Monday, June 26, 2006

tolong saya!

they are fighting,
between to have me here and to send me there..
far far away... i mean it is really far from the family and friends
and the probability that i will be *alone* there
and one of the concrete reason is 'i am single, high mobility'

What is WRONG for being single?

aaa.. i felt like asking one of the good bachelors to marry me (bukan kawen misyar)..
one of the friends told me to tell them that 'ada org datang merisik'
another one suggested that i printed few wedding card, put anyone's name there and inform that i am getting married by August , and when the month comes tell that 'now-i-knew-his-true-color-and-i-don't-want-him-anymore' reason.

maybe i should go to the place where good handsome single guys are lepak-ing ..err is there any?:P maybe..i should go to KLCC every now and then to find one who can become my contract-fiance? mcm cerita full house? kuang kuang kuang

aduuuh..sakitnyer kepala saya... dan dah mule merepek2 nii... aduh.. saya mau pulang begini...

Friday, June 23, 2006

~~~ fuh ~~~

Kadang-kadang kita terperangkap, antara kasih sayang dan tanggungjawab terhadap insan lain dan juga susah senang yang diri sendiri perlu hadapi kerana tanggungjawab itu. I hate to write when i have mix feelings of angry, frustration, half-hearted to do it because i knew that i might tell unneccessary things..revealing my own secret to people. But sometimes, i really can't hide my face expression no matter how hard i try.

God, show me the way. Healing my heart.


The history was telling us that the Muslim from Mekah was instructed to go to Madinah. Left everything they loved behind them, the families, houses, farms, assets etc. They didn't know what awaits them, but the promise of God that they will be in the good hands.

Not sure if Allah wants the same history trail to be on my path. Thus i can't make my mind now. To say 'yes' or to appeal for 'no' option. And not sure whether i have the option as well. If i say 'yes', leaving everything behinds me - whether i can survive? If i say 'no', staying where i am - whether it is better for me to go? Hope Allah will put my heart still to the best decision. Amiin. Insha-Allah.

Now, the World Cup's thing.
Yeah yeah yeah, we do talk about it now at work. Not because of the matches only, but because we are required to wear jersey on Friday next week. So to those who are around Cygal next week, don't be suprised if you see people wearing jersey to the office. ehhehe

Now the problem is, even though i did watched several matches (or actually few minutes of several matches- few minutes in the beginning, few minutes in the middle, and few minutes in the end total out about at most 15 minutes each watched game ehhe) but i can't make my mind (again!) which jersey team i should choose.

The ladies at my office one said,"I think i am choosing Sweden because i love iKea". Anothe one said, "Which team is this (pointing to one of the lift door that is painted with world cup team colors)? I think i am going to choose Holland because i like that colour".

I don't want to choose Brazil because a lot of people (i believe) are going to wear that colour.
Should i choose "South Korea" (but it is all Red) because i watched a lot of korean drama? or Germany (because my brother said they maybe winning this year?) or Ruud Van Nistelrooy's team colour (because of him laa ape lagi). Or should i choose to become Golio instead? ehheheheheh

perempuan perempuan.. bak kata K&K kat Era Radio - mana boleh pilih pasukan bola sbb suka kaler baju.. :))

Monday, June 19, 2006

Room for A Cup of Coffee

Something to share, for some of you may already read this.

The Mayonnaise Jar and 2 Cups of Coffee:
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the was jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous "Yes."

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.

The golf balls are the important things--- God, your family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions--- and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter-- your job, your house and your car.

The sand is everything else--- the small stuff. "If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy onthe small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.

"Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first---the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

p/s: So for those who asks for see-ing me, tell me and gimme a call when you are ready. a short meeting (or dating as friends always said:P) will be a no problem for me ;)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


baru masuk ofis hari ini selepas seminggu tinggalkan ofis..
tiba2 tgk email ada training perlu attend untuk 3 hari bermula esok.. uhuks..tak sempat panas kerusi ofis..

ada sepasu (kecil) pokok dihadiahkan oleh bapa adam naqiudin masa menang kuiz hari tu.. lama sgt tak berjaga /bersiram byk daun yg mati (kering)..nampak gaya kena bawa balik rumah dr tinggal kesepian kat ofis.. sian pokok tu..

baru lepas input data evaluation utk trainer. sekali tgk 'percentage' untuk trainer below KPI.. uhuks, rupanya ramai tak berapa tau cemana nak isi borang evaluation sbb selalu lepas saya explain baru dpt markah ok. tapi haritu tak sempat nak explain, mereka dah hantar dulu.. agak2nyer tahun ni mesti performance tahunan saya drop.. kdg2 mende2 kecik camni boleh buat rasa lemah semangat nak mengajo.. kan? yelah, rasa cam dah berusaha sungguh2 tapi 'pelajar2' masih kata kita tak perform.. uwaaa!! :(( mana aci mereka letak mende ni dlm KPI!!!

terfikir.. mungkin saya mmg tak perform kat sini.. nak quit tak.. haruskah?

p/s: kdg2 sampai waktu fragile, emotional saya terlebih2 kan.. biarlah sekejap, byknyer ckp jer.. belum tentu buat.. tgh sedih lagi ni.. uhuks..

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Terima kasih

Taiping.. Hujan setiap hari, selalunya di waktu petang..
Di sini lembah, kelilingnya gunung dan bukit.. Memang jauh dari kesibukan kota.. Memang juga bagaikan tak terasa tekanan pergi dan balik dari bekerja.

Sambil menyelam minum air. Sambil datang bekerja, saya ambil kesempatan untuk menikmati apa yg ada di hadapan. Sekejap lagi baru sampai waktu saya ke depan bercakap dan berkongsi apa yang saya ketahui. Harap2 mereka faham, dan saya lancar menunjukkan apa yg patut.

Pengalaman menjadi orang yang berdiri di depan, bercakap, mengajar dan melihat muka-muka mereka yang belajar walaupun untuk seketika banyak membuatkan saya lebih menghargai mereka yang berkongsi ilmu di hadapan – samada cikgu, pensyarah, penceramah, speaker etc.


Sebab saya sudah rasa betapa penatnya perlu melihat nota pelajaran, menunjukkan apa yang berada di skrin hadapan, bercakap dengan suara yang audien boleh dengari, memerah otak mengingat apa yang telah dipelajari untuk diajarkan dan kemudian berjalan kepada mereka kalau2 ada soalan yang mereka tidak faham dan tidak dapat jawab yang perlu saya tunjukkan di skrin. Dalam pada itu perlu menjeling2 wajah2 audien kalau2 sebenarnya mereka faham, atau tidak.. saya tercepat, atau mereka sudah hilang tumpuan. Perlu menjadi lebih kreatif bagaimana tidak membuatkan mereka tertidur ketika saya mengajar. Perlu fikirkan supaya fokus mereka tertumpu dan semangat mereka tak bercelaru.

3 jam bercakap memang penat. Seharian mengendalikannya buat rasa ‘flat’. Bila di depan memang tak terasa, bila duduk sahaja tetibe rasa nak minta org angkat balik ke bilik… Tapi ada kepuasannya, bila orang faham apa kite cakap, orang suka apa kite ajar, dan orang datang kepada kite di akhir kelas mengucapkan terima kasih. Lebih buat kite senyum, kalau borang ‘evaluation for trainer’ tunjuk kite dapat markah cemerlang. ;)

Untuk itu saya sudah berkata kepada diri, supaya di lain kali lebih memberi perhatian tentang apa yang diperkatakan orang di depan saya. Supaya cuba untuk tidak tertidur, atau terlayang fikiran.. Supaya cuba untuk tidak bercakap byk dengan orang lain, silent-mode kan handphone.. Supaya untuk lebih fokus tentang apa yang cuba disampaikan.. walaupun orang yg di depan saya tak suka, saya tak dapat tangkap ayat2nya, tak handsome, tak cantik, monotonous, atau topiknyer mcm dah berada di episod 4 sebuah cerita dan saya tak pernah tgk pun episod 1-3 cerita itu.. Insha-Allah.

Terima kasih untuk mereka yang pernah mengajar saya, menunjukkan kepada saya, berkongsi ilmu dengan saya..samada cikgu2 saya, pensyarah2 saya, teman2 saya, cikgu2-tak-formal saya dan anda juga pembaca2 yg selalu ke sini, memberi komen2 bernas, berkongsi blog dengan saya.. (Mungkin sebenarnyer saya patut tulis ini 16 Mei yang lalu, tapi takpelah..jasa org yg berkongsi ilmu saya kenang sepanjang hayat.. :) )

BTW, selamat hari lahir untuk mereka2 yang berada di sekeliling saya. Untuk Amiir dan Muhammad, juga untuk sahabat Siti Zurina. Juga untuk mereka2 yang saya mungkin terlupa nama2nya. Moga rahmat Allah SWT selalu untuk kalian.

Ops.. masa saya dah tiba untuk jadi 'cikgu'. Jumpa lagi!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Di jalanan..

Minggu ini saya bertugas di Taiping.. seminggu di sini...
Musim sibuk saya sudah bermula semula. Bakal terbang ke sana ke mari. Most probably sampai akhir bulan 8 baru dapat betul2 duduk kembali di meja sendiri.
Sekarang, 'cikgu' sedang berada di dalam kelas tapi 'cikgu' itu juga yg sdg update blog..hihi my turn to teach the respective topics will be on Wednesday, yet a lot to revise back.

Seen a number of friends becoming bloggers as well. welcoming all of you. unfortunately, because of i who is not good in managing her own time i have not able to surf much and have not able to link their blogs to mine.

I was/am too busy with my own world until i miss a lot of things.. I misses a lot of my friends' wedding days, because i forgetten the dates. (sorrie yer kenkawan yg saya tak dpt dtg weddings. Selamat pengantin baru untuk korang semua). I didn't knew that my friend was admitted for operation, didn't knew that my friend's child went for operation until the baby last day. I'm sorry, dear friends for not being a good friend. But of all, i pray that all of my friends will be in good health and live happily despite of whatever happens in their life.

Will try to update blog from time to time. Short notes, but frequent updates is better than long story but frequently not update, rite? i have few questions to share and really hope to get some feedback from my readers. Tunggu yer. :)