Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Di Antara...

Salam buat semua. Moga berada dlm rahmat Allah SWT sepanjang hari ini. How do you do today?

Well, right now i am at TM Brickfields, waiting for the 'sifoo' to teach me about the future job i'll be doing starting by 1st July nanti. Ntah manalah sifoo aku ni ilang lagi.

By the way, how was the quiz being answered? Someone has been answering it correctly to me. Hehe, i guess u people have a verry complicated way of thinking, kan? nvm, i'll give another clue to find the answer; apa ada di antara coklat dan gula2? apa ada di antara asam dan garam?

Certain people are given a verry easy, straight forward way of thinking. They see things as the first thing it is. For example, suasana suram bila lampu terpadam. Sometimes kite panggil mereka ni org yg lurus, atau kalau terlalu baik: lurus bendul. Percaya apa sahaja yg diperkatakan kepada mereka.

Meanwhile, some people (most of the time women) they perceived things differently. There is another meaning pop up back of their brains telling different meaning. Most of the time, kite kate double meaning. Macam kdg2 peribahasa melayu nak tegur org diorang gune bhs berbunga2.

For me myself, certain things make me think straight forward coz that make it easier for myself to absorb things at one time. To certain people, they think that i am somehow not verry sensitive with the environment, or just palying with their words. But, to the extend of time when i have time to think back somehow i usually found out people means the other thing around when they were talking to me. You can tell me straigth to their face, still do not forget to hold their dignity/ air muka. Meanwhile, u found out that make it mostly difficult at this time as people understands two things only: Whether it is Black or White; whether it is bitter or sweet, whether it is good or bad. In this kind of world, believe me, nothing is imposibble. There will be black in white, which makes it to be gray: light gray, darker gray, crayon gray, smoke gray etc etc. There is also make a taste of rasa lemak (ape dlm bi describe ek? Takkan rasa fat kot?:)) ), which was a mixture of bitterness and sweetness: and there is also good things that come out from bad things. If not, the english will not come out with proverb on "Being cruel to be kind".

Oklah, the quiz is still open. I will get back to you all later on. Now, keje kat sini looks like dah selesai sebehagian. So i will get back to u later on when i have more time to do that.

Sekian utk kali ini.

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