain, terasa lebih2 lagi tercalar .. geram pada bos no 2 + marah bos no 1 + marah bos no 2 = marah kepada pembantu2.. bila semua kena tempiasnya, lantas kerana laporan perlu diperolehi dari unit lain.. maka pembantu2 ini bersama marah yg bertambah nilai itu marah pula unit lain.. akhirnya kerja dibuat dlm keadaan marah2 juga.. jumpa pelanggan juga dlm marah2.. jumpa vendor juga marah2.. jumpa org bank juga marah2..

Jadi pemimpin mmg bukanlah sesuatu yg senang.. selain dr fizikalnya hendaklah boleh diharap (bukan..bukan rupa paras maksud saya.. pancaindera yg lengkap dan akal yg baik itu laa).. emosi nya juga perlulah diimbangi.. saya juga bercakap utk mengingatkan saya tentang mereka2 yg bakal saya pimpin.. bukan shj di pejabat malah si kecil di rumah yg sedang meningkat dewasa (yg pastinya boleh shj bila2 menggugat kesabaran)..

Pesan utk hati saya, janganlah marah2..
Pesan utk jiwa saya, tenang2lah selalu
Pesan utk akal saya, lapangkanlah hati..
Pesan utk diri.. istigfar selalu.

Allahuma yasir wala tu'asir Ya karim tammim bilkhair..

Tuesday, March 02, 2010


seseorang kawan membuat kenyataan begini kepada en suami..
"ika tu dah berubah. dulu brutal sket , sekarang dah ada anak dah jadi emotional "

apekah benar penyataan ini..
huargh huargh huargh..

ya buat kawan2 yg dah lama tak jumpa.. tiba2 i ternangis2 terharu peluk u all jangan la terkejut ku buang tabiat.. ahhaha

ok.. ok.. saya behave.. (dah lama tak buang tebiat rupanya ehhehe)

p/s: ku masih tak sempat nak update sgt blog ini... nampaknya cuti rehat dari jadi blogger tegar masih bersambung lagi.. adoi la bila nak habis buat thesis ni hahah

Monday, February 08, 2010

Kinder Joy

Pernah makan kinder joy?
Kalau sapa2 ada anak mungkin tak pelik.. Tapi buat org yg takde anak atau anak belum boleh makan lagi (saya lah tu) .. tgk kinder joy punya iklan saban hari kat tv..adalah sikit2 perasaan curiosity apekah di dalam tu.. tapi kalau sanggup beli, takdeler sikit2 je nak tahu maksudnya kan.. heehhe So inilah rupa dalam kinder joy tu..

Berbentuk silinder... bila buka dua jadilah macam ni:
Ya mainan misteri.. ku tak tahu apa di dalam, bagi kat boss supaya kasi kat anak dia aje.. ahah coklatnya ku sudah ngap.. rasa almost like kinder joy cuma milky part tu asing je.. bolehlah utk budak2..

Tiba2 petang itu ku lihat dalam kereta ada sebelah kinder joy juga.. eh, cik abang pun mengidam sama ke? ahahah

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Shinies Diaper

Seperti dijanjikan, here is the shinies diaper..
Open for Pre-Order.. InshaAllah will be here by early/middle of Feb depending on if i can enough people..

You may visit here to find more: http://storkita.blogspot.com/2010/01/shinies-cloth-diaper.html :D

Monday, January 25, 2010

New Things

[1] New Layout
I thought of doing some changes here... As the layout is for me already outdated.. :D should changed the theme from an empty chair with calm background to something new.. as my life has changed now. but of course i cant put a chaotic theme as it is not only makes me more chaotic, but mess other people's eyes too... So let's pray i will be able to complete the changes soon. Oh yes, your name will be included in the list soon. I do not have enough time to complete the transfer last time. :)

[2] Cloth Diaper
It came to my mind one day that i'll spend an amount of money to buy diapers and throw it to polute our lands. I always asked myself if there is any way for me to reduce the contribution on amount of rubbish throw daily by people. I was so touched by one of the posting on environment by a friend of mine, As. So i thought of finding alternative way to diapering my future little one when i came accross cloth diaper.

I guess so many of us are already used to cloth diaper.. Yerp, it is so much cheaper now on diapering as we use Disposable Diapers only for the babysitter or when Humaira stays with her grandmothers. We noticed that whenever we continuously using Disposable Diapers on our daughter for like one-two weeks, she develops nappy rashes. It seems controllable when we only use the DD at day time (working days) and CD at nights.

Right now i have few brands of cloth diapers, all are one size CD.. Coolababy, Kasihku Sayangku, GFH, Shinies and BUMS Genius.. with a total of 12. Here is my review:

1. Coolababy - If compare with the normal/traditional lampin, of course this is way better as it absorbs the liquid and make my child's dry. Only then, as my daugther is quite a heavy wetter, with one insert can only last for less than 2 hours. So i have to use two inserts which at least lasted for 3-4 hours, give me some times to take a rest in between. I also happens to face leakages once in a while. Rate: 3/5

2. GfH - OK la.. the material seems to be a bit better than coolababy.. Material used seems almost the same, but the colour is more pastel. This is a velcro type. So i don't take much time to zip and zap my girl. Still, i am using double inserts. Rate: 3.5/5

3. Shinies - This is a different design where it uses zip instead of button to adjust the size.
The material used is different from Coolababy, as the inner and outer feel smoother and 'gebu' (apa ayat ni dlm BI??). The sewing is neat. I personally likes the material as it seems comfortable. It seems shorter but if you pull it along, it will have the same length as BUM Genius. The reason is because they sew the side nicely which prevented the leakages. I use only one insert which lasted for about 3-4 hours. There was one time that i was too tired and forget to change my daughter's CD. Only woke up in the morning (like after 7-8 hours) and found out that she was dry with no leakage. Surprising (and happy of course not to wash the entire bed items.. hehe). Rate: 4.5/5

4. Kasihku Sayangku is a bit pricy. The outer is thicker than coolababy and GfH. The design is almost similar to BUM Genius only that the insert is a different. Performance wise is not bad and i am using only one insert. Rate 4.5/5

5. BUM Genius - of course by its name it is quite pricy. We were lucky as my husband's friend thought of doing cloth diapering but unfortunately the idea was not well accepted by his wife. He was selling a new set at a very attractive price, which is a bit higher only from Kasihku Sayangku. So, my husband bought it as a present to his little princess. Performance wise is great, with pastel colours, wide width and 1 insert is good enough for my baby. But do not think so lucky to have the chance to buy a new one at the price anymore.. Rate: 5/5

I thought of having some additional Shinies but looking at the price RM38 each without postage.. Hmm i am calculating my budget.

But if you would like to try one too, we can get it in bundles at a price of RM33 each.. So let's see anyone is interested to try??
Do let me know! :)

p/s: I'll share more about it , the picture and colour availables soon..

Friday, January 22, 2010

Kes Hilang Lagi

Ya Allah.. ada lagi ke kes macam ni? Daripada sibuk gi membaca dan mencari pesalah di facebook, mungkin mereka2 ni patut juga berusaha sungguh2 selesaikan kes2 kanak2 hilang..

Terima emel di'forward'kan pagi ni..

May be you can help. God Bless U.

Dear All,

At 2pm of 7 Jan 2010 , my colleague received a phonecall from her
nursery that they have lost her daughter, aged 8, Malay at Sri Damansara area. Her name is Nurul Lyana. Nurul was out to buy ice-cream together with another little girl at around 12pm , but didn't go back to her nursery after that.

As told by the other girl, an unknown makcik brought Nurul to see puppy cat.

Please forward this to as many as you could, we need to save her!!!
Please help. If you have any information, please call me at 012-3877510 or Esther at 012-660 6052.

Huang Lee Meng
Gadang Holdings Bhd

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

End of Journey?

Humaira is 4 months and 12 days old today.
So far she has been exclusively breastfeeding. I am not sure until when I will be able to hold her from formula milk. I am struggling to pump milk for her, besides my struggle to handle her active character. In the end, we bought a small tin of FM just to have some peace at mind worrying that I can’t pump enough milk for her and she will be hungry. So far, the small tin that cost us almost RM30 is still there for about a week.. Not intact, not open yet, but has been eyeing by Nenek Humaira who happened to visit us here, and did not went back to my hometown until end of the week with us.. Feeling some sadness thinking that i have to mix her meal with my milk and formula milk, but i have no option for that.

It never came across my mind before that I will be facing challenges in wanting to exclusively breastfeed my child, internally and externally. One day I knew I was pregnant, and when I felt like I was quite stabile from the morning sickness I surfed the net to find info on how to handle life after delivering the baby. Overwhelmed with too much info that I never knew before, I was almost having panicked attack when realizing I have 5 months to understand, absorb and apply all that. That is when I understand what it means by susu ibu. OK, u may laugh at me for did not understand its meaning in the first place (before I was married and in my early pregnancy) because I thought that susu ibu means susu yg ibu2 minum (blank.. how did I get the idea?) Perhaps because I am used to the term ‘susu badan’ (or in my husband’s hometown is referred to ‘susu dada’) .

Things were moving very fast for me, from getting to know my husband, meeting both parents, merisik, preparing for the wedding, getting married and pregnant which occured in less than a year. Time was fully utilized in my case. On handling the milk for the baby already made me dizzy.. the bottles need to be strealized, the milk, expressed milk, techniques for breastfeed..bla bla bla.. then here comes with cloth diaper, baby rash, items for baby, clothing, hospital, doctors....and on and on... i never really pay much attention to any post on these things previously wrote by my friends as i thought i'll learn it later or perhaps not within a short period of time.. God knows better.

Now i understand the needs for a support group for breastfeeding mothers.
I am lucky that my husband stands next to me and support me well so far.
But now i am wondering..if the journey is going to end soon?

Sunday, January 10, 2010


My dear daughter turned 4 months old yesterday.
I still have some (or is it often) tough time yet with her.
I thought that when she grows up, it will be much easier to handle her. Now that we realize that she is so demanding too.. Is that normal for a 4 months old baby to 'instruct' us to follow her wants and cries out loud if we do not fulfill the request? These few days it seem that she needs to cry every time before she can goes sleep.. Few hours before, she requested me to hold her up and walked around the house. She will cry out loud if i put her down, or i sit down holding her. After few hours doing it, i'm really tired and cant hold her weight anymore.. Oh gosh.. and then she started to sing her song along with the anugerah juara lagu show on the TV. he he suddenly i felt funny, laughed a little and smile a lot while watching her cry. Am i 'not centered' @ crazy for being like that?

Here is her picture tonight after all the cries..
She has been sleeping for more than 2 hours and a half now.. with a minimal movement. amazingly. hehe i told my friend, there is only one reason that we can stand all the tantrums all this while.. only one out of 99 'pusing kepala' things that being part and parcel with our lives.. that make us cant wait to see her again after a long working day despite of expected terrible events that awaited us.. That is because of this:

Her smiles!! So cute, isnt it.. :)
so, this is how it feels being a parent? hehe