One of the places that most of my friends and I want to visit. Reason? Takde reason lain kecuali sbb byk sgt tgk cerita korea. hohohohoho
My flight schedule was brought forward from 1.00 am on 8-3-07 to 12.30am on 7-3-07. Since i only took leave on 7-3-07 for preparation, and only knew about the changes quite last minutes i was rushing to prepare everything only to know that the weather was still cold at that time. It was supposed to be aroung 3Celcius - 12Celcius; but turned out to be -10Celcius. So i have to request my father's assistance in bought me few extra & special clothing. Total cost of clothing to go there already make me blinking my eyes so many times infront of the cashier. tapi sbb nak pergi juga kann... oklah (with the hope to go to some winter places in the future:P). BTW i spent more than RM600 for the clothing itself.
Arrived there in the morning of 7-3-07, watched the beautiful scenary of sunshines from above the sky. Tak tahu nak describe macam mana, tapi bila berada di atas langit tu nampak cahaya warna jingga satu lapisan, kemudian warna putih satu lapisan dan atas sekali macam warna keunguan sebelum jadi betul2 cerah. Unfortunately tak boleh ambil gambar dalam flight sebab masa tu airplane dah nak mendarat.
Sampai2 kat airport, dah tgk beberapa male tourist guides (TG) korea yg wajahnya not bad la.. pandai marketing diorang ni. sbbnya the main TGs were actually elders people. These young guys (BTW, diorang panggil i Nu-na* :P) were photographers that accompanied us for the visits.
From the airport we went straight to the MBC Studio, to visit Dae Jang Geum (Jewel in The Palace) shooting location. It was so cold, i don't wore enough cloth, plus my camera was suddenly out of battery. My handphone camera suddenly seems like not OK anymore (i thought it was because the phone was aging since the colour of the picture was blur). So terrible coz i saw Kang Ji-Hwan picture but unable to snap with 'him' (:P); I tasted Dragon Beard - according to the TG it is a snack for the emperor made from flour, sugar, peanuts, honey etc. It priced 8,000 won for 1box/12 pieces (10K won = RM38. Convert la sendiri ok). One piece tu sekali ngap je. Sedaplah juga.
To be continued....
p/s: Hari ini ada orang belanja saya makan. Meraikan perpindahan kata mereka. (huuhuh mcm nak suh cepat gi je..ahah:P) tapi best juga sbb dapat hadiah - salah satu buku yg ada dlm checklist utk dibeli. lama dah tak dpt hadiah, terima kasih yer kawan2. :)