Friday, August 06, 2004


Salam buat semua.

Tak banyak yang nak aku perkatakan. I am quite 'busy' lately. Doing work and personal things. I was on leave yesterday. Seems like it is still hard for me to keep on updating my blog although with simple words (maybe the main reason is that i have a lotttt to think and to tell out..). Actually, i was thinking about writting something this morning but it turned out to be blog reading instead. Wow, looks like a 'friend' in this blog community has new admirer on his blog, the one that we were once called cikgu (since he was the first one introduce us about blogging..hehe:P) .

Sometimes i thought that i might actually have a syndrom (if i can call it by that name), or is it a special disease? I thought i might actually have a 'heart disease' the kind of disease mentioned by Rasulullah SAW as kecintaan kepada dunia, diri sendiri etc. part of it is riak kepada kelebihan diri, feel you are superior than anyone. But then when i found out about the article, i try to istigfar myself and try to see whether i have fall onto the criteria. Al-Hamdulillah. so far i managed to control myself. Then, what is it actually happening to me until i said i might have a syndrom? Well, i am alwayss LOVE to debate with people as i believe it is not just to see whether u-are-wrong-and-i-am-right, but it is far beyond that. I believe that I do not know much and thru this kind of discussion i might learn something good for my knowledge. I love to ask people a lot of question until i feel there is no more doubt inside my heart. If i knew something, i would like to share it as well who knows actually i am getting the wrong-side of information and if i do not know anything, i will say "i don't know about it" and keep on listening to whateva being told. There are few people who feel offended with my way (and i am sorry about that, it is not my intention to look little/down on people). Maybe the syndrom is actually a gift from Allah SWT as I am not going to talk too much as i need the strength to talk as few as possible and as whateva needed only. Hehe, you may want to knw this but some of my friends already saw it by their eyes: my body temperature suddenly drop, i felt cold and shaking the whole body. This is most of the time happen when i am in the religious discussion.. Maybe itulah peringatan dr Allah SWT untuk diri sendiri.. :)

I have just learn that kejadian Hawa dr tulang rusuk kiri Adam a.s was never mentioned in the al-Quran (not sure about the Hadis, if anyone has it can you give it to me?). It is just mentioned in the al-Quran that Hawa dijadikan dr Adam but from and how is not mentioned. The statement that Hawa is from tulang rusuk was mentioned in the Bible. How true it is, i am still looking forward for the evidence and will come back to all of u once i found it out. :)

Oh, heard that Telekom Malaysia is going to work 5-days-a-week, from 8.30pm - 5.30 pm (duhh! lewatnyerr.. but the saturday is going to be a WONDERful day). Still, i have a lot to say. But, still my time is limited. Wonder how come some people has sooo much of their own time and still get thingss done while some people has no time but still cannot get things done (just like me!).

So, i shall say goodbye and hope to see all of you back in one piece next week. Bye all!!
~~Selamat Pengantin Baru to Ecah & Ayiel also.. ~~

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