Thursday, May 13, 2004


I know i am bad.. Bad in designing things, for example this blog.. hehhe things could be hired-wired with me, huh.. and u can see it just by seeing my blog.. well, whateva it is..that's me!

Ok, yesterday I want to talk about Mother's Day. So many of us were well informed about the history of Mother's Day: Hari Lahir Ibu Dewa.. I knew the fact as well. And I don't wish to celebrate it. Cuma bila dah malam2 tu, teringat mak di kampung. Although she never mention about that day, but as a human being whenever you see people around you are celebrating it and as a mother, you will still hope to hear something from your children. I know, my mom is not an ustazah or someone who understand Islam in deep.. She is just that ordinary malay mother that loves her children so much, and sometimes with people u can't be too stricted. I still called her to wish her a "Happy Mother's Day", but when i had the opportunity to see her face-to-face, i explained to her that actually we are not supposed to celebrate it as this is the celebration of Besday Ibu Dewa.. I know i have hurt her so many times, so I really try to do it as soft as possible. I think the only thing that makes her happy back was the statement that " Dalam Islam, tidak ada hari istimewa untuk ibu sbb hari2 ialah hari ibu.." Fuh, lega..dpt sampaikan sedikit nasihat sbb adik2 pun dok dgr sekali...

Itulah, sometimes some people think that I am being too lenient. And some people think that I am being too conservative... But, my life journey has gone too far, and my heart has been tied without I even realizing it. Anyway, I am just an ordinary person-tak pernah lari dr salah & silap kehidupan… Maaf, andai aku terlalai.. tolong ingatkan.. Sekian, terima kasih. ;)

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