Thursday, February 28, 2008

Di Perjalanan

Buat teman-teman yang rajin berkunjung ke sini,

Terima kasih diucapkan kerana sabar menanti setiap masa. Dan terima kasih kerana masih sudi datang menjenguk sekali sekala. Blog sementara waktu tidak dapat dikemaskinikan.. Saya sedang menjalankan tugas di luar..

Viet-Nam - itu kata mereka, cara yang betul mengeja nama negara.

Ho Chi Minh
- nama baru bagi Saigon selepas tahun 1975. Pusat komersial Viet Nam; juga berada di Selatan Viet Nam..

Cuaca seperti di Malaysia, panas dan hujan sepanjang tahun.

Hanoi - mengalahkan dan menakluk Saigon pada perang 1975. Berada di Utara Viet Nam. Pusat pentadbiran kerajaan Viet Nam sekarang.

Sini 4 musim.. Sejuk, Bunga, Panas dan Luruh..
tak tersangkakan akan berhadapan musim sejuk (yang masih lagi), sudah dapat sehelai jaket baru di Ho Chi Minh.

Mereka.. satu negara, satu bahasa.. tetapi berbeza.

Updates will be coming soon..

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Multiplier Effect III (Finale)

Related Link (you may want to read these first
1. Multiplier Effect I
2. Multiplier Effect II
"Yin & Yang"

I never thought that my previous posting was somehow difficult to be followed by my readers. Well, hopefully the 3rd posting (perhaps the last one in this topic at the moment) will help to ease the understanding.
p/s: It is going to be in Malay for this time..

Konsep Yin & Yang
Seorang guru pernah memberitahu saya mengenai pandangan beliau berkenaan konsep Yin & Yang.

Jika diteliti secara mendalam, dalam satu kelompok warna berbeza akan ada kelompok yang kecil. Contohnya, dalam kelompok warna hitam akan ada bulatan kecil berwarna putih. Di kepala warna hitam adalah hujung ekor warna putih, yang mana juga menggambarkan satu kelompok yg kecil kemudian berkembang besar. Begitulah sebaliknya.

Guru saya mengaitkan hubungan di antara kejahatan/kebatilan dan kebaikan/kebenaran. Dalam semua berusaha untuk kebaikan, pasti ada yang ingin melakukan kejahatan. Itulah terjadi dalam kelompok berwarna putih, akan ada bulatan berwarna hitam.

Apabila kejahatan yang sedikit berkembang (multiplier effect) dari ekor ke kepala, akan ada juga golongan yang cuba menentang kejahatan (bulatan putih). Begitu juga sebaliknya.

Baik & Buruk Multiplier Effect

Seperti ditekankan di dalam topik 1 dan 2, tujuan 'Multiplier Effect' atau Kesan Berganda ini adalah untuk meningkatkan taraf dan situasi ekonomi sesebuah negara. Walaubagaimanapun, impak yang berlebihan akan menyebabkan berlakunya kegawatan ekonomi (recession) kerana berlebihan wang di dalam pasaran (in hands) akan menyebabkan kemerosotan nilai matawang dan berlakunya inflasi.

Bagi mengelakkan perkara ini berlaku, perlu ada satu kawalan yang mana pada satu masa yang sesuai matawang yang berada di pasaran ini akan ditarik dari pasaran. Dengan ini nilai matawang akan bertahan atau meningkat dan inflasi dapat dikawal.

Tentang Malaysia..

Saya terbaca di dalam beberapa artikel mengenai kewujudan Malaysia yang bermula sebagai negara sosialis yang memberikan kebebasan kepada rakyatnya dari segi agama dan kehidupan. Pengetahuan dan kebebasan melakukan apa yang disukai dapat dilihat dari kepelbagaian makanan, cara hidup, dekorasi kediaman, majalah2, hiburan2, teori2 kemanusiaan dsb.

Walaupun Islam adalah agama rasmi, namun kebanyakan undang-undang yang diciptakan juga adalah diurus, diubah dan dilaksanakan berdasarkan pemahaman serta pemikiran manusia sendiri samada undang-undang tersebut adalah undang2 bertulis seperti digunakan di mahkamah atau undang2 tidak bertulis seperti adat dan budaya.

Kemungkinan untuk perlaksanaan ini berjaya adalah tinggi, tambahan pula pada permulaan perkara ini tidak secara formalnya berlaku dalam kata integrasi yang sebenar. Pada satu tahap, keterbukaan ini akan memberikan pengalaman dan penambahan pengetahuan dalam sudut ekonomi, kehidupan, cara hidup, serta taraf pendidikan yang lebih baik.

Namun pada satu tahap, atas dasar sesuatu itu dibina kerana tangan manusia sendiri tidak dapat kekal selamanya. Keterbukaan ini akan menyebabkan masyarakat hilang nilai dan identiti diri.

Hukum alam mewujudkan satu keadaan di mana pucuk muda yang tumbuh dari benih pokok akan membesar, menumbuhkan banyak daun, bunga dan benih, kemudian menjadi tua dan mati. Dan dari benih tersebut akan tumbuh pokok yang besar, berdaun, berbunga dan menumbuhkan benih baru. Keadaan berterusan sehingga ke satu masa yang ditetapkan Allah SWT.

Di mana teori ekonomi berlaku?
# Teori ini menjelaskan apabila dalam keadaan yang biasa, sesuatu itu boleh diubah sehingga menacapai tahap puncak (tertinggi).
# Tahap puncak ini akan berada beberapa ketika yang mana mampu mengubah keadaan semua di sekelilingnya kepada keadaan yang lebih baik.
# Namun, selepas tahap puncak ini akan berlaku tahap kejatuhan, yang mana jika tidak dikawal akan menyebabkan keadaan yang lebih rumit untuk diperbaiki.
# Jadi bagi mengelakkan perkara yg rumit ini terjadi, keadaan di puncak ini perlu dikawal.

Apabila berlaku keadaan yang tidak terkawal di sesuatu situasi itu, kita perlu menilai balik jika keadaan itu boleh dikawal dengan cara kembali ke cara terdahulu. Contoh paling dekat sekarang ialah: penggunaan bahasa inggeris yang sepatutnya membantu para pelajar lebih 'competitive', namun yang berlaku kemerosotan pembelajaran yang sangat ketara berbanding sebelum penggunaan bahasa inggeris; (dan mungkinkah secara tidak langsung berlakunya masalah salah laku di kalangan pelajar kerana kekecewaan tidak dapat memahami apa yang diajarkan cikgu; dan juga kerana pelajar itu tidak dapat menghayati nilai2 dalam pembelajaran itu? sekadar 'bergosip' sahaja.. jgn ambil berat:P)
Jadi sudah timbul ura-ura untuk menukar kembali ke bahasa melayu. Cuma masalahnya ura-ura itu terlalu lambat, lambat sangat, teramat2 lambat.. Tidak tahu lambat itu sebab memikirkan patutkah mengaku kadang2 pemimpin juga melakukan kesilapan dalam membuat keputusan atau sekadar melambat2kannya sehingga semua lupa sehingga akhirnya tiada apa yang dibuat di peringkat atas dan peringkat bawah masih perlu bertungkus-lumus menyampaikan apa yang diperintahkan oleh orang di atas.. Allahu'alam.


Kadang2 kita tidak perlu terus ke hadapan untuk berjaya, sekiranya tidak dapat diteruskan dan berlaku banyak masalah, kita perlu kembali menilai apa yang pernah dilaksanakan untuk memastikan kejayaan berterusan. Penilaian kembali mungkin melibatkan point atau dasar yang sama di masa lepas, tetapi dalam aplikasi yang lebih diterima pakai di masa kini.

Menilai kembali masa lampau, kita mungkin boleh mengkaji bagaimana cara pendidikan orang dahulu2. Mungkin ilmu itu akan jatuh bertebaran sehingga tidak dapat diserap jika jarak antara pelajar di dalam kelas terlalu jauh antara mereka satu sama lain dan dengan cikgu. Mungkin cikgu2 dulu ada doa2 mereka agar anak murid baik2 selalu. Cikgu2 juga cuba menghayati apa yang diajarkan supaya mereka juga baik2 tingkah-lakunya sekaligus memberikan aura kebaikan itu kepada para pelajarnya. Mungkin doa2 ibu bapa di pagi hari untuk anak2 mereka sebelum pergi belajar walau ibubapa tidak dapat membaca, tidak belajar setinggi mana, sibuk juga bekerja tapi masih sempat katakan yang baik2 di pagi hari untuk anak2. Ya, mungkin ramai yang sudah terlupa atau tidak ingat. Mungkin, kata saya. Mungkin juga tidak...

Cukup untuk kali ini. Saya belum habis mengkaji. Dan masih sedang mengaji (belajar).

p/s: Post-posting retoric question:
Patutkah saya tulis buku jikalau begini? Dan (paling penting), ada ke orang nak beli buku saya?:P hahahahhahaha

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A True Love Story

[1] Breaking news yesterday; cannot say much anymore. Anyway do check this link out so you are not going to turn up like her.

[2] The posting on Multiplier Effect III is coming soon.. not able to type it right now. (Hope i don't sound stupid when writing on this theory. :P )

[3] Received this from one of the friend. Same story, but different way of telling..

Quote from another friend's reply:
It fits the theme ("the greatest human love of all times). And it also include parts about misconception about Islam. Why did Prophet Muhammad married many women. It explains the reasons for his multiple marriage.

A True Love Story

By: Hesham Hassaballa

She was one of the noblest women around, coming from a very prominent family. She was also quite beautiful and the holder of a considerable amount of wealth, being a prominent businesswoman. To marry her would have been a great feat for any man, and indeed, quite a few of the most prominent and wealthy men in society had asked for her hand. Yet, she rejected them all; already being a widow, she had lost the desire to marry again.

Until he came into her life. He was young man of 25, and although he was also of a noble family, he was an orphan and was not a man of many means. He had made a meager living tending sheep in the hills surrounding the city. Yet, he had an impeccable moral character, and he was widely known as one of the most honest men around. That is what attracted her to him: she was looking for someone honest who could conduct business for her, as she - a woman in a fiercely patriarchal society - could not do it herself. So, he started working for her.

After he came back from his first business trip, she asked her servant, whom she sent with him, about him and his conduct. The servant amazed her by his report: this young man was the kindest, gentlest man he had ever met. Never did he treat the servant harshly, as many others do. Yet, there was more: as they traveled in the heat of the desert, the servant noticed that a cloud had followed them the entire time, shading them from the blazing sun. The businesswoman was quite impressed with her new employee.

Not only that, this new employee proved to be an astute businessman in his own right. He took his employer's merchandise, sold it, and with the profits bought other merchandise that he sold again, thus profiting twice. All this was enough for her: the embers of love in her heart that were once extinguished re-kindled again, and she resolved to marry this young man, who was 15 years younger than she.

So, she sent her sister to this young man. She asked him, "Why are you not married, yet?"

"For lack of means," he answered.

"What if I could offer you a wife of nobility, beauty, and wealth? Would you be interested?" she told him.

He replied in the affirmative, but when she mentioned her sister, the young employee chuckled in amazement.

"How could I marry her? She has turned down the most noble men in the city, much wealthier and prominent than me, a poor shepherd," he said.

"Don't you worry," the sister replied, "I'll take care of it."

Not long after, the wealthy businesswoman married her young employee, and it was the beginning of one of the most loving, happiest, and sacred marriages in all of human history: that of Prophet Muhammad and Khadijah, the daughter of Khuwaylid. When they were married, the
Prophet was 25 years old, and Khadijah was 40. Yet, that did not bother the Prophet one bit. He loved her so deeply, and she loved him as deeply. They were married for 25 years, and she bore him seven children: 3 sons and 4 daughters. All of the sons died in young age.

Khadijah was a source of immense love, strength, and comfort for the Prophet Muhammad, and he leaned heavily on this love and support on the most important night of his life.

While he was meditating in cave of Hira, the Angel Gabriel came to the Prophet Muhammad and revealed to him the first verses of the Qur'an and declared to him that he was to be a Prophet. The experience terrified the Prophet Muhammad, and he ran home, jumping into Khadijah's arms crying, "Cover me! Cover me!" She was startled by his terror, and after soothing and comforting him for a while, the Prophet was able to calm down and relate to her his experience.

The Prophet feared he was losing his mind or being possessed.

Khadijah put all his fears to rest: "Do not worry," she said, "for by Him who has dominion over Khadijah's soul, I hope that you are the Prophet of this nation. Allah would never humiliate you, for you are good to your relatives, you are true to your word, you help those who are in need, you support the weak, you feed the guest and you answer the call of those who are in distress."

She then took him to her cousin, Waraqah ibn Nawfal - a scholar well-versed in the Judeo-Christian scripture - and he confirmed to the Prophet that his experience was Divine and he was to be the Last Prophet.

After his ministry began, and the opposition of his people became harsh and brutal, Khadijah was always there to support the Prophet Muhammad, sacrificing all of her wealth to support the cause of Islam. When the Prophet and his family was banished to the hills outside of Mecca, she went there with him, and the three years of hardship and deprivation eventually led to her death. The Prophet Muhammad mourned her deeply, and even after her death, the Prophet would send food and support to Khadijah's friends and relatives, out of love for his first wife.

Once, years after Khadijah died, he came across a necklace that she once wore. When he saw it, he remembered her and began to cry and mourn. His love for her never died, so much so, that his later wife A'isha became jealous of her. Once she asked the Prophet if Khadijah had been the only woman worthy of his love. The Prophet replied: "She believed in me when no one else did; she accepted Islam when people rejected me; and she helped and comforted me when there was no one else to lend me a helping hand."

Much has been made and said about Prophet Muhammad's multiple marriages. There are many who smear the Prophet as a womanizing philanderer, citing his multiple marriages. This is absolute propaganda. As a response to those who malign the Prophet , IF the Prophet were anything of the sort, he would have taken advantage of his youth to do such a thing. But he did not! At a time when it was a common custom to have multiple wives, the Prophet did not marry anyone else while he was with Khadijah.

It was only after Khadijah died, may God be pleased with her, that he married other women. Most of these wives were widows, whom the Prophet married to care after them, or they were the daughters of prominent Arab chieftains, so that the Prophet could form a cohesive Muslim society out of a fiercely tribalistic (and barbaric) Arab culture. The smears against the Prophet fall flat on their faces once the light of truth shines brightly upon them.

In a song about the Prophet and Khadjiah, Muslim rappers Native Deen sing: "We look for stories of love in places dark and cold/When we have a guiding light for the whole world to behold." Many of what we call "love stories" today are nothing more than stories of lust and desire, physical attraction disguised as love.

Yet, I can find no love story more powerful, more spiritually uplifting, more awe inspiring as that of the Prophet Muhammad and Khadijah. It is a shining example of what an ideal marriage is, and if I ever claim that I love my wife, I must gauge my actions with that of the Prophet. As the country commemorates Valentine's Day, and everywhere we turn this month, "love is in the air," I cannot help but reflect upon, what is to me, the greatest of all love stories: that of Muhammad and Khadijah. Even with all of its amazing and creative talent, Hollywood could not have come up with a story greater than this.

Hesham A. Hassaballa is a physician and writer based in Chicago.
You can visit his blog at www.drhassaballa. com.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Old time, younger age

Sometimes when i browse again through my older time postings, and at that time as i was younger i would sometimes feel shy of what i wrote. I found some writings were too emotional, or too inspirational, or too childish , even at some points were out of mind (unrealistic) things and sometimes i cant believe it was me who wrote it - due to the facts i am learning from myself. Well, then at some point of time i was wondering will i do better or even as good as i was .. Oh, yes please do not teasing me on those too emotional parts. I might not be able to stand it :P :P :P

Was received and replied emails between a friend when i suddenly remember one lesson i received years ago from my Teacher. Today, i just want to share what came out from my Teacher, hopefully it will gives some lights in yourself .. ;)

"Bahawa syaitan dan iblis itu selalu mengajak kita ke arah keburukan dan menghalang kita untuk berbuat kebaikan..

Membuatkan mata kita melihat baik pada keburukan, dan menyukarkan hati kita untuk sesuatu kebaikan..

Maka, perhatikanlah niat.

Adakah untuk kebaikan? Atau lebih banyak untuk keburukan? Atau tiada pada kedua-duanya?

Jikalau bertemu segala itu adalah satu kebaikan, maka tetaplah hati , pergilah, dan laksanakan. InshaAllah redha Allah pada kamu, pertolongan Allah pada kamu, dan semoga Allah melindungi kamu.."

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Multiplier Effect II

I was wondering should i be following Tok Mudin's step in encouraging people to comment on my blog by offering a small gift/present to the winner.. hi hi hi...

Back to our previous topic, i mentioned on methods to handle multiplier effect. Let's make it in point form:
1. Government intervention through Central Bank (in this context: Bank Negara in Malaysia)
2. Increase interest rate & reserve rate (a.k.a. reservation ratio)
3. Affected all banks to increase interest rate; increase reservation ratio thus lead to less money to loan out
4. Less money can be loaned out means less money to buy things, people will reduce consumption.
5. Higher interest rate will lead people to save more to gain more.
6. Money taken out from the market and go back to banks.
7. Less money circulate in the market.

Using this theory, you may understand /estimate where is our current economy level.
Hints: Currently the interest rate for loan in the market is very much low (4% - 8% ).

Whatever it is, the Ruler (read: the Government) is the main subject at most part. Where is the civilians? the citizens? They are at number 4 & 5.

So whenever citizens are saying something to the government to take action, it means without the government intervention things may not work out properly. Do not always saying 'this is not government role only', instead do something to rectify the matters. It is on top of all, the Government role to decide what kind of society will be living in the Territory (read: Country).

People of the Government (read: Cabinet) may say they are too busy to handle too many things, yes most of us understood that. But what comes with Power, comes responsibility.. If you intervene in unnecessary things or less important agenda, obviously small matters will become national highlights. And if you ignore the major point, you are in deep major problem!

Opps..sorry.. terlari topik...

Back to our discussion (can this be considered a discussion or a speech since i am 'talking' alone here?)..

From my humble opinions (based on the point forms above) this is what we can do:

1. Evaluate the level of problem in the society. Example: Budak2 taknak pergi sekolah (multiplier effect? he he he)

2. Finding the root cause: example: byk pengaruh luar yg jahat, cikgu ajar tak seronok (more supply of enjoyment outside the school, less supply of enjoyment inside the school)

3. Increase enjoyment level inside the school - this need creativity from the teachers and support from the parents (point: intervention from the School Management to insists on supporting this). Also, talent pool of enjoyment - as practice by some teachers long time ago where the 'magnet students' will be appointed as official leader/mascot/ speaker in the school, indirectly bringing all the attention back to school.

4. Improvised the supply of enjoyment outside the school by changing the negative energy towards positive energy. (point: intervention from the society / assembly man/ state representative / organization). - where is this Rakan Muda things when we need it now?

5. Establish the positive enforcement that are community-friendly, but problems-rectifier (not policemen, i guess).

Parents should teach the children whenever older people talks to them or advice them for good, do not talk (bad) back. For those who advice people to do good deeds, please use good words and always try to improve ourself also.

If you find people doing bad activities and it is something manageable (will not affected your safety), go and talk to them 'with curiosity' like: Buat apa tu? What are you doing here?

Case example: A group of primary school boys hide inside a drain on a sunny evening trying to smoking - go talk to them, advice them that smoking is good if you want to die earlier (or easily forget due to loss of brain cells a.k.a. becomes stupid or losing your money a lot in the future hahhaha), ask them to go back home OR alternatively ask them to play with you, like football, badminton, kemas rumah org2 tua, org2 sakit, cat pagar balairaya, masjid, main galah panjang, batu seremban, baling tin ...(i think i seldomly see kids playing these creative-traditional games that needs no big cost or equiment).. And recognize their good intentions by whatever medium you can do like mentioning their names at their school, say on their good deeds at surau, put good doas for them after jamaah at surau etc...

Because i think our society highlights too many on negative side, and when it is positive it means pressure to them like 20As in exams, score 99.8% for all subjects for 5 years in school...

ops... am i out of topic again?

ahahha..i should stop now for the time recharge myself. i think i can write non-stop or even come out with a book-long-writing post here when discussing about this subject.

p/s: I do think GTO serial movies is something we can review to improvise our current generation, also serial movie The Queen's Room (i forget the tittle's name in Japanese), both are Japanese productions. Since our current development rate is already following those developed countries trend when they moved from developing to developed country, the problems raised on their films on the teenagers can be analyzed.

p/s 2: i have not finished yet, i guess.. :p