Thursday, September 30, 2004

nothing much

At last..
I'm fully done with my August Monthly Report after (if i can it like that) heavire alteration and auditing to the format. Though the report was already sent to higher management earlier, this one is (hope to be-Insya Allah) the master piece + smoother format to be used in the future. Next time i don't have to focus much on this formating and editing things anymore. Duh, it was quite hard to be here after the reorganization of the company. It seems like you have to start almost everything by scartch. Hope that next time i will be performed better. Looks like HRM is also facing so many problems and issues after the reorg. Now, it's the end of the month and week. And it is the time for my phone line to be a hot-line again. I told my boss, i do reallly need an assistant who can help me solves some of this 'kerja2 runcit' (as what my boss refered to). Actually, i haven't really start doing my real job. It is a matter of organizing everything back since the previous environment that i had and the operational things are not similar. Really wish that my boss don't go crazy over my slow motion works (maybe it was just me who feel like that.. )

I have not much to tell today. Just added few more favourite links, including AIDA's. AIDA nantila aku tulis cerita pasal ko ek, sekarang tak sempat la.. hahaha :P. I met Shelley today, another close & good friend kat MMU dulu esp. before i actively involved in organizations. Tak tahu pun rupanya dia pun ada blog. Takpelah, oklah tu tambah sorang lagi dlm blog communities. Since Shelley as she claimed in her blog is someone who is oftenly quite 'senyap sunyi sepi' dr kawan2, i think it is good for the friends to have her blog's address so that we know what is happening:p.

To Aida & Shell, kita added links pd korang ek, sorie tak sempat nak minta kebenaran. :P

Oh, by the way.. I am interested in some of Mudin's posting including among the latest on "Story of the Bamboo". You will never know what potential you have in yourself until one day it pops up from you, thru the experiences you gained and self nutured (betul ke aku eja ni? Mind my grammar OK. I can't speak correct Malays or English nowadays.. :"> )

Oklah, sampai di sini hari ni- I nak balik dulu. Teringat esok last hari keje minggu ni, tgh fikir mana satu yer nak dibuat cuti 2 hari ni..hmm..

Wednesday, September 29, 2004


I still had that kind of 'dizzy head' yesterday evening when just before the time to go back i ate a piece of peanut-butter-spread-bread. Guess what, before that i hold a bottle of minyak angin cap kapak.. and the bread turned out to feel a little bit weird plus ade rasa cam berangin sket. Suddenly i found out that my head was already OK. heheh ade kawan ckp patut makan minyak angin tu awal2:))

Al-Hamdulillah.. :)

For those who frequently face the same 'sakit kepala' as i do, they know how hard it is when the time comes,. And how good it is when you were granted good health. As for me, this kind of 'sakit kepala' can take place for few days in which sometimes u cannot think or do even a thing; cannot eat much and need sleep all the time.

Within these few days i do not know why i was so into this song, "I'tiraf" - the soundtrack song for Raudhah film, sang by Raihan and Yasin. I thought i lost the cd i burned during my study time, tried to search for its mp3 but failed to find one. Al-Hamdulillah, i remembered a friend borrowed my cd and at last i managed to listen to I'tiraf. I guess this song means a lot to a dear friend out there, but this song means a lot to me as well. Somehow, listening to this song reminded me of all the old days i had since this song was popular when i was in my second year a.k.a. my SRC term. It has been quite sometimes already, i am getting older, the responsibility is bigger and heavier.. but the memories, the friendship i built, the knowledge, and experiences i gained remain fresh-still near to my heart.

Al-hamdulillah, again for HE gave me so much to learn and to understand in my life at this young age. (I know that i am not that young anymore:P).

Well, almost every year (since i started to see, figure out and expect something) during or near my birth-date I always get something i said as a gift from God. It can be anything, most of it I never experience or never expect to be in my life. I was given a successful achievement in my first attempt organizing event (MMU Run event under Student Intergration Program SIP 2000) when i reach 20th; I went to a student's trip to Middle East under project Delegasi Cyber-Bumi Anbiya' DCBA (did some students' program, visited a lot of places and did some shooting as well) ; al-Hamdulillah performed my 1st time umrah and came back to Malaysia few days before my 21st bday; confirmed as a permanent telekom staff in october 2002 -few days/a week before my 22nd bday + our program on travel to Middle East was on Astro for few weeks (Kembara Bumi Anbiya').. I don't remembered what was happened last year but eventually i received my first bonus (1/2 month bonus:P) from TM, the first time bonus i received in my time.. Yelah, dah first time pun keje kat telekom.. eheh

Think again, how lucky i am as compared to most people out there. Think again with that so many i received today.. nikmat paling utama ialah lahir dalam Islam dan membesar sebagai seorg Islam.. & rasanya tidakk ada nikmat teragung selain dapat memahami Islam dan mengetahui siapa Tuhannya - dgn cara yg bukan dr pandangan org lain atau ikut2an semata2... Al-Hamdulillah.

Oh, today i ate chicken porridge which taste almost like what my roomates and i prepared for ourselves during final year time- remind me of the time when we almost out of money to buy food because the scholarship fund was late. Suddenly i missed my ex-roommates (Siha & Siti) and my economics classes + classmates very much.. Lamanya tak pergi sekolah dah kan... hmm.
Now i think i really feel the oppurtunity cost of not enoughly attending my classes.. Sorry Dr Cheng for arguing so much in the class about this matter.. kui kui kui...

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Halal & Haram Food

Salam buat semua.

My headache for these two-days does not seem to stop. It has been quite sometimes i don't get in such 'situation'. With no reason, tetibe menyerang pulak. Semalam, offis dikejutkan dengan berita one of the AGM's daugther was passed away due to demam denggi. She was just 11 years-old. Innalillahi wa innalillahi rajiun. Sampai semalam sahaja usia Allahyarham.

I received an email today regarding currently hot issue on halal food. If any of you came accross the news on a rushed at kilang sembelihan ayam & itik yg bercamput-aduk dgn anak babi, you will know about this posting. Actually, to the muslim- pork and dog (and any part of them) and alchoholic items (beverage, chocolates, food etc) are not permitable to consume. Even any food or materials that come into contact, being cooked or stored together is also not permitable to be consumed though that food is allowed to be eaten by muslims. If we look into the scientific findings, these type of food pork, dog and alchoholic items are full of bacterias and harmful to human's body. This also indicates that Islam does not allows the followers to harm themselves. To my non-muslim friends out there, if u feel like you want to know more regading this issue you may contact/inform me back ok.

So, to all -just an additional knowledge to you, no offends ok. To the muslims, sekadar berhati2 dgn apa yg kita makan. Wallahu a'lam.


Edisi KL: Ayam campur babi
Oleh Mohd Jamilul Anbia Md Denin dan Rudy Fazrunisyam Samarudin

SERDANG: Kerajaan Selangor mengarahkan kilang penyembelihan tanpa lesen di sini ditutup serta-merta kerana mencampuradukkan daging ayam dan itik yang dibungkus dalam plastik berlogo `Halal' diluluskan Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) dengan beratus-ratus ketul anak babi siap diproses.

Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Perumahan, Pengurusan Bangunan dan Setinggan negeri, Datuk Mohd Mokhtar Ahmad Dahalan, berkata tindakan itu perlu kerana pihak berkenaan secara jelas melanggar peraturan yang ditetapkan kerajaan negeri.

Katanya, tindakan akan diambil mengikut Kanun Tanah Negara dan Akta Perancang Bandar termasuk merobohkan premis berkenaan atau merampas tanah yang diduduki."

Kerajaan memandang serius perkara ini kerana produk kilang itu untuk pasaran pengguna Islam, sedangkan mereka tidak pedulikan sensitiviti orang Islam.

"Saya percaya Jakim akan mengambil tindakan mengikut bidang kuasanya terhadap kilang berkenaan dan kita akan siasat bagaimana kilang terbabit boleh beroperasi sejak sekian lama," katanya kepada Harian Metro, malam tadi.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika mengulas tindakan Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (KDNHEP) bersama pegawai Jakim dan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Haiwan Selangor menyerbu kilang terbabit di Bukit Perindustrian Serdang, awal pagi kelmarin.

Dalam serbuan itu, anggota pasukan operasi berkenaan mendapati kebanyakan daging ayam dan itik yang disimpan bersama anak babi di dalam peti sejuk beku itu diedar kepada pengguna Islam di sekitar Lembah Klang, sejak sekian lama.

Menurut Mohd Mokhtar, beliau sendiri akan melawat kilang berkenaan bagi menyiasat perkara itu, hari ini."Beroperasi tanpa lesen adalah satu kesalahan dan melanggar peraturan yang dikeluarkan Jakim juga lagi kesalahan lain, kita tidak akan bertolak ansur dalam perkara ini dan akan mengarahkan mereka tutup segera," jelasnya.

Operasi bersama yang diketuai Timbalan Ketua KPDNHEP Kajang, Rosley Abdullah, pada jam 3 pagi itu, syarikat pengilang didakwa melakukan pelbagai kesalahan serius termasuk melakukan penyembelihan ayam secara tidak sah.

Rosley berkata, pengilang dan pemborong daging mentah terbabit dipercayai mendapatkan bekalan itik halal dari Taiping, Perak untuk pasaran tempatan.

"Namun, 150 ekor itik halal terbabit disimpan secara bercampur aduk bersama ratusan kotak berisi daging anak babi mentah yang didakwa hanya berusia dua minggu.

"Daging anak babi mentah itu yang dijual pada harga pasaran RM10 seekor dilihat bertaburan di atas lantai bilik beku berkenaan bersama daging ayam dan itik yang siap disembelih," katanya.

Menurutnya, perbuatan tidak bertanggungjawab itu yang pertama kali dibongkar, membuktikan pemilik kilang tidak sensitif dengan aspek produk halal yang perlu diasingkan sepenuhnya dengan produk haram.

"Melalui invois yang diteliti, pemborong itu dipercayai menjual ayam dan daging itik berkenaan di beberapa pasar raya besar di ibu kota termasuk kawasan kediaman di Taman Tun Dr Ismail.

"Daging anak babi yang diimport dari Vietnam itu pula dikesan untuk memenuhi permintaan pengusaha restoran dan peniaga pasar besar," katanya.Menurutnya, pengilang yang tidak mendapatkan lesen beroperasi daripada Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ) itu enggan mendedahkan pemilik sebenar premis berkenaan ketika disoal siasat.

"Kebanyakan mereka hanya mengaku sebagai kerani atau pekerja bawahan manakala enam pekerja warga asing Indonesia yang diupah bekerja di premis itu hanya berdiam diri.

"Malah mereka mendakwa tidak tahu bahawa mencampurkan babi dandaging lain di dalam satu peti sebagai kesalahan serius," katanya.

Menurutnya, siasatan pegawai Jakim juga mendapati ayam yangdisembelih di kilang terbabit turut melanggar hukum syarak hinggamenyebabkan ia 'haram' dimakan umat Islam.

"Pekerja Indonesia terbabit hanya melipat leher ayam sebelummenghirisnya dengan pisau tajam. Teknik ini yang dianggap sebagai 'sembelihcucuk' tidak memutuskan sepenuhnya urat di bahagian leher ayam sebaliknyaayam terbabit mati akibat direndam dalam air panas atau faktor lain.

"Cara penyembelihan itu hanya dijadikan sebagai `syarat'sampingan bagi membolehkan ia dianggap sebagai ayam halal untuk dijualkepada pengguna Islam," katanya.Menurutnya, penyembelihan ayam yang dilakukan oleh pekerjaIndonesia tidak bertauliah itu amat dikesalkan.

Rosley berkata, pemilik premis itu boleh dikenakan tindakanmengikut Akta Perihal Dagangan 1972 yang membawa hukuman denda RM250,000atau penjara lima tahun jika sabit kesalahan.

Berikutan kejadian itu, beliau menasihati orang ramaiberhati-hati dan tidak membeli ayam atau itik dari pasar raya atau peniagayang diragui.

"Sebaik-baiknya, belilah ayam dari penjual yang kita dapatlihat sendiri cara penyembelihan dan pemprosesan dilakukan," katanya.

Friday, September 24, 2004


By the time i start typing, i cannot think about anything else but food. Feeling so hungry rite now. heheh . well. it's almost lunch time by the way.:P

Yesterday, i went to visit Hany and her newborn cute baby boy.. Another friend becomes a mother.. seronok jugak lah .. Tambah2 pi tgk ngan Laili dan Kak Lin and my beloved DCBA's nephew-Anas. Cuma kesian tgk Anas selsema dan badan dia kena virus gatal2. Tgk kak lin jaga anak dia, terfikir betapa sukarnya seorg ibu nak jaga anak dia. Sakit sikit, nangis sikit semua dah cukup utk risaukan hati ibu. Betapa seorg ibu tu buat macam2 utk redakan kegelisahan anak dia. Tgk Anas walaupun kecik2 gitu tapi bila sakit mesti nak mak dia. Hmm, takyah ckp la.. Kite dha besar2 ni pun serupa. Sakit demam sket terus ingat mak.. kekek While i guess i am the only auntie yg bermain2 ngan Anas agak 'ganas'.. and i really played with him.. Kak Lin sabar ajelah tgk org buat macam2 kat anak dia.. Sorry yer akak. Kak Lin sungguh tabah :P

By the way, i found a site that can 'describe' your feelings. A picture tells a thousand words. ;)

And.. not forgetten, it has been THREE YEARS already since 24/9/01. Happy Birthday DCBA. I am proud to be part of 'you'. Wish that all the DCBA's member dapat berkumpul balik macam dulu2. Hai, trip DCBA ke China and Australia nampaknyer tak tahuler dpt ke tak buat lagi.. Yg pasti, setiap kali tgk hadiah tafsir al-Quran dr Pusat Percetakan Al-Quran, Madinah and tgk gambar2 lama, makan garam (teringat laut mati) atau pakai lumpur laut mati.. terasa macam kejap je dah 3 thn berlalu. Rinduunya sgt2 pada masa tu kan..

Erm.. can't help it rite now. Nak gi makan dulu!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tata

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Naugthy Friends

Morning all.. How's your day today? Al-Hamdulillah, i had a great sleep and great dream as well last nite although i went back late from office and went to sleep after 12.00 mid nite. By the way, i felt touched to find out that other blogs also posted the test i had previously done and posted on my blogs.. and they are the early-age-bloggers among our known-links. hehe kite sehati sejiwa kan kan kan:P

When i went out with my friends, it seems that most of the time i will be outdated in updating my blog. Last weekend i went to visit Amiir Husaini- heartrob Abg Faizal and Kak Syiqin at their lovely house in Tmn Bangi 3. Well, as some of you already knew it (thru Kak Syiqin's posting in her blog) we had a great time of talking.. hahahah really, can't help it that i am sooo much so talkative.. but then it's me rite. If i am being queit, it will not be 'Ika'.. it will be..something else, maybe anacondas, jun-onn.. hahahaha giler la aku merepek pagi ni

Oh, tetibe teringat. I received an invitation from The Chef Chief to help her cooks at her house at the end of this week. Repeat, help her to cook (betul tak cik puan?:p) hahaha pleaase la , i am not a good cooker. Nanti suh org buatkan jadi mende lain kan, haa kesian tetamu lain2. Kalau suh kasi cadangan nak makan apa, bolehlah.. **wink** (to the husband and wife, kite suka makan dessert..kekek :P). By the way, jadi ke seperti dirancang? Tak nampak apa2 jemputan pun lagi.. he he he:D

I got some punch in my heart today (and yesterday) due to 3 naugthy brothers and sister.. These 3 friends, i do not know why but suddenly build an allied to perform attacks on me.. takpe takpe, nanti taknak maapkan korang raya nanti.. kalau nak maap, sorang blanje domino pizza, sorang belanja pizza hut, sorang belanja kat lagend hotel depan pwtc tu.. muahhaha

erks, to come back to my work.. hahahaha nanti petang takmo balik lambat lagi sbb kena siapkan keje padahal waktu keje pi memain..ekkeke.. to the binjai girl out there, gudluck for your exam.. har har har:P

Monday, September 20, 2004

Sleepy Morning

Isk..dunno why this morning i feel so sleepy.. maybe sbb last weekend dah dpt rest the whole days and night sampai pagi2 ni rasa ngantuk lagi.. I have some update, but currently cannot do it . erm, i guess i am quite slow in doing my job now. It was like a shock when suddenly u move from managing a small scale of people to monitoring 7x bigger scale... Hope i won';t dissapointed anyone with my slow motion pace.. the way, i found out about this link this morning. Just have to enter few info here and in few seconds this is what appeared: *wink* ^_^

Ika: You are a Brown Tiger

You are Brown Tiger, who get in touch with others with calm attitude.
You are both pure and friendly, and have the atmosphere of motherly tenderness.
Your character seem flexible and gentle, but you are actually someone who has their own opinion, and do not like to lose.
You are not scared of things.
You can steadily lead life to accomplish your goal.
You have the big sister sort of character.
People around you may push you to become their leader, but your sense of organizing people and action is not that strong.
You are confident, and can put to action with perseverance and guts.
You are dedicated to many things.
You can carry out things calmly and steadily at your own pace.
You don't worry about things so much, and possess the talent to combine many factors together to create a new thing.
You are well balanced person.
Nevertheless, you possess feminine atmosphere and are dependent person.
You lack self-support, and therefore you will be good at working in the back-ground.
Men are attracted to your mysterious atmosphere, but you tend to be very careful, and not fall in love too easily.
You are weak on favors, and can not turn them down.
Once married, you will stay at home and be obsessed with children's education.

erm.. some are corrects, some are not sure.. You know yourself better right. anyway, this is just for fun.. whateva it is, beware.. you are on the Brown Tiger's BLOG.. ho ho ho

Friday, September 17, 2004


It was raining last tuesday evening when i received a phone call from my boss asking me to bring all the information i have on the manpower planning to Wisma Telekom (next to Menara Telekom). By the time i went out, the rain was heavier. Pakai payung pun hanya bahagian atas pinggang je yg selamat, kat bawah dah lencun habis.. my main concern was my the-only-best-condition-shoes i currently have. Nampak gaya kena redah air hujan tu ada harapan beli kasut lain. And for the first time, i went back home without my handbag because it was already dark and it takes time for me to walk back to the office. Esok tu dtg ngan sehelai sepinggang macam ofis tu sebelah rumah jer.

I was too tired on the Wednesday, tapi still kena maintain siapkan keje. Sampai business plan (part 1) has been printed, fotostated, binded and submitted to Business Plan Committy barulah aku rasa lega sket. Tu pun tgk boss yg dah tak brape betul.. Die nak amik cuti 2 hari. Thursday morning i was too tired to go to the office, so i took urgent leave but then of course with my phone kept on ringing all the morning. But one thing i hate about taking leave is that when u come back to the office and find out that your mailbox is full. Tambah plak hari ni kena submit weekly report for centre's performance and touch-point initiative project.. Sometimes, working 5-days-a-week can be quite tiring.. and working at the HQ level u will never be stopped being disturb.

I read Hany's blog today.. waa seems like she gonna get new people in her family soon. May Allah be with you, and insya-Allah I pray that everything will be fine-the mother and the baby. Actually watching and seeing most of my friends with 'additional high belly' (pregnant) and some of them already have babies do attack my nerves. Hohoh dah tua sgt ke aku ni? :P I even asked some colleagues 'adakah saya ini kurang menarik?" and one of the answer was I will look better if i put down some weigth... opsss... kak shiqin pun ari tu kate makin bulat ek? ahhaha aiyaaa, it suddenly become so hard for me to go on diet.. tak boleht ahan laa..hari2 makanan semakin best dan semakin sedap dan semakin lazat..ekekek

apa2 pun.. i am happy to see my friends hidup bahagia.. mm apa lagi nak ckp yer..dah petang nak balik la.. malam nanti boleh pk nak buat apa esok2 kan..ok all, selamat hujung minggu sampai jumpa lagi..

oo, by the way, i'll have a hi-tea kat Seri Kampong (Bangsar) tommorrow.. (makan lagi.. kui kui kui)..

Friday, September 10, 2004

Business Plan

I was looking for something on the net when I came across this article. Well, looks like it is much suitable for the company's management at the time being. So, sempena utk semua yg tgh sibuk membuat business plan 2005 (esp. for Telekom's staff as I knew that currently everyone is working for it), i would like to share this article with all of you. Bolehlah juga nak kasi kat boss esp. yg suka sgttt ajak meeting even mende kecik2 pun meeting, lepas tu waste a lot of time kat bilik meeting with too many irrelevant ideas.

Happy reading and good luck in doing your business plan!;)
Thinking strategically
By Terry Goodyear

Ask most executives about business planning and they will tell you about the weeks of agony that merely culminate in hours of unsatisfactory meetings, prevarication and delay. While this may be a surprise, given that excutives have all the necessary statistics, data and report at their disposal, many still fumble their way through, which isn't the best way forward for companies. What's worse is that many companies go into the new financial year without their financial plans signed and sealed. The problem actually boils down to the lack of strategic thinking in decision-making.

To further illustrate this point, consider this question: If there are two companies that are in the same industry, producing the same goods and services, and are the same size in terms of assets and capital, what will determine the relative success of these two companies in two to five years' time? The answer? Ideas. Ideas that can be converted into business plans or propositions that in turn will enable the company to compete and grow.

In our post-industrial world, organisations are increasingly judged by their innovations, not their output. Still, converting ideas into sound business propositions is not as simple as it sounds. Many a time, ideas get lost in the organisation's so-called black holes, be it the perception that the top management will not like that particular idea, or that an idea — no matter how good it looks on paper — will not be workable, or the unwillingness to change the way things are done (the typical if-it-is-not-broken-why-fix-it attitude).

Compounding this are the countless meetings to discuss ideas that, at the end of the day, may only hit a brick wall. In fact, according to a recent study conducted by SCQuARE International in the UK, British businesses lose an estimated £12.3 billion a year on managerial time spent on ideas that are going nowhere and failed business pitches. On top of this, £10.8 billion is lost on unproductive meetings and £6.2 billion on the time-wasting effects of office politics.

The survey too found that two-thirds of the managers polled say they could save 10% or more of their time if they could avoid unproductive meetings. This is equivalent to 24 working days a year! At the same time, it was found that almost half the respondents waste the same amount of time on ideas that go nowhere.

Still, without ideas and innovation, a business cannot change and certainly cannot move forward. SCQuARE International's report reiterates the importance of innovation succinctly: Without innovation, a company will simply remain as it is, stagnate or die. Good management teams take a business forward through their ability to innovate and change. Given all the time spent on ideas that go nowhere, it is not enough simply to have a good idea. Any idea will clearly need to be sold through the system. And this is where SCQuARE International and the programmes they offer come in useful.

SCQuARE is a framework that ensures that a business plan, proposal or idea is thought through, authenticated and then structured in such a way that it has the greatest chance of success when delivered. Ross Lovelock and Roy Ashworth founded SQuARE, formerly known as Magnolia House, in 1993. Lovelock comes from a marketing background and has been dealing with fast- moving consumer goods companies for 20 years, with stints at Nestlé, Milk Marketing Board and PepsiCo International. Ashworth has 35 years of experience in finance, IT and was a systems specialist before co-founding SCQuARE. In 2000, the company was incorporated as SCQuARE International Ltd (SIL).

By using the SCQuARE methodology, one is able to sieve through the given information and reduce it to the critical issues that then allow decisions to be made quickly and decisively. The time taken to make decisions as such can be reduced by 50% to 90%. SCQuARE makes managers think before they act. Managers are taught to question conventional methods, they learn to understand key issues faced and the underlying causes, and are provided the structures and stimulus to explore creative solutions. SCQuARE guides participants through a step-by-step analysis of the situation, questioning and finding solutions from the questions. SCQuARE reads as:
S: Setting or strength — this can take the form of figuring out what is your aim or objectives.
C: Changes or complications — these could be a new set of circumstances, opportunities or threats. "C" also stands for consequences.
Qu: Question — this is the pivotal question that comes from the analysis of the above two factors. From here, one determines what is the next course of action in order to meet the objectives.
A: Answer — the answer to the pivotal question. Using the SCQuARE process, this answer will include a summary of the strategies to deal with the issues.
R: Recommendations — this is the action needed to implement the strategies in the answer.
E: Evidence — this is proof to show that each action is justified and the benefits that each action will generate.

SIL's global clients include Tesco, Pfizer, Marks & Spencer, Avis, PepsiCo, British American Tobacco (BAT), Nestlé and Philips, among others. SCQuARE has been in Malaysia since 1997 but as early as 1995, SCQuARE was introduced as part of a programme to impart the methodology to all BAT subsidiaries in Asia- Pacific. The founders of SCQuARE realised the potential and set up a regional office in Kuala Lumpur, which is headed by its managing director Philip Das. The regional office is designed to meet the growing need for strategic consultancy services in Southeast Asia. According to Das, clients in Malaysia include Akzo Noble (Regional) Danone, Telekom Malaysia, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, Multimedia Development Corp, some government agencies and multinational corporations.
The company's plans for Malaysia include broadening its local client base and tapping into local multinationals with significant business interests in China. Although the timing of SIL's entry into Malaysia could not have come at a worst possible time — at the start of the regional financial crisis — today, with the local and regional economies on the mend, there is optimism for the market.
There is an enormous appetite for learning here, what more the challenges brought by the Asean Free Trade Area. This means that companies that cannot move swiftly will be left behind. Today's companies need to execute strategies with speed and they need to be focused. Besides strategic decision-making skills, SCQuARE is invaluable for all management levels as it allows executives to think. It not only allows top management to focus on leadership but also creates a new set of thinkers and leaders that in turn will help narrow the leadership gap. SCQuARE conducts three to four-day courses, which also include workshops and learning sessions as well as support services. For more info check out

Terry Goodyear is the technical director of management consultant SCQuARE International Malaysia Sdn Bhd .

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Sekali lagi mencuba..

Hi all,
This is the third day i try to update my blog. Do not know why i face so much difficulties this time to update my blog but i believe that Allh knows better. I am so proud today to find out that actually i am in a class with a great person. Never thought that the person is actually a well-known someone in the book writers. So, here i am with the 'typing' i did last few days. If there is any missunderstood, may Allah forgives me in my mistakes.. Wa''alahualam.

Salam buat semua teman.
Apa kabar agaknyer kwn2 semua? Lama betul rasanya tak menaip di sini untuk sesuatu yg bererti. Alasan yg biasa didengar, tak lapuk dek hujan tak lekang dek panas itulah dia kesempitan waktu di ofis. Al-maklumlah, tempat baru kenalah amik ati boss dulu. Plus, sekarang pukul 7.30 mlm mmg dah wajib kena keluar dr menara telekom memandangkan projek pancaran satelit demi Malaysia Gemilang sedang diadakan sampailah 22 September nanti.. Terima kasih buat kwn2 yg bertanya, terasa ade juga yg menghargai.. ehhe sorry sgt2 sbb tak sempat nak update buat jangkamasa yg agak lama..

Rindu rasanya dgn kwn2.. agak2nyer u all pun rindu kat kite la kan sbb lama tak dgr khabar.. sampai ade seorg kwn kate, kalau tak dpt pjg2 pun tulislah sikit2 at least kitorang tau ape yg berlaku.. uhu, terima kasih ..terasa sayu sikit bile dengo ade org amik berat pasal kite ni..terharu sungguh.. apa2 pun ttg tempat baru ini, as how good it is as compared to previous place, still I really miss the FOOD (especially:P) masa kat Bkt Mahkamah dulu..and miss the friends I have there as well (mostly missing from my heart:( )

Mmg byk sgt yg berlaku sampai tak menang otak nak piker, dan tak cukup tgn rasanya nak tulis satu2 ape yg terlintas. Mungkin agaknya otak tu dha lama dibiarkan beku, tiba2 mendapat impak yg nampaknya al-Hamdulillah dah menjana semula akal pemikiran.. Sepertinya terasa zarah2 darah mengalir pantas ke otak dan sel2 otak berkembang, bercambah dan bertambah dgn sgt cepat .. ‘Mesin’ anugerah Allah ini nampaknyer dah kembali berfungsi semula membuang karat2 dlm fikiran..

Oh, terlalu byk pula melalut.. Sekadar nak membawa kupasan ttg masyarat.. Aku tgk ada beberapa org kwn yg masih rajin update blog, ade juga nampaknyer dah dilamun angin cinta.. Al-Hamdulillah atas kebahagiaan kalian... Mmg cinta itu buat manusia rasa indah.. Dan bagi yg tak bercinta lagi, atau sedang menunggu cinta.. Cinta Allah itu masih mekar menunggu utk diperhati dan dihayati.. Cinta yg tak pernah berhenti keindahannya…

Hopefully that I can give some input here. First of all, sebelum memulakan bicara I am sorry with this kind of new concept I practise in writing blog. Pls understand that my intention is not to back-fire someone else input, just to share a little bit knowledge I gained from HIM, the Almighty Allah SWT. In this current and modern world, kita perlu berhati2 dlm meniti kehidupan. The reason is that mengambil byk hadis2 drpd Rasulullah SAW ttg kemusnahan dan kesesatan berleluasa yg akan berlaku di akhir zaman.. Sbb tu kita disuruh berpegang sungguh2 pada (pertama) Al-Quran dan (kedua) Sunnah. Pernah juga aku dgr pendapat ttg perlunya berada dan berbaik dgn 4 org lagi yg bersama2 kita di atas kebenaran.. Nikmat menjadi seorg Islam sebenarnyer terlalu indah sbb hanya org yg pernah menjadi seorg Islam tau ttg perasaan indah dan tenang yg dirasai. Seperti perasaan cinta, hanya org yg pernah bercinta tau macam mana nak describe rasa tu.. Dan tak mustahil juga, walau dah putus cinta berkali2, pasti ada perasaan ingin kembali merasai perasaan itu. Begitulah indahnya Islam itu.

Kalau ada yg mengatakan Islam tidak adil, tidak relevan atau tidak bebas/merdeka.. Maka maafkanlah mereka atas kejahilan mereka. Walaupun bergunung harta dimiliki, dan bergulung kelulusan mereka kecapi. Sbbnya mereka masih belum mampu berfikir dgn waras dan seimbang. Itulah namanya hentam semberono tanpa membuat kajian terlebih dahulu. Jgn lihat org yg hanya ada ilmu dunia shj, kdg2 lagaknya dan sijil2 nya sahaja lulusan agama tapi caranya, bahasnya, fikirnya entah dr kupasan dan fahaman mana yg dicari..

Tugas kita untuk memperbetulkan kembali dgn cara2 spt. mendapatkan kelulusan lebih tinggi atau sama dgn org tersebut, dan menjadi seorg yg terkemuka dlm dunia. Lepas tu bolehlah buat apa yg kita nak buat, macam Henry Ford buat. Tapi, itu mmg sukar kan.. So, tugas utama ialah kita mencari ilmu dan mengislahkan seberapa byk kwn2 kita supaya dpt disampai2kan kepada org lain.. Berkongsi sedikit2 ilmu kita. Betul tak..

Sebenarnya, bukan Islam sahaja yg tak merdeka dan tak adil di bumi yg ‘bertuah’ ini.. Semua agama pun sama, kalau tak takkan ada kes bunuh satu keluarga saudara baru kerana menukar anutan dr Hindu ke Islam.. dan takkan ada kisah sukarnya saudara baru bila diherdik dan dibuang keluarga bila menukar kepada Islam di Malaysia.. Cuma, media tak mendedahkan perkara ini kerana bimbang berlaku rusuhan keagamaan.. Well, that so-called sensitive issues.

Bukan sedikit jumlah org yg membaca sebahagian shj ayat al-Quran Surah al-Baqarah ayat 226 (2:226) yg bermaksud: Tidak ada paksaan di dalam beragama .. KERANA kebenaran itu telah jelas dari kebathilan. Melihat dr konteks yg berbeza, ayat ini pun dah cukup untuk menyuruh mencari di mana keburukan Islam berbanding mana2 agama atau mana2 fahaman sekalipun .. Sesungguhnya, tidak ada walau satu pun.. Yg silap dan ada hanyalah fahaman dan sekatan yg dilakukan oleh tangan2 bernama manusia..

I guess the main point for us to do before launch attack on someone with such bad statement about Islam is to get to reason of the statement. On that basis, only then we know why they like to have bad impression about Islam. Maybe they were treated badly by that so-called muslims, or they found out about bad practise by ‘this’ muslims. In order to do that I believe the main point is that be brave and firm but stay calm and cool.. It is HARD to do, but then lets Allah help us to face and correct the perspective of Islam from the eyes of not even the non-muslims but the muslims as well.

Still, my knowledge is verrrryyyy limited. From HIM I came, and to HIM I return. Kalau ada kelemahan di atas apa yg saya katakana, maka kelemahan itu adalah atas diri saya yg masih belum cukup ilmu di dada. Kalau nak berdiskusi panjang, insya-Allah boleh jer.. Cuma utk saya tulis terlalu panjang, tak cukup masa pula. Harap2 kelak tulisan saya tidak menjadi fitnah kepada masyarakat. Wa’allahualam.

Looks like i have to pen-off (keyboard-off?) now.. So, hope to see me back in the future, insya-Allah. Take care all.. wasalam.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Hello again..

Semalam.. ingat nak post catatan ni, tapi server down pula.. so, diselitkan catatan semalam.. hopefully my writting will not hurts anyone.. :)

Salam buat semua teman.
Apa kabar agaknyer kwn2 semua? Lama betul rasanya tak menaip di sini untuk sesuatu yg bererti. Alasan yg biasa didengar, tak lapuk dek hujan tak lekang dek panas itulah dia kesempitan waktu di ofis. Al-maklumlah, tempat baru kenalah amik ati boss dulu. Plus, sekarang pukul 7.30 mlm mmg dah wajib kena keluar dr menara telekom memandangkan projek pancaran satelit demi Malaysia Gemilang sedang diadakan sampailah 22 September nanti..

Rindu rasanya dgn kwn2.. agak2nyer u all pun rindu kat kite la kan sbb lama tak dgr khabar.. sampai ade seorg kwn kate, kalau tak dpt pjg2 pun tulislah sikit2 at least kitorang tau ape yg berlaku.. uhu, terima kasih ..terasa sayu sikit bile dengo ade org amik berat pasal kite ni..terharu sungguh.. apa2 pun ttg tempat baru ini, as how good it is as compared to previous place, still I really miss the FOOD (especially:P) masa kat Bkt Mahkamah dulu..and miss the friends I have there as well (mostly missing from my heart:( L)

Mmg byk sgt yg berlaku sampai tak menang otak nak piker, dan tak cukup tgn rasanya nak tulis satu2 ape yg terlintas. Mungkin agaknya otak tu dha lama dibiarkan beku, tiba2 mendapat impak yg nampaknya al-Hamdulillah dah menjana semula akal pemikiran.. Sepertinya terasa zarah2 darah mengalir pantas ke otak dan sel2 otak berkembang, bercambah dan bertambah dgn sgt cepat .. ‘Mesin’ anugerah Allah ini nampaknyer dah kembali berfungsi semula membuang karat2 dlm fikiran..

Oh, terlalu byk pula melalut.. Sekadar nak membawa kupasan ttg masyarat.. Aku tgk ada beberapa org kwn yg masih rajin update blog, ade juga nampaknyer dah dilamun angin cinta.. Al-Hamdulillah atas kebahagiaan kalian... Mmg cinta itu buat manusia rasa indah.. Dan bagi yg tak bercinta lagi, atau sedang menunggu cinta.. Cinta Allah itu masih mekar menunggu utk diperhati dan dihayati.. Cinta yg tak pernah berhenti keindahannya…

Hopefully that I can give some input here. First of all, sebelum memulakan bicara I am sorry with this kind of new concept I practise in writing blog. Pls understand that my intention is not to back-fire someone else input, just to share a little bit knowledge I gained from HIM, the Almighty Allah SWT. In this current and modern world, kita perlu berhati2 dlm meniti kehidupan. The reason is that mengambil byk hadis2 drpd Rasulullah SAW ttg kemusnahan dan kesesatan berleluasa yg akan berlaku di akhir zaman.. Sbb tu kita disuruh berpegang sungguh2 pada (pertama) Al-Quran dan (kedua) Sunnah. Pernah juga aku dgr pendapat ttg perlunya berada dan berbaik dgn 4 org lagi yg bersama2 kita di atas kebenaran.. Nikmat menjadi seorg Islam sebenarnyer terlalu indah sbb hanya org yg pernah menjadi seorg Islam tau ttg perasaan indah dan tenang yg dirasai. Seperti perasaan cinta, hanya org yg pernah bercinta tau macam mana nak describe rasa tu.. Dan tak mustahil juga, walau dah putus cinta berkali2, pasti ada perasaan ingin kembali merasai perasaan itu. Begitulah indahnya Islam itu.

Kalau ada yg mengatakan Islam tidak adil, tidak relevan atau tidak bebas/merdeka.. Maka maafkanlah mereka atas kejahilan mereka. Walaupun bergunung harta dimiliki, dan bergulung kelulusan mereka kecapi. Sbbnya mereka masih belum mampu berfikir dgn waras dan seimbang. Itulah namanya hentam semberono tanpa membuat kajian terlebih dahulu. Jgn lihat org yg hanya ada ilmu dunia shj, kdg2 lagaknya dan sijil2 nya sahaja lulusan agama tapi caranya, bahasnya, fikirnya entah dr kupasan dan fahaman mana yg dicari..

Tugas kita untuk memperbetulkan kembali dgn cara2 spt. mendapatkan kelulusan lebih tinggi atau sama dgn org tersebut, dan menjadi seorg yg terkemuka dlm dunia. Lepas tu bolehlah buat apa yg kita nak buat, macam Henry Ford buat. Tapi, itu mmg sukar kan.. So, tugas utama ialah kita mencari ilmu dan mengislahkan seberapa byk kwn2 kita supaya dpt disampai2kan kepada org lain.. Berkongsi sedikit2 ilmu kita. Betul tak..

Sebenarnya, bukan Islam sahaja yg tak merdeka dan tak adil di bumi yg ‘bertuah’ ini.. Semua agama pun sama, kalau tak takkan ada kes bunuh satu keluarga saudara baru kerana menukar anutan dr Hindu ke Islam.. dan takkan ada kisah sukarnya saudara baru bila diherdik dan dibuang keluarga bila menukar kepada Islam di Malaysia.. Cuma, media tak mendedahkan perkara ini kerana bimbang berlaku rusuhan keagamaan.. Well, that so-called sensitive issues.

Bukan sedikit jumlah org yg membaca sebahagian shj ayat al-Quran Surah al-Baqarah ayat 226 (2:226) yg bermaksud: Tidak ada paksaan di dalam beragama .. KERANA kebenaran itu telah jelas dari kebathilan. Melihat dr konteks yg berbeza, ayat ini pun dah cukup untuk menyuruh mencari di mana keburukan Islam berbanding mana2 agama atau mana2 fahaman sekalipun .. Sesungguhnya, tidak ada walau satu pun.. Yg silap dan ada hanyalah fahaman dan sekatan yg dilakukan oleh tangan2 bernama manusia..

I guess the main point for us to do before launch attack on someone with such bad statement about Islam is to get to reason of the statement. On that basis, only then we know why they like to have bad impression about Islam. Maybe they were treated badly by that so-called muslims, or they found out about bad practise by ‘this’ muslims. In order to do that I believe the main point is that be brave and firm but stay calm and cool.. It is HARD to do, but then lets Allah help us to face and correct the perspective of Islam from the eyes of not even the non-muslims but the muslims as well.

Still, my knowledge is verrrryyyy limited. From HIM I came, and to HIM I return. Kalau ada kelemahan di atas apa yg saya katakana, maka kelemahan itu adalah atas diri saya yg masih belum cukup ilmu di dada. Kalau nak berdiskusi panjang, insya-Allah boleh jer.. Cuma utk saya tulis terlalu panjang, tak cukup masa pula. Harap2 kelak tulisan saya tidak menjadi fitnah kepada masyarakat. Wa’allahualam.

Oklah, have to pen-off (keyboard-off?). Till then, salam hormat dari saya.. wasalam.