Wednesday, May 12, 2004


Seronok.. itulah yg aku rasa bile nak menaip2 dlm blog ni.. tak sedar langsung apa2 yg aku tulis..
Segan..itu juga yg aku rasa bile dok view balik apa yg aku tulis.. well, sometimes u feel good when u can share some good things with your friends.. In the other hands, some times u wrote so much that it seems to project that you are sooo much soo good but the fact is that u might be turned out to be just that" ckp tak serupa bikin punya org".. and i guess, i am somehow someone like that.. so sorry frens.. if u found out i turned out to be someone like that in my writting, my wish- please advise me.. tq.

tersentuh sekejap ingatan kat apa yg a friend wrote.. believe in what u belief.. although people view u as someone conservative.. terasa betulnya juga sbb sekarang aku sendiri macam terasing dlm dunia aku sendiri and the fact is that.. aku tak peduli.. hoho seems like a little bit selfish, but if you friends see what i saw and feel what i felt.. hanya org yg menutup mata dan telinganya dari kebenaran sahaja yg akan berpaling balik.. for me? no..i can;t go back..the journey has been too long, and i still feel good with it..

what i would like to talk about today is about Hari Ibu.. Mother's Day yg baru lepas ni..

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