[1] New LayoutI thought of doing some changes here... As the layout is for me already outdated.. :D should changed the theme from an empty chair with calm background to something new.. as my life has changed now. but of course i cant put a chaotic theme as it is not only makes me more chaotic, but mess other people's eyes too... So let's pray i will be able to complete the changes soon. Oh yes, your name will be included in the list soon. I do not have enough time to complete the transfer last time. :)
[2] Cloth DiaperIt came to my mind one day that i'll spend an amount of money to buy diapers and throw it to polute our lands. I always asked myself if there is any way for me to reduce the contribution on amount of rubbish throw daily by people. I was so touched by one of the posting on environment by a friend of mine,
As. So i thought of finding alternative way to diapering my future little one when i came accross cloth diaper.
I guess so many of us are already used to cloth diaper..
Yerp, it is so much cheaper now on diapering as we use Disposable Diapers only for the babysitter or when
Humaira stays with her grandmothers. We noticed that whenever we continuously using Disposable Diapers on our daughter for like one-two weeks, she develops nappy rashes. It seems
controllable when we only use the DD at day time (working days) and CD at nights.
Right now i have few brands of cloth diapers, all are one size CD..
Kasihku Sayangku,
Shinies and BUMS Genius.. with a total of 12. Here is my review:
Coolababy - If compare with the normal/traditional
lampin, of course this is way better as it absorbs the liquid and make my child's dry. Only then, as my
daugther is quite a heavy wetter, with one insert can only last for less than 2 hours. So i have to use two inserts which at least lasted for 3-4 hours, give me some times to take a rest in between. I also happens to face
leakages once in a while. Rate: 3/5
GfH - OK la.. the material seems to be a bit better than
coolababy.. Material used seems almost the same, but the colour is more pastel. This is a
velcro type. So i don't take much time to zip and zap my girl. Still, i am using double inserts. Rate: 3.5/5
Shinies - This is a different design where it uses zip instead of button to adjust the size.
The material used is different from
Coolababy, as the inner and outer feel smoother and 'gebu' (apa ayat ni dlm BI??). The sewing is neat. I personally likes the material as it seems comfortable. It seems shorter but if you pull it along, it will have the same length as BUM Genius. The reason is because they sew the side nicely which prevented the leakages. I use only one insert which lasted for about 3-4 hours. There was one time that i was too tired and forget to change my daughter's CD. Only woke up in the morning (like after 7-8 hours) and found out that she was dry with no leakage. Surprising (and happy of course not to wash the entire bed items.. hehe). Rate: 4.5/5
4. Kasihku Sayangku is a bit pricy. The outer is thicker than coolababy and GfH. The design is almost similar to BUM Genius only that the insert is a different. Performance wise is not bad and i am using only one insert. Rate 4.5/5
5. BUM Genius - of course by its name it is quite pricy. We were lucky as my husband's friend thought of doing cloth diapering but unfortunately the idea was not well accepted by his wife. He was selling a new set at a very attractive price, which is a bit higher only from Kasihku Sayangku. So, my husband bought it as a present to his little princess. Performance wise is great, with pastel colours, wide width and 1 insert is good enough for my baby. But do not think so lucky to have the chance to buy a new one at the price anymore.. Rate: 5/5
I thought of having some additional
Shinies but looking at the price RM38 each without postage.. Hmm i am calculating my budget.
But if you would like to try one too, we can get it in bundles at a price of RM33 each.. So let's see anyone is interested to try??
Do let me know! :)
p/s: I'll share more about it , the picture and colour availables soon..