We received the news already that we are being seconded for 1 year to the new management. And after that one-year we can decide whether to continue with the new management or revert back to the Parent co. I am not sure the ‘We’ means ourselves or actually the decision of those Big People. Because, they can just change the rules whenever they want and like to do… So the decision heals some of my 'thinking things', but still not totally eliminate what i have in mind.
4-working-years, I learnt a lot of things on human being. It seems that we (the Malaysians and especially the Malays) are moving very fast towards the world of materialization. Whatever we do or going to do at most time is meant for ourselves only. Those who think for others will usually be the sacrifice. The bigger and more you think about the others, the more you are going to be slashed in and out. To make it worst, some of those you think about will actually trying to get as much possible from you. Unfortunately, the higher the post holds and the bigger the salary earn will also leads to greediness to fill in your own pockets – without considering the responsibility, the future, the generation, the nations ..the sustaining of one. Sad. Am so sad. Thinking that actually there is a lot of things are going to take place in this very near future…
I am considering not disclosing my real name on the net. Bro Rollie, maybe you are right. Maybe too many people already knew who I am on the net, and it can be dangerous. :)
The best I can do right now is..
1. To do my job at my best.
2. To inform my participants to do good deeds for themselves and the people around them.
3. To maintain my own principals of life. Do not let others try to change it as accordingly to the world’s scenario today.
4. To develop myself to become a better person.
5. To have some relaxing activities, and events.
6. To pray…for Allah’s forgiveness and to seek peaceful heart.
And lastly, but not least ‘To smile’.
I guess the last one is the easiest thing for me to do now.
Thanx to friends who did asked about my situation. Thanx to those who care about me. I didn't realize that i was one of those optimist until you said so. I should try to have myself back soon. :) How wonderful it is to have friends like you all. Thank you for being by my side.