Thursday, May 12, 2005

Dind Dong, Anybody home?

Aku berlindung dengan Allah dari syaitan yang direjam.

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.

Katakanlah: DIA-lah Allah, Yang Maha Esa.
ALLAH, Tuhan yang bergantung kepada-Nya segala sesuatu.
DIA tiada beranak dan tiada pula diperanakan.
Dan tidak ada seorangpun yang setara dengan DIA.

Sadaqollahul ‘azim.

(Dipetik dr Al-Quran dan Terjemahannya)

This week I am handling another interview for my division: new recruitment due to the VSS practised and transformation that is taking place. Suddenly I remember that I once said I would like to share some information on how to handle an interview… I mean as a candidate, not the panel :P

Unfortunately, still I cannot fulfil my promise. Insha-Allah, I will. I will, one day.

Looking on Siti’s previous statement and posting on economical issue in Malaysia (an issue that becoming issues I guess), I was smiling.. Haven’t talk to any economic reviewer for quite sometimes, that posting somehow and somewhat refreshing my memory (and my soul too I think). Well, I guess I already fall in love with Economics Line.. Thanx to Siti for brought up something that really captured my interest.

But, yeah.. (I talk a lot). Remembering that last time someone reviewed my comment on economic situation in Malaysia when that person was ‘shouting out’ to me telling me did I think I am that sooo (d*mn) good for arguing about whether the report of our economic situation is actually represent the fact or not. I try to gather some data, but well ibarat one of the reviewer said maybe the Government and The Authorities know better than this umur setahun jagung economic graduate isn’t it. After all, I am just asking, my curiosity to know, to learn, to share.. Maybe I did not used the correct way of communicating my needs, did I? :)

Oklah, can’t say much now. But I did not 100% criticize on how the Malaysia economic policies, I am just an ordinary citizen who inquiry my rights. (Duhhh… How much I miss to be in the era of big names in Islam such as Umar Al-Khattab, Abu Bakar, Salehuddin Al Ayubbi and esp. Muhammad SAW)…

See ya around later…
Have a nice day.


IeNa said...

Setakat thanks jer Tikot?

Makan2 takde? ekeke

Anyway, i've tried to look for Salina last week, takde laaa.

Mana nak cari buku tu?

Aku hadiahkan buku ttg Rasulullah bleh?

ieka said...

ehhe eleh, sape yg taknak keluar dgn aku sebenarnyer? :P

thanx je ler buat sementara waktu ni.. kalau 20hb nanti leh la kalau nak lebih dr thanx;) har har har