Thursday, September 30, 2004

nothing much

At last..
I'm fully done with my August Monthly Report after (if i can it like that) heavire alteration and auditing to the format. Though the report was already sent to higher management earlier, this one is (hope to be-Insya Allah) the master piece + smoother format to be used in the future. Next time i don't have to focus much on this formating and editing things anymore. Duh, it was quite hard to be here after the reorganization of the company. It seems like you have to start almost everything by scartch. Hope that next time i will be performed better. Looks like HRM is also facing so many problems and issues after the reorg. Now, it's the end of the month and week. And it is the time for my phone line to be a hot-line again. I told my boss, i do reallly need an assistant who can help me solves some of this 'kerja2 runcit' (as what my boss refered to). Actually, i haven't really start doing my real job. It is a matter of organizing everything back since the previous environment that i had and the operational things are not similar. Really wish that my boss don't go crazy over my slow motion works (maybe it was just me who feel like that.. )

I have not much to tell today. Just added few more favourite links, including AIDA's. AIDA nantila aku tulis cerita pasal ko ek, sekarang tak sempat la.. hahaha :P. I met Shelley today, another close & good friend kat MMU dulu esp. before i actively involved in organizations. Tak tahu pun rupanya dia pun ada blog. Takpelah, oklah tu tambah sorang lagi dlm blog communities. Since Shelley as she claimed in her blog is someone who is oftenly quite 'senyap sunyi sepi' dr kawan2, i think it is good for the friends to have her blog's address so that we know what is happening:p.

To Aida & Shell, kita added links pd korang ek, sorie tak sempat nak minta kebenaran. :P

Oh, by the way.. I am interested in some of Mudin's posting including among the latest on "Story of the Bamboo". You will never know what potential you have in yourself until one day it pops up from you, thru the experiences you gained and self nutured (betul ke aku eja ni? Mind my grammar OK. I can't speak correct Malays or English nowadays.. :"> )

Oklah, sampai di sini hari ni- I nak balik dulu. Teringat esok last hari keje minggu ni, tgh fikir mana satu yer nak dibuat cuti 2 hari ni..hmm..

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