I was wondering should i be following Tok Mudin's step in encouraging people to comment on my blog by offering a small gift/present to the winner.. hi hi hi...
Back to our previous topic, i mentioned on methods to handle multiplier effect. Let's make it in point form:
1. Government intervention through Central Bank (in this context: Bank Negara in Malaysia)
2. Increase interest rate & reserve rate (a.k.a. reservation ratio)
3. Affected all banks to increase interest rate; increase reservation ratio thus lead to less money to loan out
4. Less money can be loaned out means less money to buy things, people will reduce consumption.
5. Higher interest rate will lead people to save more to gain more.
6. Money taken out from the market and go back to banks.
7. Less money circulate in the market.
Using this theory, you may understand /estimate where is our current economy level.
Hints: Currently the interest rate for loan in the market is very much low (4% - 8% ).
See...Whatever it is, the Ruler (read: the Government) is the main subject at most part. Where is the civilians? the citizens? They are at number 4 & 5.
So whenever citizens are saying something to the government to take action, it means without the government intervention things may not work out properly. Do not always saying 'this is not government role only', instead do something to rectify the matters. It is on top of all, the Government role to decide what kind of society will be living in the Territory (read: Country).
People of the Government (read: Cabinet) may say they are too busy to handle too many things, yes most of us understood that. But what comes with Power, comes responsibility.. If you intervene in unnecessary things or less important agenda, obviously small matters will become national highlights. And if you ignore the major point, you are in deep major problem!
Opps..sorry.. terlari topik...
Back to our discussion (can this be considered a discussion or a speech since i am 'talking' alone here?)..
From my humble opinions (based on the point forms above) this is what we can do:
1. Evaluate the level of problem in the society. Example: Budak2 taknak pergi sekolah (multiplier effect? he he he)
2. Finding the root cause: example: byk pengaruh luar yg jahat, cikgu ajar tak seronok (more supply of enjoyment outside the school, less supply of enjoyment inside the school)
3. Increase enjoyment level inside the school - this need creativity from the teachers and support from the parents (point: intervention from the School Management to insists on supporting this). Also, talent pool of enjoyment - as practice by some teachers long time ago where the 'magnet students' will be appointed as official leader/mascot/ speaker in the school, indirectly bringing all the attention back to school.
4. Improvised the supply of enjoyment outside the school by changing the negative energy towards positive energy. (point: intervention from the society / assembly man/ state representative / organization). - where is this Rakan Muda things when we need it now?
5. Establish the positive enforcement that are community-friendly, but problems-rectifier (not policemen, i guess).
Parents should teach the children whenever older people talks to them or advice them for good, do not talk (bad) back. For those who advice people to do good deeds, please use good words and always try to improve ourself also.
If you find people doing bad activities and it is something manageable (will not affected your safety), go and talk to them '
with curiosity' like:
Buat apa tu? What are you doing here?
Case example: A group of primary school boys hide inside a drain on a sunny evening trying to smoking - go talk to them, advice them that smoking is good if you want to die earlier (or easily forget due to loss of brain cells a.k.a. becomes stupid or losing your money a lot in the future hahhaha), ask them to go back home
OR alternatively ask them to play with you, like football, badminton, kemas rumah org2 tua, org2 sakit, cat pagar balairaya, masjid, main galah panjang, batu seremban, baling tin ...(i think i seldomly see kids playing these creative-traditional games that needs no big cost or equiment)..
And recognize their good intentions by whatever medium you can do like mentioning their names at their school, say on their good deeds at surau, put good doas for them after jamaah at surau etc... Because i think our society highlights too many on negative side, and when it is positive it means pressure to them like 20As in exams, score 99.8% for all subjects for 5 years in school...
ops... am i out of topic again?
ahahha..i should stop now for the time being..to recharge myself. i think i can write non-stop or even come out with a book-long-writing post here when discussing about this subject.
p/s: I do think GTO serial movies is something we can review to improvise our current generation, also serial movie The Queen's Room (i forget the tittle's name in Japanese), both are Japanese productions. Since our current development rate is already following those developed countries trend when they moved from developing to developed country, the problems raised on their films on the teenagers can be analyzed.
p/s 2: i have not finished yet, i guess.. :p